
A Dragons Beginning

A dragon hatches from an egg in an unfamilliar place, with only his bloodline inheritance to guide him in a direction, its up to himself to choose what he wants to do with his life be that conquer countless solar systems, create and undefeatable empire that strikes fear into the hearts of thoes who hear its name, or simply swallow an entire star just because he could, and maybe along his journey he'll find a couple of badass wives who like him more than he might believe, though that will take some time since hes just hatched. overall this story is about a dragon born for greatness and a craving for conquest, most know him as a villain but thoes that truly know him, know its only for the survival of the fittest. (This is my first time writing a novel so constructive criticism is appreciated) (also just read like the first 5 chpyer to tell of its good or not, i have nobidea how to write a synopsis)

yung_Ericsef · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
49 Chs

6. Meeting the sisters

Adam and Osiris both turned towards the two ladies as Adam introduced his two sisters to Osiris.

"Osiris I'd like you to meet my two sisters, the one with the black hair is Eris"

Osiris reached his hand out to Eris, who was currently sitting on the ground next to her sister, and waited for a handshake.

However, with a faint blush, Eris seemed to be frozen in time as she stared back into Osiris's beautiful fiery eyes, captivated and lost in their blazing glory.

Though a nudge from her sister broke her out of her trance like state as she blushed even more heavily and took Osiris's hand.

"H-hello i'm Eris"

She spoke in a friendly and bashful way


He said with a smile, though as Osiris took a closer look at Eris, he noticed she was a very beautiful woman, though he hasn't seen any other woman yet on this planet, or even at all except for the images in his inheritance, he could tell just from intuition and based on his own personal preference, that the woman before him was breathtakingly beautiful and a '10 out of 10' as humans would put it.

With silver eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and a curvy body that was shaped amazingly in all the right places fitted into a medieval type white long sleeve shirt and black pants that did their best to hide the sinful body underneath.

Osiris, though amazed at her beauty, didn't fall into a stupor like Eris did when introducing herself, and moved his attention to the other sister as Adam introduced her as well.

"And the one with white hair is Aria"

And Osiris reached out his hand for a handshake, however when Aria reached her hand out for a shake, she winced in pain and Osiris noticed four claw marks that dug across her bicep and was bleeding.

Osiris quickly kneeled down and inspected the wound, the reason he didn't notice it earlier was because unlike Eris's white shirt, Aria was wearing a black long sleeve, which made the soaking of blood less noticeable.

"Huh, it seems the bear managed to land a blow on you, though thankfully you seemed to doge most of it and ended up with mostly a flesh wound".

Osiris spoke with a slightly serious face as he assessed the damage.

"It charged out of nowhere from the bushes and attempted a sneak attack on me, though my sister pulled me out of the way at the last moment".

Aria replied with a quite monotonous tone, almost as if she wasn't bothered in the slightest by the attack or the wound.

"Hmm we need to do something though, since if we leave it alone it's most likely to get infected in some way".

Osiris said as he looked around in his immediate surroundings and saw a couple herbs in a basket which was laying on its side with its contents spilled across the ground near Eris.

"Eris, do you mind getting those herbs from that basket and bring them to me".

He pointed out and asked

"Sure thing"

She replied and quickly ran over and grabbed the specified herbs from the basket and brought them over to Osiris.

While she did that, Osiris took the torn up long sleeve of Aria's shirt and ripped it clean off from the shoulder down, not even asking for permission and doing it while keeping a focused gaze, though from Aria's non-existent facial reaction, she didn't seem to care.

Eris quickly handed the herbs to Osiris and stood aside, watching Osiris as he took the herbs and crushed them into a fine paste in his hands, which he could do thanks to his strength he got from cultivation as well as just his natural physique.

With curiosity coursing through her, Eris couldn't help bust ask in a curious voice

"What are you doing with those herbs, and why did you tear Arias' sleeve off?".

Osiris kept his focus on the herbs and proceeded to apply the paste to Arias' wounds while explaining.

"Those herbs you gathered where good at keeping infection away as well as had some slight healing properties in them from the mana they absorbed over time"

He said and proceeded to wrap the paste covered wound with the torn sleeve.

"And the sleeve we can use for now as a makeshift bandage to help stop the bleeding and keep flies and other insects and such from infecting the wound".

He said as he finished with tying the two ends into a knot.

"Oh, that would explain why the doctor in town paid a pretty good price for those plants, does that mean you are a doctor as well?".

She said in realization and even more curiosity.

"You could say that, though I wouldn't specifically call myself that as I know many trades other than just medicine".

Osiris replied with a light smile and thought of all the in depth knowledge within his inheritance such as smithing, medicine, alchemy, tailoring and much more that he could master to the highest degree if he just studied for some time and not just skimmed through like he did with the medical knowledge, though even just skimming through he learned quite a bit as his comprehension and learning ability seemed monstrous.

Osiris then turned back to Aria and gave her a smile as he looked her in the eyes and told her.

"There, with it bandaged like that and taken care of, it should heal within a couple days and not leave any scarring".

"Thank you".

Aria replied in the same monotonous voice as earlier, however if you looked at her closely you would be able to see a faint blush on her cheeks and a miniscule smile curving onto the corner of her lips.

And Osiris was one such man with a keen eye as he looked closely at Aria and took notice of her matching silver eyes, mesmerizing beauty and sinful body that rivaled that of her sisters.

What attracted him more though was the contrast between the sisters' personalities, with the lighthearted friendly vibe that Eris gave off, and Arias' independent and more indifferent vibe made Osiris like them both even more.

let me know if the pacing is too slow or sum, though as you can probably guess these 2 sisters are the start of the harem though idk when im gonna make it offical but prob not anytime soon as the stroy just started and im still world building rn.

yung_Ericsefcreators' thoughts