

"' Death is not the greatest loss in life As The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we all just live on in this hollow reality now ""


The very screen as shut off suddenly leaving everyone in just silence, as that was growing into concern and fear at as what could have happened to Subaru and what is his past that all So far everything they had seen had made no sense at all then, Suddenly, as the theatre lights went off. Gasps of surprise were heard inside the room, as they were just wondering what was the meaning of this and just as then suddenly as The screen started to sparked to life as the viewers stared at it As there were breathing there last time and as thing they're just heard as just before the last time screen was playing and show then After finishing the porlogue , they all believed that as it was all a just over by now but it wasn't the case now.

Mhhh?? So Isn't the viewing over yet? What is going to happen now?" Asked Anastasia, raising an eyebrow to the sudden change.

"I have to agree with you Anastasia san" her knight Julius told her.

"What is this..." Ram mumbled as the clown simply stared on, an eerie smile spread along his face knowing full well this was not over.

"Wait, the screen is still going?" Said Otto in a confused voice, still trying to process what he had seen.

Garfiel shrugged before answering, "I have no idea, but th' is pretty creepy."

"Oi screen guy!" Ricardo yelled out, "Where's the break you said we were getting?" He got no response.

"I don't like this at all…" Said the duchess as she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

After finishing the 6th arc, they all believed that it was over. but it wasn't (His breath the last thing they heard before the screen went to black).

Then still Though, the screen pulsated a strange glow as the viewers could only glance in shock and some raising there eyebrow to the sudden change of event's

Rem, Emilia, and Beatrice could only hug the boy tighter as they stared at the screen. Dark blue and white light breaking free.

The rest of the viewers could only stand and watch as two words were placed on screen...


"Dead space?" The sword saint repeated as he went to look at the nasty eyed boy. He took a glance at the screen as he uttered a question. "How does this involve Subaru ?"

Julius nodded his head with his friends' statement as he could only glance at the boy. Guilt, blooming in the deep pits of his heart.

The entire casting shook there head as there face contorted in sadness and guilt what they did to poor Subaru in there world but little bit of his past life is being review let's see what did before coming to there world.

Otto and Garfiel both shrugged their shoulders as they glanced at the strange lights. The words not resonating with them. They knew little about space, but dead...space? .... That's new.


"What is this, I suppose?" Beatrice mused as she held onto her contractor even tighter. The strange words now appearing on the screen as the occupants strained their eyes to read them. The static frightening her as she could only fear the worst.

"Natsuki...is this another one of his past experiences? I think" The merchant princess murmured to herself, while the other candidates could only remain silent.
















"Oi, wait!" Garf screamed as he recognized the text. "That's capn!"

The others strained their eyes to read the little words as they confirmed the young warrior's statement. "Subaru, was an engineer?" Otto spoke out loud, his hand going through his hair as he tried to recount any times his buddy brought up anything about his past careers.

"But who are other people with Subaru ?" Asked rem while holding her hero hand but was curious what was going on and the meaning for showing us this.

"Might be his firends from a his own world or may be co-worker of same short" answer the Al the knight hater, but they all nodded at him and keep watching the scene infront of them.

They a solate environment that was tinged was shown, gradually growing blurred under a blue cloud as the screen moved to show the star-filled void of space.

This scene made everyone temporarily forget the last scene as they looked on in awe of the majestic display before them.

Al, overcoming his shock, became confused at why space of all things was being shown. 'Just how does this relate to Subaru?'

"Just what...is this…" Wilhelm trailed off in shock at what he saw before his eyes.

Beatrice huffed with a superior tone. "It's a space I suppose."

At first all that could be seen was bluish-white static, but as the distressed voice continue to speak, a face began to materialize from the static, eventually showing that of a young woman that looked like she was in her earlier 20s. But other than her general appearance, the exact nature of her facial features could not be ascertained, because of the immense amount of static and she was tiring to speak something

"Subaru It's me Nicole I wish I could talk to you, I am sorry about everything I wish I could just talk to someone, it's all falling apart here, I can't believe what's happening.... It's little strange...such a little thing.... "

The woman looked back up directly at the camera, as if she was about to continue speaking, but before she could do that, her face quickly dissolved into a mess of static leaving everyone in suspense about what she was going to say next but nothing comes next the video has stop mid way and then a completely different voice beginning to speak.

" That's your wife Nicole hmm she's pretty" said Daniel then as the camera pulled the back, revealing that the voice belong to a woman with dark brown with medium length hairstyles, that looked to be in her early to mid 20s with a light tan skin.

"We're just five minutes out and you're still got that thing on repeat or something ? She ask him.

Then a firmilier voice can be head " yeah she is pretty, I am very lucky to have her by side and ... it's just all video I have resented by her it's been mouths , .....I just... Little worried that's all."

"It's Ok buddy We're just five away... Guess you really do miss her."

" The ISHIMURA not a job you just turn down, but six months apart with her and only video calls..... It's really be rough and easy to say the wrong thing." Subaru told her.

" I don't blame you, I'd listen to my boyfriend over Hammoud reciting security protocols.... "

"Forewarned is forearmed Ms Daniel's" Hammoud answer her awhile checking some files on his tablet.

"Okay this is very interesting we all are watching" Anastasia awhile having a big smile on her face and awhile her entire camp nodded at that her comment.

"Yes...very interesting." Priscilla spoke. She watched the boy with interest, more of his past falling into place as she could only think about how useful he could become.

In the fellowing years to come.

The environment she was in was a strange one to say the least, the backdrop behind her easily visible through the giant windows, was a strange swirling blue mass that almost resembles some kind of strange tunnel. Sitting directly in front of the large windows were two men, pulling various leaders and tapping away at various screens and off to one side was a dark skin bald headed man that looks to be in his late 30s, he was also tapping away at some strange glass screen that admitted an orange hue, and finally at the centre of the room Subaru was sitting in his own chair view them.

Al only silently looked on. He has been gone for over a decade, but for humanity to advance this far and create such new inventions. He felt a lone tear slip free from his eye and little anger at this new revile.

Again Emilia was horrified. Coming to the realization that Subaru and his women could of have been more than friends. Even more horrified that she may of have very well took Subaru away from his wife and rub it in her face.

Rem followed Emilia's own emotions. Though, she only tightened her grip on her heroes' hand as she clutched onto him. "She may not be here right now. Though, Rem will always support you Because your rem hero and I will all love you no matter what Subaru"

"So they're keep saying it " said Daniel then she walked back to her chair set down next to Subaru

"Ok guys here we are - nice clean re-entry welcome to aegis VII" said Chen then the space ship stopped what the audience there was space the black void with beautiful stars and then they're saw a giant planet and a lot of rocks flirting around them and a giant ship sitting over there space like it was waiting for some one to arrives.

"All right everyone, we're here. Synching our orbit now." Zach Hammond told the Crew

" Just imagine guys six months straight just staring at that chuck of rock's " said Subaru.

Kendra: "yeah still I don't get it why all this trouble over that chunk of rock."

Then Hammond said: "yes to us Mrs Daniel's it is nothing but for an independent minor Subaru this is true Paradise for them, Aegis VII is one of the most profitable and It's one of the most richest fines in CEC history some of the most profitable businesses teams are set for life"

" Yes Hammond I know that Nicole told me about it last time we spoked ". Subaru told him

"It's Ok Subaru we will find her until then be patient All will be good" ok ... Chan now then the biggest question is where is she- hiding ? Hammond said

"There she is confirming Rosalie contact with U.S.G ISHIMURA. " said the pilot of the space ship JOHNSTON.

" wow what a beauty, the biggest planet cracker in her class you know and it's looks like they already popped the cork."

Hammond commented.

The camera panned away as the screen began too slowly light up. There jaws dropping as they only could stare and watch...space and ships that third floor in space like it's nothing planet stars It's so beautiful and technology beyond their understanding and how far has Subaru people truly achieve their goals and how it so advances, This kind is truly is blessed they're all where just amazed and speechless but then they remember one question why didn't Subaru never told them about anything his world their technology their culture and about his life about his job about his wife did something bad happened the audience thought.

"Hey guys why's it's so dark? We should be able to see her running lights" said Subaru.

Chen : "yeah your right there Subaru, I will get us into hailing range, there someone gotta be waiting up for us."

Hammond: " just be careful on the approach there, I am not taking any chances with C.E.C pride and joy."

Daniel : " No chances, huh is that's why you were digging into my personal files before we left."

Everyone in the theater were now had questioning faces as they were wondering what Subaru meant by the lights and they we're wondering what this Daniel lady meant. Al he started to feel a little uneasy about this situation but he kept it to himself he wants to make his suspicion clear. But he does not want anyone to started panicking.

Hammond was surprised and asked her "wait you truck you're files access ? "

Then Daniel reply " yes I do I am a computer analyst, and it's comes with the job"

" I am running standard C.E.C background check, Ms Daniel's, if you want to work in the big league, then you have to play ball" Hammond told her and trun around and face The ships pilots.

Chen :" ah sir ? We're in hailing range."

Hammond:" ok ... Patrick threw ".

Chen : U.S.G ISHIMURA, this is the emergency maintenance team of the U.S.G kellion we are responding to your distressed call , come in ISHIMURA,."

The camera just panned away as the screen began too just slowly light up. As There jaws dropping as they all just only could stare and just watched the very seen in front of them.

Anastasia nearly crumpled into her chair as she just stared at the very strange rocks and as the very much bright lights of the galaxy and so much advancements in as there very technology and the very business ideas that she receiving by just looking at them and how much profit it might make for her as she was going to go crazy if as she started to dial the numbers down as how does their business will operate around the kingdom No they're very world It's going to be magnificent now.

As for Wilhelm and Crusch's eyes widening as they stared and watched. There mouths slightly parting as they saw bits of bright stars

The children in the rom could not hold back there wonder as they could only stare on into the bright expense of the star filled galaxy as it was This was something that everyone in the very room as even the all-powerful sword saint just believed as they all would never be able to see Something just so beautiful and majestic at the same time as it was very as breathtaking and no words could describe it.

Though here it was...He challenged the old man as they very both stared the other down.

Daniel : "Did you guys ever heard of a full communications blackout on one of these things ? " She asked

Subaru : "Never in my life but come on, someone else will pickup the damn phone !"

Hammond: "Deep space mining is a lucrative business, Aegis 7 is a gold mine, according to prospector's reports." But this is not normal he thought and Then he takes the lead " We have visual contact on the Target do you respond U.S.G ISHIMURA ?".

"Wait do you hear hear that ?" Question Chen

At first all that could be hear was bluish-white static, but as the distressed voice continue to materialize from the static, eventually showing nothing but sounds

" The hell is that sounds " said Johnston.

"Hmm sounds like theirs communications array is busted ... Or maybe a broken encoder Daniel and I can handle it in forty- eight hours max" said Subaru.

Daniel: " hey, that will given you plenty of time to catch up with Nicole you know what I mean hmm" she was smile at him

Subaru: "yeah I hope so too"

As then every girls in the theater room were just blushing as they know what she meant "when plenty of time to catch up" as while the very boys or there very brother as Al were just cheering him on while knights we're shaking their head to denial as then some of then girls who love or just like Subaru as try to imagine themselves with him in his bed naked and he top of them and just as constantly clapping them as the very moans were imaginating as it was just to sexy and hot a for them all there very Chicks were just getting red as from very embarrassment and there were planning on going to there room after the viewing and just as Take care of business with their fingers an a very wholesome moment on their very bed.

Hammond: "Alright, you heard the lad. Take us in. Let's see what needs fixing."

Chen nod Johnston "yes boss ok take us in now " they started to press some bottom and flight pulling the liver to forward.

Corporal Johnston: "Gravity tethers engaged. Automatic docking procedure is go."

"That man and woman looks like an expert in weaponry and very good pilots they might be military officers." Wilhelm spoke. Many in the audience recognizing in what he said as they continued watching.

Then suddenly there ship started to shake and rocked by a sudden blast and the spaceship was on fire.

"{The USG Kellion is rocked by sudden blast I repeat emergency landing I repeat}" Chen said.

Chen: "What the hell?.... I'm losing control-

Johnston: "Sir! The autodock-"

Hammond: "What is it?"

Chen: " tethering malfunction fuck ! We're off course! We're going to hit the hull!"

Hammond: Daniel!!!!!

Daniel: "Guidance system override isn't responding !!!!!!"

Chen: shit - shit !!! We're completely coming in too hot !, It's gonna smash us into the hall off the ship !!"

Subaru: "Aim for that emergency stabilizer- there's the blue light, it's might slow us down " !

Hammond: "Chen !!"

Chen " get it boss !!!!"

Then the ship rocked side by side on the way then small fire starting to spread inside the ship main hull, the ships system started to malfunction red light started to go off saying "warning warning systems malfunctioning prepare for impact" then Chen drive the whole ship on the stabilizer it started to slow them down.

Hammond: "Drop the bloated Shield everything , brace for yourself!!!"

The viewers gasped as they all saw Subaru grapple with his chair as the strange vessel was rocked along the ship. "Subaru!" Rem cried out as she could only watch in fear as her hero was thrown around like a Ragdoll.

As they saw how there ship crashed on the big spaceship." Did I just jinx them" thought William as he was Just holding his head as in is very hands as he just jinxed them great.

As the spaceship crash into the main hallway. The surrounding area of the ship was Gray wells and big docking port with a neon sign on top the well saying welcome to ISHIMURA.

Then everyone started to get up from the crash and checking their surroundings for any damages or injuries.

As Hammond got up from the debris of the crash and he started to check himself and surroundings and asks for the safety of his crew mate.

Hammond: " Is everyone okey !"

Daniel got up from her seat started to check her self and her surrounding " yeah I am good"!! Told him.

Then Chen get up and started to check his surroundings and is injuries " yeah I 'll live, hey, Johnston, you all right ? " Concerned to his old friend.

Johnston started to check her surroundings and saw her leg are stuck in the pilot seat " I am good but my ankle, it might be broken".

All right, let's get some extra hands from the flight deck to help out."

" As This Johnston very wound a looks quite bad Nayh~ I hope they finds a way to treat it before it gets any worse in the moment " Felix said completely a oblivious to the interaction going on between his mistress and the age of the swordsman that was just Wilhelm now.

"I hope so too Felix, an injury like that is going to quickly hinder as his ability to defend or fly away to safety, " As what if any more of very those very things just might come " Wilhelm couldn't help but to think and but shudder, as the nightmarish visage of the monsters that might try to entered there very ships hull as it was what Wilhelm's very eyes for the briefest of moments were as unfocused, as if he was thinking about someone else entirely with the same worst fate, but quickly they seemed to refocus bringing the age swordsman back to reality as he the screen.

Hammond said: shit, but , better than a broken neck or worse , and good call on that stabilizer, Subaru that's just save our ass back there.

Subaru: "glad I always read the manual"

Daniel:" what the fuck is going on with flight control ? That guidance system a deathtrap ! ".

Hammond: "then better to add it on your repair list then."

Instead of answering his question, Kendra looks at the dark-skinned man with a look of complete contempt, as she quickly turns her entire body to address him.

"I'm fine, but what the hell were you thinking Hammond! Were you trying to get us killed or something!?" Kendra shouts aggressively, as she gets right in Hammond's face, jabbing an accusatory finger into his chest, to which the dark-skinned man looks mildly infuriated, but remains the bigger man and not shouting back.

"I just saved our ass Miss Daniels, if we had aborted at that speed, we would have smacked right off the side of the ship" Hammond's words were calm and collected, despite having a very angry woman in his face he did not retaliate, instead he remained professional that the situation, despite Kendra's lack of thanks.

"Now settle down and get to work ok Mr Daniel's and Subaru are you alright over there" Hammond turns to look at the engineer in question, after a moment Subaru gives a tentative nod, the pain in his head subsiding for a moment "Yeah never better" Subaru told them.

"As It seems Subaru is quite familiar with this Hammond person" a quiet and slightly shaky voice, causing everyone to jump in surprise. As Crusch had just spoken as for the very as first time just since her emotional outburst at the beginning of the old viewing was just as it was the very realization how much Subaru is worth to her and as what will she'll do without him and his very interference a in their world.

"Indeed lady Crusch, as Subaru and this very Hammond individual do seem awfully close" Wilhelm replied, as he began to ponder on as how exactly Subaru had come to know such a man in his time in his own very world now.

"No Subaru is just good at making friends, so just that as I'm not surprised that he and that very guy are or just might be close now " otta just chimed in as another thought suddenly occurred to him. "also it might just be me but this entire mission just does feel quite off why weren't the lights and everything that we are witnessing right now as I have a bad feeling about this" said the merchant awhile seating in his seat little worried for his very friend just at this very point as witnessing the very first viewing of his journey has left a bad taste in his mouth about their surroundings by now.

"I think you're being paranoid otta" Ram was blunt and harsh like usual, but to his dismay and frustration, her words got a round of nods from many in the audience,as including to his very horror his own very lady now as well now "I think Miss Ram is right otta as perhaps you being just a bit paranoid, but Subaru seems to trust his very company" Emilia added a in, causing the merchant to sink further into his seat, as he let out a sign 'what are we going to do with you' just he thought about his very friend and their ladies sense of humor at time like this and then Again he might be paranoid for a bit after witnessing the first viewing now.

"Subaru you just dunderhead, as why are you always getting yourself hurt" As Emilia cooed Softly towards him as she just gently rubbing circles in very Subarus hand with one of her fingers, but then much to a very certain spirits very much annoyance by now but as She will letting it slide this time now and then she will strike when the time is right Just wait until it.

" Just Well Cap always knows as where the action is Princess" Garfield's eyes shine with admiration, remembering from the previously viewings, a how trouble always seems to find his captain, whether he was looking forward or not He will always succeeded in the end as his very spirit and determination very as is on another level by now He might be the harem king in the future or is he right now as he just thought At that very moment now and a then as He just had another idea as he could learn and do as when his very captain just wakes a up from his very beauty sleep by just now.

"Rem's hero has always looked handsome Garfiel, but that very armor like suit makes him look even better" Rem words like always had a deep admiration embedding them, yet barely noticeable to as the people around her was a slightly aroused tone as that was just as very barely evident in her voice now.

"Ok then, Chen what's our damage's report! just how bad off is the ship?" Hammond turned his attention from a slightly recovered Subaru to one of the helmsman's, who was rapidly typing away as a display in front of him, that was mostly red with presumably warning signs written all over it.

Chen: our comms are down and I'm not getting any readings from the port booster, and I'm not getting any response from the navigation, Coms and autopilot, can't say how long but it's going to take sweet time to fix" and we're got a fire in one of the stabilizer, the singularity core a mess .... Could be worse, but not by much.

the helmsman response just the smallest amount of nervousness creeping into his voice. Hammond curses on his breath, before seeming to formulate a plan on the fly, turning to address the rest of his crew.

Hammond: then let's go get some help, Johnston stay with the killion, we will send a medic everyone else with me.

{Kendra turns around and walks up to Subaru.} ,

Kendra: "Hold still, Subaru, I'm synching up everyone's RIGs with the ship. Okay, we're done. Clean bill of health for everyone and just Subaru hold still for a second, let me have a look at that cut" Subaru looks on for a moment, before giving a nod,

Kendra reaches out a hand to examine the cut and Subaru just flinches she also notice this but she decided to returning to her original mission of making sure he wasn't going to get an infection from that open cut.

"Well it's not deep, but I don't think we have the medical supplies on the ship to deal with it properly. So I think you need to visit the med bay when you get a chance, but for now take this" Kendra finishes examining Subaru's cut forehead, putting in his palm a round cylindrical object with a slightly greenish tinge to it, the top of which was a slightly darker green colour emblazoned with a white cross shape.

"Thanks" Subaru's words were accompanied by a look of gratitude, as Kendra walks over to Hammond to see leaving the ship.

That was particularly I suppose?" Beatrice muttered quietly to herself, just noticing her contractor's slight flinch, when this Kendra woman had reached out her hand, it almost looked like he was afraid to be touched by her, as which what was so peculiar to her or something else entirely she knows what she needs to do when she gets out of here help her Subaru in his recovery.

Subaru nodded his head in affirmation as a glowing blue light trickled up his suit. They all disembarked though Subaru's helmet began to disengage and as very cover his face as it very visors starting to shine with his as light very eyes in the very dark making him ghost.

"JUST...Fucking awesome!" As the very much young warrior screamed out. "You saw that shit, my capn's armor is the coolest !" As The boy just jumped into the air, proud of his very captain as the very viewers in the theater just as could only just softly giggle at the very young boy's antics towords his very hero.

" As Big Brother Subaru looks kinda scary with that armor " Petra's word's had a slight shake to them, as nervously repositioning as herself in Frederica's lap, as the very blonde-haired beast woman continued to stroke the very little girl's hair affectionately.

"Young Subaru getting himself into trouble again I see, I guess even in his future or past that doesn't change" Wilhelm commented thinking much the same as Emilia, in the fact that Subaru was always getting himself into trouble even in this new future.

Garfield did not like one bit what William just said about his amazing Captain So he was going to counter him but Julius spoke before his counter "Garfield..." As Julius just spoke to the young warrior. "Wilhelm did not mean any kind of disrespect towards Subaru he is just worrying about Subaru's very safety as we all have seen from the past viewing ." As he told him the truth as William and the rest starting to bow down their heads and as just understand the very weight of his words as it was just too much for them to bear it as it was something so sensitive and tough to swallow that he went through so much for them and what did he get in the end Nothing from them as they're all planning on apologizing and as just wanted to fix as what they all did to him in his very desperate and different times and it was the at least a they can all do for him first.

As Otta just then looked at the knight as he spoke instead of Garfield as he tentatively rubbed his hands. "I get what you mean. As Though, Natsuki...he will do what it takes to save everyone. He always comes out right in the end." As he just spoke with his very heart about the truth as everyone started to widen there very eye's and understand what it was that makes him special that he did not had any powers or any magic with him but as his mind and his very Spirit and will to move on and to fight and protect and to save everyone in their eyes he was a true hero not like them as they might have the powers and magic but he did not and he was more heroic than them all combined as They're rather tearing each other apart for a chance on the throne but as for him he was changed as He was different from the others and that makes him special.

But then just for a certain person as Al's just Heard those words as then something just changed but then him as it reminded him off his very past and everything he did and just how cruel that Subaru has to go through if he was in his shoes he might have killed himself more than once by now as him seeing him as disposition again just furiates him as his very fingers dug into his lone fist. As then Bloody pouring free as he tried to calm himself down, his very brother as just once again just going into danger and These people condoning him just placing his life in harm's way, as to save a couple of lives now just again but had then as another question that this technology it's very different from his world ? As If he was correct then shouldn't they both from the same world as it was the very question irritated him a bit.

As then a certain person interrupted them as breaking the silence between them all " This women Subaru cares about is on that vessel, I can understand if he wants to risk it for her." Emilia spoke, she was worried yes...though as she learnt to trust her knight. Thought, a helmeted man stood in the shadows as he tried to restrain himself just from strangling her or hanging himself at this point by now.

"Barusu putting himself in danger again..." As Ram scowled as the clown could only smirk at the very Revelations again as she just as stared up at the very screen again and just as much She wanted to scold or disheart them as she has learned to respect him but this is getting too ridiculous even for her now as just what is wrong with him just Always throwing himself away For a woman as he can be just get real with himself as just why go so far for a stranger and If he is cheating on her with her sister then she can definitely kill him when he Will wake up sooner or later bye now and as it was very nice thought but Will still let him just explain before meeting him then she'll kill him

Crusch watched the screen as she spoke to the old swords man. " Just Don't worry about him Wilhelm...as Subaru always comes out alright in every situation by now and as last I remember this is his very past so He will just make it out and then he'll come to our world." As she told him gently while putting her hand on his hand just to calming him down a bit.

Chen: "ko people stand clear". As told everyone to stand clear as he moved some equipment and left the ship he went outside to check the damage and try to see can repair Then, as he walked outside the ship and saw nobody was there This confused him a little, but want back at checking the ship.

Daniel:" crap , we came down hard hmm"

Hammond: "well not a great start to our repair mission " as Hammond brought out a pulse rifle and handed one it over to Chan and had one carrying one on his shoulder.

Subaru watches as the other members depart from the ship as the view pans 180 degrees around him, showcasing his RIG

When Subaru exits the Kellion, Kendra is examining the ship's hull. In the background, an automated greeting opens on a large screen.

"Hammond you didn't just lose power to the port booster, you've lost the port booster" Kendra's words caused Hammond to turn around, only for a look of surprise and shock the spread across his face as well, which was shared by the two helmsman, who looked on at the absolute state of the ship.

" As just How is that even possible that now, As I am just trying to just understand as how something that big can just sustain that much damage, yet keep a its occupants completely uninjured!?" Crusch was completely floored by the revelation that the otherworldly vessel had been just subject to that much damage, yet all of its occupants have made it out just as completely alive with no serious injuries.

Al's fingers tightened as more blood pooled from them, from the anger as he was feeling. Learning that he may of have very well spent more than eighteen years in this world, and even worse.....as that everything that he left behind was maybe gone and reduced to the dust of time and ash and just as what was the very point of his very struggles and hope as in the end everything just gone in an instantly.

Hammond: "All right. We've still got a job to do. We're moving out."

Daniel:" pulse rifle?" As she question them she was very confused.

Hammond: "standard procedure, Ms Daniel's we'll register them in the fight lounge. "

Chen : "hello ? where's is everyone? Half the ship must have heard that landing."

As then journey through the main halls of the ship was just silent as they looked around as there very much surroundings to determine the very much destructions know and as it's just very repairs time by now as they walked.

"These group of people looks like an expert in weaponry." Wilhelm spoke. As the Many of in the audience just recognizing in what he said as they all just continued watching the results

Hammond: "be proud, Chen, you got us here in one piece."

Chen: "Johnston and Subaru might disagree, well but if you're offering to buy us the first round tonight then we talk it out."

Daniel: "we'll I wouldn't mind something to steady my nerves especially with C.E.C tab."

As Hammond rolled his eyes but he nodded at them they can do it after repairs are done.

Hammond: "you see anyone in flight control ?"

Chen : " no nobody"

Daniel: " hmm at least we didn't take out the sign right ".

At Subaru walk to the main port bridge as he kept on looking around the area surveilling it checking the ship out and turning back to his co-workers Then he saw a giant gray door but it was open so he paid no mind to it Then he saw a another door there was a sign on the main hall saying "security check in please collect all belongings in the office booth, please follow all Posted guidelines and proceed with caution" 

Hammond: "may as well get signed in"

As they all enter the main hull lounge enters they came across a small door as they stopped dead in there tracks, Then the door computer security system started to scan them.

"It just looks so advanced...now " Anastasia mused to herself to speak as she just could only dream about replicating the armory and door frame and ship that can fly "How does it even work... Now "She looked towards Al as he grimaced back at her " As Hell, if I know, I have been in this very crappy world trying to survive for god knows how long. Bother the spirit..." As that was when hell broke loose as his very Curt's response shocked the viewers as they all just immediately just went back to viewing infornt of them Realization dawning not to bother Al As He was obviously in a bad mood or as it that time of the very month now.

ISHIMURA computer: welcome Subaru Natsuki , to the U.S.G ISHIMURA, R.I.G SYNCING, COLLECT KINESIS AND STAISIS MODULE FROMING : acting chief engineer jacob temple, location.


As Subaru looked around hull of the lounge entrance , as he saw a booth sign saying IMMIGRATION but what strange about sign was that it was frozen still in one place, there was another sign saying light launch next service 1h & 50 m But it was strange that was 3 week's ago something is not adding up here , as Subaru though to himself.

Hammond:" I can't reach security?"

Subaru: " same for the chief engineer - what is wrong with their comms ?"

Then the main lounge entrance door unlocked but the door were not open up properly.

Hammond: "Guess the power's down everywhere. Subaru, get over here and hack the door pad."

Subaru walks to the door as he rips off the panel. His hands closing along the panel as resounding flashes of electricity echo.

Hammond: "Subaru, hurry up..."

As the very certain spirit Beatrice scoffed at the man's rudeness towards her contractor as she leaned closer to him if the very chance to teach him a lesson if he ever comes near her or her very contractor again in the future.

"Do you all think it's possible that something bad is going on again ?" As Petra just asked frederica awhile hiding in her lap , frederica just patted her head and just as told her that everything is going to be alright Subaru will fix this like Always but in reality she doubts it as maybe as why just would the warden show them all this viewing as just to torture him or to tell them the very truth about as their friend very nature and his very past just maybe.

"So cool..." Garf spoke again about the strange armor.

As everyone were on their seats waiting to see what happens next, it was just pins drop silence no one could move their muscles from there seats, they were all just curious as a cat to see what happens next, they all have same question where is everyone what is going on in this ship why has Subaru ever told them about his past life what happened everyone has the same question on their minds as there watched sign me silent.

Looks like something's wrong with the door, maybe a power short circuit, or a blocked mechanism I can't be sure exactly" The nervousness that was in Subarus voice before was completely absent, as he approached the malfunctioning door, and examined it for a moment.

"Do you think it's possible to get a bypass going?" Hammond responds to Subaru, coming over to stand next to him as both of them look at the door in contemplation, about what their next move would be.

"If it's a short circuit definitely, but if somethings wrong with the mechanism it's going to be a bit more trouble" Subaru says after a moment of thinking, satisfied with his answer Hammond moves away from the door letting Subaru get to work.

Subaru quickly steps to the side of the door, before proceeding to press a series of buttons on a panel next to the door, which after a moment gives a satisfying beep, accompanied by another panel opening up next to the door with a screen folding out.

Subaru crouches in front of the opening before sticking one of his hands into the gap and up into the wall itself, he then begins to rush around looking or trying to grab onto something.

"Subaru, how long do you reckon it's going to take to get through that door?" Hammond's question seemed to be an Innocent one, however Subaru stopped what he was doing to look over his shoulder at Hammond, which despite his glowing visor being in the way, the look he was giving the dark-skinned man could only be described as shut up and let me work.

Subaru: He takes a glance at Hammond. Silencing him as he went back to work.

The sight of Subaru's helmeted face just staring silently at Hammond earned a couple chuckles.

The door slid open as the group filtered inside as they began to move steadily through the room and observing everything in sight.

I don't get it, why is there no one there?" Emilia, much like everyone else, couldn't quite understand why nobody was there at all, if Subaru and his Friends were supposed to be helping them fix their ship. She also desperately wanted to but couldn't ignore the sinking feeling that was beginning to form in the bottom of her stomach, as if something bad was about to happen.

When they entered The room but it was empty Just empty there was no living soul to be seen This had them a little worried and curious at the same time where is everybody This is making no sense to none of them.

Chen : "someone left in a hurry."

Hammond:" where's the security detail ? Where's anybody ?"

As Hammond ask this he was getting a little uneasy feeling about this situation but he kept on looking around for clues. As Daniel was checking the room she then saw something strange in data logging.

Daniel: " there nothing logged, no duty roster and no power to the elevator

Hammond: "That security console is still live. Subaru, log in and see what you can find. Kendra, get that elevator back online."

Hammond: "God sake that security console still be working, Subaru get a damages report, I am done playing around."

Hammond approached Subaru who was staring at the wall. Hammond took one or two glances to make sure no one was listening as Subaru got the memo and disengaged his helmet.

Hammond: Subaru what are you doing?he was stitching mix matched parts of something them together.

Then as Subaru went to the security console room as he made his way towards the room he noticed that the door was already unlocked the door and he stepped inside notice that the place was a mass the paperwork is all over the place food like things were spilled everywhere but he saw something on the floor something red he thought it was blood he could not examine it when his Hammond called his name again.

Subaru: " there's something on the floor here wait.....is that"

Hammond: "Subaru, I need that damages report ! Now"

Yeah, the whole place is deserted, almost like a ghost town?" Garfiel was practically on the edge of his seat, almost every animalistic and human Instinct in his body was telling him that something was going to happen to his captain, and much to his frustration there was nothing he could do but sit here and watch.

"A very pressing question indeed, it seems bizarre that nobody would be there to greet them, especially if they are there to repair the vessel?" Crusch replies to Emilia's question, herself finding the entire situation especially strange,

"This looks bad..." Reinhard spoke as he stared at the surroundings.

"It seems that everyone was trying to get out as quickly as possible." Ricardo mumbled back to the sword saint.

The room was a mess. Disregarded suitcases littered the floor as odd puddles of reddish brown splotches decorated the floor, graffiti dangled along the walls as the group moved hesitantly through.

"Though...this Hammond wants to speak to Subaru about something. I don't have a good feeling about this conversation." Wilhelm spoke.

"I don't understand..." Felt spoke as she glared up at the screen. "Weren't they supposed to help people escape?"

"Miss Felt something here has went terribly wrong...I do not even wish to think about it but Subaru needs to leave..."

Felt got angry, her big bro was a hero, and he would save these lives. So, she was appalled to hear the sword demon himself was the one that uttered those words.

Reinhard looked to his grandfather who was always cool and composed though now was just...shaking. The old man had sweat flowing from his brow as his eyes traced the screen. Fear was flowing through the air and surrounding the swordsman.

He never felt this before...even fighting against the whale he was never afraid, bloodlust and angry but never fear. Though, he was the first to realize the situation Subaru was in.

A place full of death...a place. Subaru, someone he looked to as a second son...the old man realized that there was no escape. "Old man, you, okay?" Ricardo asked the sword demon as Wilhelm collapsed into his seat.

Subaru: "Ok I I have made it to the control panel checking the panels is checking the systems now."

Chen : "oh god, that small "

Hammond: "what do you get" ?

As Subaru was checking the ISHIMURA security control systems he saw that the half of the ship was in the red, The main engines were damaged and exterior of the hull was a little damaged but ventilation system is still operational somehow and but no This is weird.

Subaru: "shit it's not just comms , or the guidance system - half the ISHIMURA in the red engine, hull and the trams "

Chen: "what could do that kind of damaged to a plant cracker"

This revolution brought the team on a little edge that C.E.C don't not told them about this it all ,and what in bloody hell has happened to the planet cracker

Hammond: Subaru, I need to speak to you...how quickly could you repair the ship?

"This makes no sense How can a big ship like that sustain so much damage and not report about it through the authorities something is not adding up" Priscilla said This revelation had the entire audience shrugged up not just the ship but the crew is missing as well and the ship is in a bad shape something is not right

Daniel: " okey I have got us some power , ventilation system is up - power to the elevator should be next"

Everyone in the crew just looked at her it was bad timing.

The camara panned as both men continued talking. Though, it began panning to parts of the room...the blood-soaked floor, bits of strange liquids oozing from the vents...For the dragon..." Felix spoke as the viewers kept on watching the images.

Frederica's green eyes traced the screen as she was frozen solid. Petra following her gaze as she could see something strange in the corner.

The camara panned closer to the item...a faint doll.

"It's just a doll." Anastasia sighed in relief as the other viewers followed suite. Especially Beatrice, Emilia, and Rem who simply cradled the boy.

The camara viewed closer as they heard the remnants of broken conversation. The doll slouched in view as its head was torn off, it's dress and fabric ripped to shreds as bits of red fabric decorated the floor.

The fear spread throughout the room. "Frederica!" Petra cried out as she hid into maid's lap as she began to cry for her hero.

Felt began to feel tears well up as she realized how much of a horrible situation her big bro was being placed in.

"Get out Subaru!" Ram screamed shocking everyone in the room, both by losing the nickname as the fear filled the area.

Julius gasped as he began to feel despair. Another reminder of failing to save and be there for his comrade. Crusch felt terror within her voice as the horrible deaths repeated in her mind. "Please...please don't die.

The camera panned to a lone soldier that was standing watch as Subaru and Hammonds conversation unfolded.

"Who is this man." Tivey spoke.

Subaru: "Maybe five to six hours. The engine was thrashed but I could get it working, but we haven't found Nicole yet."

Hammond: "You think...you could get this done earlier?"

"This Hammond, thankfully he is realizing how much of a bad situation it is." Wilhelm sighed. Finally having some peace realizing that Subaru could hopefully leave.

The camera panned towards the lone man staring with his flashlight. The camara panned as two bits of blades began to expose themselves from the open-air vent.

Subaru's name was screamed as the viewers tried to warn the knight. Emilia crying tears as she saw the unfamiliar force work its way silently towards the man as she tried to warn Subaru.

The two blades slammed into the man's neck as it quickly moved. The blade's erratic movement ending the man's lives as the camara panned back to Subaru and Hammond, the mans erratic movement ending as the figure was dragged into the vent.

"Oh, for the dragon..." Frederica whispered as the young maid's grip tightened along her waist.

"What was that...that thing didn't look human!" Felix shouted to the crowd as they kept on staring at the screen.

Julius stared at the screen. "That didn't look like weapons...it looked like bits of the beast."

He scowled harder at the screen as he began to hate himself even more. This boy...was a hero and all he could just do was watch him suffer, but what else could he do?

He felt useless once again.

Kendra: "Yeah, well there's not. There's nobody here. I can't pick up any broadcasts."

Anastasia grunted at the supreme stupidity of everyone in that room. There comrade has just miraculously disappeared, and they still have not realized it.

Crusch could only stare hopefully for Subaru to figure this out. He was smart and she knew that he would devise a plan to save everyone, he was a hero after all. So, she smiled as she held her faith for the boy.

Subaru nodded his head as he began working. Sparks of electricity gracing the screen. Until...a strange sound of the vents boomed as the tickling lights of power trickled on.

ISHIMURA computer: "hazardous abnormal detected quarantine activated"

The ship security protocol was activated on his own This had the crew on their edge the ship started the procedure of quarantine locking the main doors

Hammond: "what another malfunction?"

Subaru: "no the quarantine systems are all fine"

Daniel: " wait, do you hear that"

"Oh, no..." Mimi spoke as she hid herself in Ricardo's arms. "The monster, it's going to come back."

Chen : "yeah yeah, I hear it"

Subaru: "Hammond?"

Hammond: "take it easy everyone , Daniel get these elevator running".

"Oh...no." Wilhelm spoke as he crumbled in the chair. Fear for the boy he cared so much for. Regret, that in the prior loops he looked down on him. "I'm so sorry...Subaru. That you had to go through this nightmare."

The duchess refused to move...even as she heard the pained gasp from the master swordsman. Her throat tightened as she could only watch as the boy, she cared for...suffer.

Daniel: "What the hell?"

The monster moved quickly. The man barely moving in time from shock as the slasher's hands pushed forward. A horrible scream echoed from the man as the monster's left blade slashed into his lower abdomen slamming his into the ceiling, right before using it is other to quickly cut through him.

Petra fell limp in Frederica's hands. The beast maid struggling to hold her composure as she could only watch the scene unfold.

Emilia felt tears sting her eyes as she watched the monster turn towards her Subaru. "Please...don't die!" She screamed at the Subaru, begging him to run away and to live.

"Run!" Beatrice screamed at the screen, the sound of her soft voice catching them off guard as all they could do was sit frozen.

Three more slashers came out of the broken vent system landing in the middle of the room. There bodies with a distinct shine that caught the lights of the cursed shuttle.

Hammond: "Jesus! Open fire! Open fire!"

{Hammond and Chen fire on the slasher.}

There guns began doing work, making holes in the monster only for the monsters to climb up and keep moving forward against the onslaught.

As another slasher came from no where impale's Chan from the behind

Hammond : " chen noooo!"

"Please...don't" Emilia pleaded to whoever was listening. Begging god to let her hero survive, to escape from this horrible situation.

Hammond: "Daniel get open now " !

Daniel: " I am trying ------ almost

Subaru: " get the hell out of here "

Daniel : " I got I got !!! Go go !!! "

Hammond: "Subaru, get the hell out of there!" Those words resounded as Subaru began sprinting in the other direction as the door clicked and he ran.

"Subaru..." Rem cried out as she saw him run away. A smile over her face as she was just happy that he was able to make it free.

Ram sighed in relief for Barasu as she leaned back onto her chair. A distinct role of sighs escaped but as they watched, they soon learned it was too late.

Kendra: " oh God , it's still after us ! run!"

The viewers began to chant that word. "RUN!"

Kendra: "Run, Subaru! Get the hell out of there!"

"Why...is Subaru...suffering now?" Otto gasped as he collapsed onto his chair. Seeing his friend once again suffer against monstrous creatures, how could he ever move forward from this.

Subaru could only run away. His body clanking along the steel of the station. Though, the camara panned showing the shadows of those monsters chasing after him.

Subaru was about to round a corner, only to fall back and head the other way as he encountered two more slashers. His breathing echoed through the screen.

"Big bro...is so scared." Felt teary eyed whispered to her knight as he stared at the screen. His body slumping down in shame, how could he ever call him his friend?

Subaru was more of a hero then he ever was...he even felt like he disgraced Subaru's very presence for even being near such a wonderful man. The fortitude and resolve of the boy even shocking his grandfather as the sword demon could only glance.

He slammed into a door as he threw it open. Slamming it behind him as he slammed on a keypad.

"What is that..." Garf shouted as he watched his captain slam the door behind him. "Capn, that door won't keep them out."

The young warrior was nearly hyperventilating. The constant stress and fear for his capn forcing him to nearly puke his stomach out. Hell, nearly everyone was going to nearly puke out their guts from the monsters that they saw.

Not even a second later the door was smashed. The slasher trying to wedge it open as Subaru could only press himself against the wall but With one final scream of rage, however before it can accomplish its goal of killing him, the doors suddenly slam shut completely eviscerating the creature in a moment, it's blood and organs spraying all of it on Subaru.

The slasher slammed its boney blade as it scratched along Subaru's blue visor which luckily protected him.The doors slammed shut as Subaru could only breath in relief as the monster was killed from inside. His body sliding down the elevator as he collapsed.

"Subaru!" Crusch cried out. Her hand going towards the screen as the monster frantically tried to reach its way to Subaru. Al, his body crumpled as he so desperately wanted to help...to save his brother from this monster.

Though, what could any of them do in this situation?

Subaru slumped down into a sitting position in the Elevator, is it begins at slow descent downwards into the bowels of the ship, the only sound other than the hum of the elevator being his rapid breaths, with the glowing visor obscuring his face from view, the look of pure unadulterated fear was evident in the man's face, as he tried to get his breathing under control again.

Subaru sits there motionless, his breathing only now beginning to slow as the elevator continues its descent into the dark bowels of the ship, after what felt like an eternity elevator comes to a stop with a loud thump accompanied by a shudder. The doors opening with a metallic screech into surprisingly a not completely pitch black room, that seemed to be illuminated by a single but incredibly powerful light source somewhere off in the corner of the room.

Subaru after a moment of hesitation shankly gets to his feet, his eyes never leaving the dead mutilated monster that had been the sole other occupant of the elevator, now out of the elevator and still not taking his eyes off the monster. Subaru hurriedly pressed a series of keys on the holographic elevator panel, which in turn caused the doors to slam together loudly, the sound seeming to echo for much longer than it reasonably should have, considering the size of the room.

What made Al feel angrier...was how the people in the room were condoning what Subaru was doing. Throwing his life away for some girl, Al's eyes darted to the half elf in the front row. "Ironic..." He spat out the single word as he stared back at the screen

Making his way deeper into the room, Subaru quickly spotted the origin of the light source that was barely illuminating the room, it was on a raised platform with some kind of work bench on it, quickly making his way over to it Subaru stopped dead in his tracks when the true Horror of the scene was finally revealed. It could only be described as a massacre, blood and viscera covering every surface, and at the centre of this maelstrom of blood and gore was a deceased man, his entire chest cavity from neck to pelvis completely carved open, his vital organs and entrails spilled all over his legs.

His breath the last thing they heard before the screen went to black then something else started to appear on the screen. 


 New arrival's