
A Child's Sorrow.

Once upon a time, in a small oak tree, beside a big house full of many wonderful children lived a beautiful, baby bird in a beautiful nest which his mother made only for the two of them.

The baby bird did not yet know how to speak nor fly, but his mother tried her best to teach him how to speak by repeating "Mama" to him over and over again hoping it would become his first words

But the baby bird only listened to her cheerfully.

Then one day, the weather got very bad. Their tree was violently shaking, the mother guarded the baby, the weather only got worse, she hugged him one last time knowing that she and her baby wouldn't be able to survive it. She repeated "Mama" hoping she could hear his voice just once.

Then, the tree broke.

The baby woke up to the trembling shrieks of the children surrounding him. He felt so scared since it was his first time seeing them so close and he remembers his mother telling him not to get too close to them.

He then tried to look for his mother but she was nowhere to be found. They then took him in a cage and there, he just felt more and more afraid.

They gave him some food and water but the baby wouldn't take them.

They wondered why so they took him to the nearest vet. The vet tried to find what was wrong but he couldn't find a single thing wrong with him.

They took the bird back to the house.

The day after that, he still didn't take a single thing.

Just a couple of hours later, the bird became sick, he became so thin as if he was only bones and skin. But no, he still didn't eat or drink.

The people just stood there helpless, staring at the bird, not knowing why.

But deep inside, the bird only wanted to go back to their nest, to where she is only with his mother.

With all his strength and might, he decided to call for his mother.

"Mama" He tweeted in a raspy manner. "Mama" He repeated it again but the mother didn't come.

He then died.

The children buried the bird, right next to where they buried it's mother who died during the break of the tree.

It's a short story. Not much world building. Sorry if it's a bit cheesy or plain.

Fixed some typos in the story, I hope you like it!

mingyuen_lin_3creators' thoughts