

A tale of a human and a wolf, a tale of fate and of true love. Sometimes, life's worst incidents are made to bring us joy and love. After the death of Leis' mother and the attempted murder by Zeres' brother, for the fear of being usurped, fate has a reward awaiting both of them. Meeting in the manner they least expected, affection and genuine love were birthed. How long would it last, considering the many differences they share? What would happen after Zeres realizes who it was that attempted to murder him? How would love between a human and a wolf on the hook form, in bitterness or in ecstasy. And when Zeres loved one are involved in the pursuit for his life, how long would it take, to avenge their deaths. How many years is he willing to wait, just to get Revenge on the alpha of his pack, his own brother?.

Rachelharris · Urban
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6 Chs


I'll call you back Dad when I get my cellphone."

"Alright sweetie, tell me if you need anything, and take care."

He said from the other end of the line.

I hung up the call and thanked the nurse after returning the phone to her.

My eyes caught the figure of Gramps on the way toward me.

I ran up to him and took his hands.

"I thought you had gone back, Gramps."

"No, I haven't, yes I went home but I went to make a meal for you, I thought you might be exhausted when the blood transfusions finished, I didn't know you'd wake up so early"

I took him to sit down on the bench and then a nurse walked in toward us with a food basket.

"Here is the food I made for you, they are very nutritious and you'll regain your strength in no time."

I took the basket from the nurse and brought out the flask to open.

The sweet aroma of the food went through my nostrils making a wide smile on my face.

"Did you make this gramps"

"Sure I did, you can have a taste."

I took the spoon from the side and took a spoonful of food into my mouth.

I smiled in bliss from its sweet taste.

It tastes very Great Gramps

I continued eating the food.

Yellowstone area.

Eyolf had gotten information that Zeres had shot Alpha Ryan, even if their plan went haywire, it was still better than not doing anything.

Zeres was dead now and no one would have to compare him with Zeres anymore.

Ash walked into the room holding a letter written by Alpha Ryan to him.

"Your Beta Zeres is indeed a very strong man, but his only weakness is his family, which is you, now that he's dead I can assure you that your empire will not be in chaos from the little murmurs about your younger brother becoming the alpha."

"However, if by any chance he didn't die in the valley of my pack which is highly impossible, I suggest that you kill yourself and surrender the throne otherwise he'll make you suffer a life worse than death."

"He had been extremely betrayed by the ones he called family and you know the consequence of him not dying."

"I have done my part as you have requested due to our alliances even if I'm still healing from the gunshots which almost hit my heart and that was because of my quick reflexes."

"I hope you have a great rulership of your pack if your brother Zeres doesn't come back.

Alpha Ryan's letter read, followed beneath was his signature.

Eyolf was happy and afraid at the same time.

Zeres had been killed by Alpha Ryan's men and he could now announce to the whole pack about his brother's death.

Eyolf was Afraid because only he knew how strong-willed his brother was.

Zeres would do anything to make sure he pays for what he did if he was alive at all.

However the valley of the Alpha Ryan's pack was the largest one and would drown anyone in an instant, with the fact that he had been shot in his vitals, there was no way he would survive.

Alpha Eyolf, contemplated for a while and called a guard to announce the death of Zeres to the pack.

He had to make his stance clear and to make everyone who was blindly supporting Zeres know their Zeres is Dead.

"Announce it on a somber and dad note, make sure the people are sad when you announce it, and tell them I can't face them yet because I'm grieving my brother."

"Yes Alpha Eyolf, the guards said and turned to go."

Ash jumped up happily about what happened to Zeres, her plan had worked and they could rule the pack as they wanted.

"It's good that that brother of yours is dead Eyolf," Ash said to him.

"I'm glad too that he's out of the picture, now I won't have to fear about losing the pack to him.

"This calls for a little celebration doesn't it, Ash said and drew her hands on Eyolf's body seductively."

"Mmm it does, Eyolf said and kissed Ash lustfully.

Sounds of sex were heard as they stripped each other's clothes naked and had sex.

Ash moans filled the room, Eyolf thrust into her Harder, he had heard the happiest news in a while and fucked Ash with reckless abandon.

Hours later, ash laid limply on Eyolf's body as he carried her to the bathroom for a shower.

They had another round of sex in the bathroom, with slutty noise filling the shower that drizzled on them.

Back in Bridgerton.

I held Gramps's hand and walked to the hospital room to see the young man he helped with yesterday when I finished eating.

"Gramps, would you like to see the man of yesterday,"

I asked him as I dropped the flasks back into the basket

"Has he been taken out of the sterile ward he asked"

"Mm, he has, he has been taken to a normal ward this morning after the transfusion."

"Alright let's go then, Gramps stood up and walked with me holding his hand leading to the man's room.

"You go I'm first gramps, I held his hands opening the door with the other one."

"I'm fine Leia, you can let go of my hand."

"I just love holding you gramps, it reminds me of my Dad."

"He's as sweet and as caring as you're."

I smiled as I thought about my father.

"Alright then, you can hold me as much as you want."

Gramps and I chattered inside the room almost forgetting nthe reason we came here.

I didn't notice that the man had opened his eyes.

"Leia, he's already awake, Gramps held onto my hands and gestured for me to look at the man on the bed.

His eyes were fixated on me and I walked closer to him.

"Hey can you see me, are you awake, what's your name, can you talk?

I asked him a series of questions all at once.

"How is he going to answer your questions when you ask like that," Gramps's voice came from where he stood.

He walked closer to the man on the bed and asked.

"Young Man, what's your name, he asked quietly to see if he heard what he said, unlike my lousy voice."

"Ze, ze, Zeres is my name, he spoke from the bed.

I ran to Gramps and held his hand happily.

"He spoke gramps he didn't die, he's awake."

"Aye, aye, aye, Leia, you're going to tug my hands off like that."

I immediately stopped tugging on his hands and just held them gently.

"I was just so happy gramps, can you see that he's alive."

I said and poked at his face, confirming if was well alive.

"Didn't you save him so he could live, what all the fuss about being surprised that he's alive?

"I'll go get the nurse now, I said and dashed out of the room leaving Gramps and Zeres in the room.

A nurse was walking by the corridor and I called her over inside the room.

"Can you check up on him doctor, he's already awake".

"I'll go bring the doctor over, you can sit beside him and watch him."

The nurse said and walked back out of the room.

"Can I get water," I heard Zeres faint from where I stood.

"You need water right, I asked him walking closer to him."

He nodded his head and walked to the dispensary in the room.

I took the water from there and brought it over to his lips.

"Hold the back of his head up so he doesn't choke on the water Leia,"

I lifted his head up with one hand sitting on the bed to balance my position.

I lifted the cup to his mouth.

"Thank you, he said and laid his head back on the bed.

A doctor walked in after that to check on him.

"His vitals are stabilized and if his treatment goes well, his wounds should heal in about a two or three weeks."

The doctor explained to gramps and I after examining him.

Alright doctor, what kind of food can he eat, because he's obviously starved right now."

"For now he can only eat light food because his digestive system aren't working well now."

"I'll also ask a nurse to bring over food for him, and you can choose to make him eat the food made by the hospital or your homemade food."

The doctor added after gramps asked him a question about Zeres food.

"We'll see how the hospital food is today and then decide if he'll eat homemade food or not."

Alright, sir the doctor said and walked out of the room.

"I walked up to him and was about talking when gramps held me back."

"Let him rest Leia, you should rest too, you just had blood transfusion and you should rest.

Gramps words made sense and I withdrew from the bed.

"I'll be going back to my dorm now gramps, I'll come back in the evening when I've had a very good rest."

"Take care Zeres, I waved at him and went out of the room leaving gramps and him alone.

I walked out of the hospital and felt relieved.

It felt like a huge load had been taken off my shoulders.

I halted a taxi and took it back to my dorm.

The drive to the dorm was a short one and I was happy that it wasn't far from the hospital, I could visit and go back to the dorm any time I wanted.

I wind down the car window looking out at the landscape of bridgerton, it was absolutely stunning.

The car stopped in front of the door and I walked to the room assigned to me.

My luggages were kept by the door, the driver had left them there since I asked him to.

I took the key and open the Lock dragging the luggage inside.

I took my backpack out and rummaged the bag for my cellphone.

I took it out to find several missed calls from dad.

No one else called.

I dialed back dad's number to assure him I was Fine.

"Hello Dad."

"Hi Leia, are you back to your dorm."

"Yes I'm, I came back to rest."

"Alright sweetie, daddy misses you alright."

"I miss you too Dad, good bye, I love you."

"I love you too princess" he replied back from the phone and I hung up.

The room had already been cleaned and I fell asleep sooner than I expected.

Five hours later.

I woke up late in the evening, I had not expected that I'd sleep for that long.

I stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom for a shower, I had not bathed since yesterday morning.

I walked back into the room applying lotion on my body.

I chose a simple black gown from my bag to wear and took out a flip flop from the bag.

The time was 6:45 by the time I stepped out of the room.

I hailed down a cab and got into into it, Gramps was standing by the hospital entrance.

"Are you waiting for me gramps, why are you standing by the entrance."

"The guy Zeres, he's requesting to see you, I think he doesn't remember a thing about what happened to him."

"Why would he be looking for me, I came back because of you Gramps."

"let's go Inside, he'd refusing to be treated if he doesn't see you."

Gramps and I walked into the hospital.