At present, the Ministry of Magic had disappeared, and the sealing barrier vanished. However the surroundings should have been cordoned off by their transport supervisor. Probably this kind of occurrence happened frequently in Harry Potter's magic world especially regarding Voldemort, who wouldn't be any inferior in his evil practices. Thus the government also tactfully minded their own business. They could only prepare themselves to clear up the terrible mess.
Sheyan feigned limping as he staggered out of the building, but instead got a shock. The Metals professor was hovering 3 metres above the ground, a dignified mask covered his face, wearing a magical gown laced with chains. Although he appeared tattered, it still had a metallic toughness and firm quality. The metallic shimmering carried an awe-inspiring dignity of a general who killed a hundred soldiers.
His left hand was clutching onto someone's neck.
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