
A vermin that only appears once every 10,000 years!

The next day.

Early in the morning.

It was only after waking up that a lot of people realized that there was a change to the Asian Celebrity Rankings Index.

When many of the Japanese and Koreans saw it, they suddenly became quite enraged!




Many of them nearly vomited blood!




"What's happening?"

"How did this bastard's popularity go up again?"

"Could there be some error in the data?"

"So many people are scolding him, but why is his Asian popularity score still increasing?"

"He's even overtaken Touji-sensei! That's one of our country's new generation of movie stars we're talking about! So how can his Asian popularity not be higher than Zhang Ye's?"

"Motherfucker, this is infuriating!"

"His Asian popularity score should've been wiped clean overnight!"

"Ahhhhh, just what the hell is going on!"


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