
Yaksha Octopuses, Mouth Earthworm

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Without speaking, Fang Yuan and the other immortal zombies had already traveled more than a hundred and thirty kilometers down into Earth Trench.

Even though they avoided battles, they still engaged in sixteen fights, both big and small.

The immortal zombies were more or less injured to an extent.

"We can't go any deeper." Dragon Commander Ye Cha said: "At this depth, we are already at the range of the earth shell snail's habitat, let's look around."

Northern Plains Zombie Alliance only managed to explore one hundred and sixty kilometers into Earth Trench.

Right now, they were still around thirty kilometers from that limit, but the lower they went, the more dangerous it became, desolate beasts were everywhere, and Fang Yuan's group would face even more difficulties than now.

No immortal zombie objected to Dragon Commander Ye Cha's suggestion.

After choosing a direction, everyone flew quietly.

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