
A Cruel World

It gets better in the second chapter.

AnonymousWriter · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Panic at Lilly Fell High

As the thick red liquid covers the pavement, the man from the car has a feast on the first years math teacher. In shock the rest of the teachers along with the whole school gazing out the windows standing there and watching confused and terrified. As the man raised up heading for the second years history teacher panic started to sink in. Maki grabbed my hand and pulling me away from the window. I don't remember much after him putting his hands on my face and saying it's ok we're gonna be safe. Then all of a sudden I'm in a bed laying down and I hear people talking outside the door.

"She's dead weight we should leave her now! No reason for all of us dying for one girl" a familiar voice says

I push my ear up to the door listening in knowing their talking about me.

"No shes coming with us I didn't just save her to leave her for dead later! She was just in shock you have no idea what she went through today!" That voice must be maki's

"We all went through a traumatic experience today there's no excuse so if she's not up now we're leaving her." The unknown voice says as I hear foot steps coming closer to the door

"If you leave her I'm staying here I don't care if we have no chance but I won't leave someone alone."

Maki says

I hear multiple people coming closer to the door arguing under their breathe so I step back and sit on the bed. That's when the door opened and they shuffled in.