
A dream of freedom

this is a journal of dreams that i am willing to share. these dreams are purely for plot ideas and hold no meaning or purpose. simply a place to share dreams.

YoungByrd · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Dream 2

The supernatural shop on corner street

So I was running a hole in the wall ice cream shop with two vamps and a werewolf. We've been working together for a long time and they finally started getting more and more comfortable around me even though I show myself as human. One day while I'm not managing the shop, the asshole decided to show up and try to buy out my employees. This goes on for a few days until I finally catch the bastard spraying some chemical on the werewolf's nose and he can't smell anything strong anymore. That worried me so I locked the door, made them all sit and called some supernatural agency that helped me employ them. They take the werewolf and send him away in an ambulance and do a light UV test on the vamps where they apply some special sunscreen. Then we close up shop and head out to make sure everyone is okay. Turns out the guy was wanted for selling counterfeit and unscripted drugs to supernatural ppl as well as kidnapping/ swindling them to work in his night clubs with undercut pay and poor treatment.

The agent I work with asked if I needed anything more and I told her more employees. I don't have enough hands for the amount of work we get in the shop.