
a dream to remember

A student wakes up from a dream of someone dying in front of him nos it's bothering him all the time "How will he stop the incident?" _________________________________________________________________________________ -the cover photo of this story is not mine if you want the cover to be deleted please let me know -1 chapter every week -the story is kinda slow but after a few chapter the story will move pretty fast

Xen_05_ · realistisch
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 the difference between hell and heaven

As Ren being escorted home, he remembers the life he never got to express himself because his family force him to get high grades and to continue the family business he never got a chance to be him, and whenever he got higher his family expected more and it's an infinite loop but, Dane help him to be himself but Dane does not have enough time to connect with ten, Ren wanted to be more than himself and whenever he sees his friends his insecurities get to him and feel embarrassed around them, he finally got home.

"Im home, dad you here, mom??" Ren said

"As he shouted his dad appear with a sad and mad face."

Ryle: Why are you here this early?

Ren: I didn't want to hang out with my friends anymore so that's why I just go home.

Ryle: Ah I see..... by the way, why is the business going bad this past few days?

as Ren's father talk about the business his anger got to him and talk back

Ren: Because some are gang ruining the deliveries, and why do I have to be the one to be in charge with this business, I'm still you I wanna go make more friends but it's because of this damn business j can't do what want!

Ren said angrily

Ryle: You're raising your tone now?... I see you at that stage, a FAILURE is now got the courage to talk back at me?...


After his dad said that Ren finally snap and he is ready to face the consequences and he just found out that he is adopted so his blood is boiling but he is still calm.

Ren:Ahh so I'm adopted I see...I guess you just raise a murderer, you thought me everything but I got higher and you STAYED on your boring level and guest what, you so-called son ren will be the one to end you.

His dark side finally snaps and he is ready to kill everyone now there is no turning back now his father was raised to be this way it backfired, he borrowed a gun from his guard and shoots his father that raised him and treated him as a real son.

Ren: Goodbye father.....

As for dane he is having the time of his life he is with all of his favorite friends.

Desh: Hey guys wanna watch a movie or something im kinda bored,we are just walking without doing anything so why not watch a movie.

Dane: Hmm sure we have time so lets go watch it.

sennah:There is this new movie that i wanted to watch but its romance so i dont know if you guys will like it.

Dane:We love watching romance movies makes us remember stuff that we dont have,so lets go guys.

"Kinda wish ren could join."Dane said in his mind.

"Few hours later"

Dane: That movie was good.

Desh: Yeah luckly we choose that one to watch,thank you for the suggestion Sennah.

Maki: Thank you for having me guys but i have to go i need to do some school work.

Sasha:Yeah same i have to do some things.

Dane: Oh ok you both becareful and thank you for joining us, come on desh lets go home we need to cath the bus.

Sennah: Oh can i come with you guys im also taking the bus.

Desh:hmm sure i dont see a problem at that,come on lets go

Back to ren

:Young master what happened here?

Ren:I just gave father a taste of what its like being the prey.

:Wait a second master im gonna call the cleaning crew,i see that your fathers blood is finally knows what to do.

Ren:What do you mean my fathers blood you know my father??

:Young master stop acting stupid because what i see right now is a son killed his own father.


:So he told you that lie, well young master the truth is he really put you in a adoption house but your father regretted that decision and came back to that adopting house and got you back,well i dont think if he told you earlier he would still be alive.

Ren: your right whatever he would say i would of still killed him.

:Im gonna prepare a meeting with the other "STAFF" please prepare yourself because you are now the boss of the business.

Ren: The "STAFF"?? You mean them??

:Yes young master so prepare.

Ren:Sure thank you for your service.

:Im happy to serve till the end young master, now please excuse me.

Back to dane,Sennah and Desh.

Sennah: Well here is my stop guys,thank you for everything today.

Dane: Wait, let me make sure you made it home.

Sennah: I can get home safely.

Dane: No i insist

Sennah: Fine. Come one lets go.

While walking home Dane got all of his courage to say.

Dane: Hey sennah um d-do you want to go on a date again like just me a-and you??

Sennah: Oh i see hmm yeah i see why you wanna go on a date with me, because going on a date alone is sad so why dont we try it together,meet me at the same mall at sunday.

Dane: Sure ill come and pick you up.