

Dear Mom,

It's been five years, five years since I last saw you, five years since we went to get ice cream and I never saw you again, five years since control experimented on me and Blair and we were the first two to come out alive. I've missed you a lot, A LOT, trust me. It took us a while to get used to this, it took a while for us to realize that we were never gonna see you again. Blair, as you know she was so emotional it took her a long time to just calm down. We have changed since then, a lot actually. Blair has gone unemotional but she still shares her things with me, I on the other was already unexpressive and unemotional but now am completely cold. Don't worry I still try to push through for her. She knows though I won't be able to share anything with her, she's my twin sister aren't twins supposed to have a connection or something, but she still tries to get something out of me.

I have taken boxing and painting as my happy place and Blair has fashion and makeup. Control keeps us trapped in a place we can't escape from It may not look like a prison but it definitely is, they keep us in this place that looks like a huge house where they monitor us using cameras, they have cameras every where. We are living with 3 other girls, they are all my age, we all have become each others friends and we all have the same story, 'we were out with our families and then we weren't'. No one knows why they took us why they took Blair and me. Honestly we don't care anymore.

Anyways I hope you're fine and I hope dad's fine. Do you still go to the movies every two weeks on Sunday, I hope so, I also hope you haven't stopped living your lives because of us 'dying', technically we're not dead, just missing but you don't know that. Especially when this so called letter is not even gonna get to you. You know I don't even know how Blair convinced me to write this letter. She said It would bring me a price of mind. I don't know how.

That's all.


I put my journal away when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The door opens and my twin sister is standing there, we are fraternal twins so we are not much alike. She has long light-brown hair, tied up in ponytail, and I have short dark brown, her eyes are light brown, mine are dark-brown. The only thing similar between us is our skin tone, fair.

"You coming down or not?" her deep voice sounds a bit annoyed, very unlike her.

"What is with you?" I ask

"Chloe, she is being super annoying with the electricity thing." When I don't reply she goes on. "She keeps on sucking the power of the lights in my room, and sucking as in absorbing it in her-I don't know".

"Ok, Calm down, just do you water thing-

She cut me off and replied with an even more annoyed voice "No where are we gonna train, and if you mean make it rain inside I'm sorry but I am not that annoyed to flood the whole house."

"No I don't mean inside and screw training today for gods sake, we are just going to chill today."


"No buts, for once, forget the control shit. OK? " She was hesitant but said yes anyway.

Control took us from our lives five years ago and we haven't been able to relax since. They stole everything from us, our parents, our friends, our happiness and put us in a facility to test on us. In science "Control" is an element that is unaffected by other variables and that's what they wanted to make us physically unaffected by anything in this world. Since they took us, we haven't had a day of peace, none of us had peace when they were experimenting on us, when they kept us in those cold white rooms where they had put a camera and watched us and none of us had peace when they put us in this place where we can't escape from.

The house that they put us in, is somewhere in this world, we can't go outside. They give us food and supplies, they give us TV access. They have given us various kinds of technology but in no way can we access real people from it. But the one thing that is important for them is training us, that is why Blair was hesitant there is no compromise in training, but I guess they'll let it slide this one day, as we all would suck at training today.

Today is the day they took us, five years ago. I know for a fact Emily and Chloe wouldn't be able to get up from the couch let alone throw a punch.

I go down to the living room, when I said a house I was being modest, the place we are living in is a modern mansion. The living room space is huge and ornate, it's brown and the couches are grey which compliments it perfectly. At the back of the living room is the kitchen and right beside it is the dining area. It's a two story mansion, all the bedrooms upstairs and the gym, library, indoor swimming pool, bowling alley, tennis and basketball court are downstairs. They honestly think they have provided us with enough entertainment to last the rest of our lives.

I entered the kitchen to witness Emily starting a fire.

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