
Signing the contract with Central TV!

Beside the primary school.

A small coffee house along Nanxinhua Avenue. At this time, the coffee house was not in operation yet as their opening time was a little later in the morning. The staff were doing the accounts inside, but the door was left unlocked.

Jiang Yuan pushed open the door and asked, "Are you open?"

A waitress said, "Sorry, we're not open yet."

Zhang Ye followed from behind and went inside, saying, "We just need to borrow a place to sit and discuss something."

"That won't do, we're—" The waitress didn't finish.

The coffee house owner who was behind her immediately recognized him and said, "Aiyo, isn't that Zhang Ye! To what do we owe the honor? We're open, we're open, please have a seat inside with your friend."

"OK, thanks so much, boss," Zhang Ye said with a smile.

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