
Chapter 2~Silence

Light was suddenly visible. I'm not quite sure how much time passed. Or if any time passed at all. I heard my mother's frantic voice come from afar. "Wren?! Wren! Oh my goodness baby mommy's gonna take you home don't worry honey okay? Oh baby-" her high pitched voices irritated me, and I tried to wriggle in the seatbelt. I listened intently as my mother spoke to the 911 officers, and saw their expressions shift. She waved her hands around as if to explain better with motions, and then put her hand on her chest- looking grim and sad. What was she doing? Better yet- what was I doing? Then it all came back. The wires, Leo, the truck. The wires I was confused about. I am a 15 girl, with parents a dog and a boy best friend. That's human. Right? I needed to slow down. Maybe I was actually hurt and was just imagining things. Or maybe I was really dead and this is the afterlife..? Or, or maybe I was dreaming. That happens a lot in the end of movies and books to surprise the reader, but if anything this was a total nightmare. I glanced over at my mother again so only see that she was now making her way towards me with a smile. A paramedic hesitantly took out a big machine from the back of their truck, and sliced the car door down as they cut my seatbelt. I was lifted out the car, and into another. What? I thought I would be taken to the hospital, treated for me head concussion- so my hallucinations would disappear. My mother talked with the paramedics for a while, as I sat still in the passenger seat again. Why was I in my moms car? Officers swarmed around the area where Leo was... I ran my hand up my legs, stopping at the gaping hole in my thigh. There were definitely still wires, no blood or anything. Wouldn't the paramedics have noticed? What was my mother telling them? I saw a glimpse of Leo's golden locks of hair in the black bag he was now in. And I knew right away he was gone. Tears didn't fall down my cheek like raindrops on a petal like I thought they would. I sat, for what felt like hours until my mother came to the car, and waved at the paramedics. They drove away, and my mom turned to me. "Now, dear, don't be alarmed. I can assure-" she was cut mid-sentence by pause in her words. She swallows and smiled apologetically, and cleared her throat. "Wren, Wren honey you look at me now." Her soft voice shifted into a demanding tone that frightened me. She didn't talk like that, usually. Her muffled voice shrank until it was only a faded whisper, as I began to take in what had happened- even more carefully than before. Was I some sort of contraption? A- a robot of some kind? Now this was something you would see of some cheap, low production movie- but in real life? What was the meaning of all this? "Wren." I flashed my eyes at hers, seeing all the gentleness and kindness gone- her eyes now filled with fury and rage. "I had to baby," she looked down, unable to meet my eyes. "I had to Wren I'm sorry." Sorry for what? She dug deep into her purse, and took out a control with two buttons lined up on top. She held her hand to my face, her lip quivering slightly as she pressed the yellow one. And again. I couldn't see, I didn't know what was happening. I didn't hear a thing. You have to admit, this was getting kind of funny. Hallucinations, mother apologizing, Leo dying.. why, this was some screwed up dream. I was gonna wake soon, and forget all about this. "Did you actually explain?" I heard a voice, a mans voice that sounded thick with remorse. "No John, but I told her what she needs to know now." Another voice replied, quietly. "Hazel it's over. She knows. Why can't we just be happy- you and me?" I could hear the pitiful reply, the persons voice struggling to find the right words. "You know why."

Hi everyone! I am a new writer on this app, although I have been writing for a while now in general:) Please excuse my grammar! This story is a work in progress. Let me know what you think! Thanks guys!

south_hjscreators' thoughts