

The Martinez house

Fenrir's POV

I walked down from the jet after sleeping all through our flight, holding Zeev's hand as I walked down the flight of stairs.

His hands tightened around mine, a row of black-dressed bodyguards already waiting at the ground They all bowed to acknowledge his presence.

Jay on the other hand walked nonchalantly smiling to the men as he walked toward the black car that stood outside.

Zeev and I walked to the car entering it as Jay sat to drive.

" You can take a rest, it'll take some time before we get to our destination," Zeev said as he held me in his arms.

I gave a small "mmmm" sound before snuggling in his arms. "I just woke up from sleep about an hour ago, I can't sleep anymore," I said sniffing in his smell.

" Let's enjoy the view together then", he said, as we both looked outside the car window, enjoying the beautiful sight of Italy.

" It's really beautiful," I said. " What is beautiful wife?" Zeev asked turning towards me.