
Ascending to the altar!

At night.

7 PM sharp.

All the major bookstores across the country had sent in their statistics. The premiere release of 200,000 copies of Fortress Besieged was wiped clean at 6:57 PM. Not a single copy was left on the shelves in the market!

The publishing world was shaken to its core!

The industry was also in an uproar!

Who said that the publishing industry was in a slump?

Who said that physical books were already a thing of the past?

Faced with a book whose sales figures rocketed to the stars, many of the publishing firms hurriedly held meetings. A lot of authors who hadn't intended to read this book were now flipping through it in curiosity. Some netizens were even pleading to buy it off others by offering up to a 100 yuan for the book. It had become a very sought after book on the market!

Then, all kinds of book reviews started appearing!

Fortress Besieged dumbfounded the entire Chinese literary field!

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