
A Bride's Choosing

A woman must choose between two being's one good and one evil. Her choice will change her eternal destiny forever. Delivering or Condemning her soul what will she choose?

Joshua_Khan_2290 · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: The Courting of Light

Christiana walked amongst the flock, listening to their gentle bleating as a calm fell over her troubled spirit. She spotted Jesus near a blooming rose bush, his smile warm and welcoming.

"Good morning, my love," he said softly. "How did you sleep?"

"Restlessly," she admitted. "Dark dreams lingered even after waking."

Jesus gazed at her with kind eyes. "The shadows of doubt will flee before the light of truth. Come, walk with me."

He led her through the flock, his gentle touch guiding and steadying her. Around them, newborn lambs frolicked in the dewy grass, their joy uplifting Christiana's heart.

"Do not let troubled thoughts take root," said Jesus. "I am with you always, as are these gentle souls. Though darkness may come, my light will show you the way."

Christiana leaned into his embrace, drawing comfort from his solid presence. "Your love gives me strength. How can mere words sow such confusion when your deeds speak the truth so clearly?"

Jesus smiled. "True wisdom knows deception from reality. Have faith that my truth will prevail, both in your heart and for all to see in time." As they walked, Jesus motioned to a rosebush heavy with blossoms. See how faith blossoms despite thorns, he said, just as turmoil often precedes spiritual growth. And yonder lilies sway as gentle as the peace that surpasses understanding. Joy too shall flourish where sorrow once rooted, as surely as these daffodils rise after winter's rest.

Christiana gazed in wonder at the beauty that sprang from difficulty. Your words breathe life, my love, where doubt had withered hope. No cunning whispers can stand against such poetic truths.

Jesus smiled. Then let reality dispel illusion, and my voice would silence voices not my own. Darkness flees at love's approach; follow peace, and you will know its fruits. Come, sit with me awhile in this bower, and find respite from troubling thoughts.

They seated themselves amidst blooms bursting with vibrant promise. As Jesus spoke of mysteries both profound and simple, Christiana's soul awakened to a new understanding. His whispers counteracted all that had confused her, and faith took root anew in her nurtured heart. They walked on until a burbling stream appeared through the trees. Jesus paused, smiling as He knelt at Christiana's feet. May I? He asked softly.

Wondering, she nodded assent. His touch was light and cool as water as he gently bathed her feet, his gaze steady yet shining with a love she could scarcely comprehend.

Looking into His eyes, aglow with sacrifice, she glimpsed depths that humbled and transformed. Gone were doubts and confusions; only gratitude remained, filling her as the stream filled its banks.

How can mere water cleanse so thoroughly? She asked in awe. Your grace washes purer still, dissolving all but ravishing love. I see now that your sacrifice was no illusion, but the truth that will not die.

Jesus smiled, rising. Love is the water of life, and I am its wellspring. Drink deep and never thirst; walk on in peace. Jesus led her to a shady grove, seating them facing each other among fragrant ferns. They joined hands, stilling their souls in prayer.

Within her mind, Christiana heard echoing verses that calmed and stirred her in equal measure. Long have I known you and called you by name. You are mine. I have carved you on the palms of my hands.

Tears pricked her eyes to behold such intimate knowledge. Was she not lesser for feeling so little known? Yet in his eyes shone an acceptance deeper than her doubts, which ran wide and long.

They prayed on in quietude. She heard her nature reflected in promises passed down: I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my whole being shall exult in my God. His love for me is greater than any love I'll know.

When at last they lifted their heads, her caress had lifted on dove-like wings. All else seemed lesser now, eclipsed by the One who knew and chose her regardless. Her love and faith swelled, creating an ever-flowering stream in this sacred grove. The sun hung low as Jesus turned to Christiana. I must be away for now, my love, but I shall return when sunrise lights your dream.

He drew her close then, pressing his fingertips to her brow in a chaste kiss infused with compassion. Though flesh must part, my spirit remains near as shadows gather. Let my presence veil you from all that would disturb your peace.

Christiana sighed, her eyes drifting shut to lock that moment eternally in her heart. She opened them to see Jesus smiling softly as shade engulfed all but love's luminance upon his face. Farewell for now, beloved. Commune with me still through loving kindness and truth.

Renewed, she made her way to the chambers, walking light as air. Each step recalled sacred whispers and glances that fortified her shaken soul. Though evening deepened without, radiance lingered within, kindled by this courtship that awakened mysteries at each turn. Holding their tryst close as a flame upon the wick, Christiana drifted to dreams gilded in grace.

"A lover of Jesus and of the truth can lift himself above himself in spirit."

- Thomas a Kempis

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