
Saintess Xiang Zhu

Redakteur: Novel Saga

An ominous glint flashed across the eyes of the black-armored man of the sea race as he looked at Princess Huo Wu. He then aimed the trident in his hand towards her chest; he was looking like a devil.

"Su Gu, get out of the way," the blue-robed girl’s sharp voice echoed.

The black-armored man glanced at the blue-robed girl with a puzzled expression on his face. He then retrieved the trident, and got out of the way in an angry manner.

Princess Huo Wu shot a glance at Shi Mu inside the cave. She then blocked the fierce beast behind her with her sword light. Then, her body squeezed into the cave in a flash.

The black-armored man stepped forward to block the cave’s mouth once again. Five foxes were in hot pursuit of the Princess. But, he broke the chest-bone of three of them. The cultivation of the other two foxes was extremely high, but they still were sent flying in the air.

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