
The grand finals approach!

Han Qi called The Clown.

"Teacher Clown!"


"We won! We won!"

"Yeah, I already knew."

"You're incredible! That song of yours is incredible! I can't believe that they really gave in!"

"I can't take the credit. This was due to the persistence and hard work of the entire music industry."

"But it was your song that roused the musicians!"

"Surely I'm not that great."

"But you really are that great!"

The guillotine hanging over the head of the music industry had finally been lifted. The music industry was cheering and jumping for joy, celebrating their win. But maybe it was better to say it was music and dignity that won!

Netizens made countless comments.

"We won!"

"The higher-ups are still pretty open-minded about things!"

"I have a feeling that 'The Internationale' will become a legend!"

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