
New Version—Crimson Tide!

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Galaxy Calendar: Year 704, 17th day of the 7th month.

In the Black Star Army headquarters…


On the alloy walkway, a tall, curvaceous figure strode with her alloy boots making a clanking sound when coming into contact with the alloy ground. Her white-gold female armor only covered her important locations, and she wore a black nano form fitting suit on the inside.

A few warriors from the lower rungs of the Black Star Army turned into the walkway and were wearing a similar uniform to that lady. The moment they saw her approaching from afar, their expressions turned solemn, and they stood up straight to give a salute.

"Your Excellency Chief Administrative Official."

Her footsteps paused for a while, and she revealed a smile in response. Her smile was like the blooming roses and radiant sunlight. The few warriors were stunned into silence and only came back to their senses after she walked far away.

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