
Impending meeting

In case you hadn't seen the update to the previous chapter. Some commenters made a good argument on how weak they were for a floor fifty character especially since I said they were "Overpowered" I have since updated and increased their stats to match the fiftieth floor. Also note that this is only for the two characters mentioned, the rest of their people are weaker than them. 


Walking through the halls of Minas Tirith I enjoyed the liveliness of the castle. The last two months had had me busy helping the two species settle into the large space. Over that time, I had already brought more elves and dwarves into Minas Tirith. Currently I was inspecting one of the dwarves' best weapons. 

[Identify: Magic sword: This blade has been imbued with strong magic and enhanced with runes. This makes it incredibly strong and sharp the rune itself accents these attributes] 

"Very nice" I said, cutting through a stone like butter. 

"Aye, I forgoed any special effects and focused on the sword's ability to kill," Hamnor explained. 

"Special effects? Like the stat increases" I asked, remembering his previous creation. 

"No, like this," he said, handing me another blade. 

[Identify: Magic sword: This blade is imbued with strong magic and enhanced with runes. This blade is stronger and sharper than most. The rune itself allows the blade to heat up causing cauterizing wounds when imbuing it with magic]

"Now this is a magic sword" I exclaimed. 

"True its effect is quite useful but the other sword would probably cut right through it" 

"True, I thank you for this demonstration but with everybody settled in I should probably check on the climbers. I have been gone for two months already" 

"Right you are, in the meantime we have been preparing a team to go down through the floors" 

"Down? That's where the climbers are"

"True, we figure if they are going to come to the fiftieth floor anyway we might want to make early contact so they don't try to attack us on sight. Or something worse" 

"Good idea, I would suggest taking some basic magic weapons and armor down with you. You can use them to start a trade route"

"Smart, I hate to ask you a favor but…" 

"What is it?"

"Do you know what floor they are on currently? We would like to know where we need to go" 

"Ahh, If I remember correctly the fire nation and earth kingdom joined forces to push into higher floors. They are currently on the twenty ninth floor". 

"Thank you Tower, Master," 

"Now I must be going, I'll be back before long" I said, teleporting myself to the town square. 

Recently all the nations have made efforts to send more and more people to the town then by extension the tower. There were even a good few permanent residents staying with their families. Trade has flourished and exports of tower items have become high demand. Trying not to disturb anyone I cast an illusion I made my way through the crowd towards the guild building. The current building had a few expanded rooms for storage and was still as busy as it was on day one. 

"Move" I heard from my left.

Quickly twisting out of the way I made my way up the stairs where I was stopped by an attendant I didn't recognize. 

"Sir, I am going to need you to stop" 

Dropping my illusion I replied "I would prefer not to" seeing his jaw drop I had to resist laughing. 

"I'm sorry sir. You may go right ahead" 

"It's fine. Just doing your job" I said walking past him. 

Walking down the hallway I made my way towards the guild masters office. That was until Dao Mu opened his door. 

"Tower master Callum, where have you been?" he asked. 

Quickly checking his status I responded to him while checking it over "did you need something" 

Name: Dao Mu

Class: Firebender

Level: 14

XP: 123/300

Strength- 7


Agility: 5

Constitution: 14

Will: 3

Mind: 8

Spirit: 9

Skills: [Firebending 6]

Abilities: [Heat resistance]

"It's about a request the fire nation has made. Do you mind coming inside" 

"Not at all. First though I noticed you haven't leveled up much?" I inquired. 

"Ahh. Well, I am so busy with the guild plus I am a bit older and don't really have the desire to go running around fighting monsters" He replied as I stepped into his office. 

Sitting down I looked about the office seeing that like his previous tent it had a large amount of fire nation regalia. There was even an antique sword on the wall. 

"You mentioned a request," I asked. 

"Yes, It concerns the fire lord," he replied. 

With eyes widening I replied "Now this dose interest me" 

"The fire lord has requested…" he started. 

"Requested," I said with a raised eyebrow. 

"Demanded" He restarted "That the Gilded Spire have a manor built for royal persons to visit" 

"How big?" 

"Pretty big" he said, handing me some plans. 

Unlike the fire nation capital building this one was only a few stories high. Instead it was more spread out, with a garden and even a whole other wing of the building. 

"How long would this take to make?"

"About six months to a year depending on acquisition of resources" 

"Fair enough" 

"That is unless you help.." he began.

"No!" I immediately responded "If he insists on building his manor here he won't get any help from me or resources from the tower" 

"That's what I expected but I needed an actual response before reporting that" 

"I can understand that, the fire lord can be insistent" 

"That he can. Honestly, I was glad when I got sent here instead of being his Advisor" 

"Fair enough. Anyway, how is the guild doing" 

"It is doing great. With the increased recruitment we have more climbers than ever" 

"I heard that the fire nation and earth kingdom have a joint task force trying to climb the tower" 

"Yes, it is being spearheaded by Zhao and Go Rehi. They are set to return to the tower later this afternoon with a larger group" 

"Very good"

"The world quest you issued has really made people push towards it" 

"That was the point" I said happily, my plan had worked. 

"How about the magic weapons you have been creating recently" 

"Most climbers have one by now. They have become standard issue though apparently the blacksmiths have a harder time making armor" 

"Sounds about right. This was a good talk but I wanted to inform Zhao and Go Rehi about something. Do you know where they are" 

"Most likely near the tower. You didn't see them when you exited?"

"I didn't come through the front door" I said getting up "See you later" 

Walking back through the door I transported myself closer to the tower. Even from a distance I could see Zhao and Go Rehi standing with about thirty people from both nations. Walking closer I pulled up Zhao and Go Rehi's status. 

Name: Zhao

Class: Firebender 

Level: 20

XP: 53/600

Strength- 10


Agility: 9

Constitution: 4

Will: 4

Mind: 14

Spirit: 16

Free point: 3

Skills: [Swords 4] [spear 3] [Firebending 6]

Abilities: [Intense flames] [Heat resistance] [Willow Wisp]

"Willow Wisp I don't recognize that one?" I said to myself. 

[Willow Wisp: Create a small ball of flame this will automatically attack a predetermined opponent] 

"Man, that is cool. I'll have to grab that one later" 

Name: Go Rehi

Class: Earthbender

Level: 21

XP: 215/700

Strength- 16


Agility: 6

Constitution: 9

Will: 6

Mind: 8

Spirit: 12

Skills: [Spears 5] [war hammer 5] [Earthbending 7]

Abilities: [Stone skin] [Compact rock] [Gollum] 

"Looks like his leveling will slow down again" 

Walking up behind them I waited for them to notice me and when they finally did Go Rehi jumped back surprised. 

"Tower master Callum, it is good to see you," Zhao said.

"Thanks, I just came to inform you about something in the tower," I explained. 

"What is it?" Go Rehi asked to compose himself. 

"As you guys are going higher in the floors you may encounter some other people?" I responded. 

"There are other people in the tower?" Zhao asked, surprised. 

"Not really, they are natural born species in the tower. They live in the fiftieth floor" 

"The floor from the quest?" Zhao asked. 

"Yes, I just wanted to inform you about them as they will most likely try and trade with you. They can move between floors but can't leave the tower" I explained. 

"Also Zhao I have accepted the Fire lords request to build his manor here" I explained. 

"Ahh, perfect he should be visiting once that is done" Zhao grumbled. 

"Disappointed you won't be the strongest person in your nation" I said. 

Zhao flinched, having hit the mark "Not at all. I actually have gotten orders to leave the area and rejoin my work in the army. This will be my last expedition" 

"I can tell you right now a break from the tower can make you stronger too. Spending to much time in there can be a bit disorienting" I said then looked at Go Rehi "That goes for you to Go Rehi, I know you like the battle and power, but you need to take a break even if I need to force you" 

"I need to get stronger for the Earth Kingdom" 

"Go Rehi, I don't think you understand just how much further you are compared to other people. Most people only stay in the tower for a few hours. You and your group have spent days, even weeks in the tower at a time" I explained. 

"While you're not wrong I think" He started. 

"How about you reach out to other parts of the earth kingdom. Trey to get some more trade and people coming through here" 

Rubbing his beard and sighing Go Rehi responded saying "I can do that, even with the increased trade it could be better" 

"I know neither of you want to leave the tower yet but you can't climb forever. The higher you get the longer the floors will take" 

"Alright then" Both of them said. 

"Now then get going. I want to see how far you get this time" 


Just to put it out there Zhao isn't yet as strong as Ozai but he is pretty close. Although he hasn't been to the tower, yet Ozia's stats are high for a normal guy and his firebending is nine almost ten. The difference between eight and nine in firebending is massive. Not to mention Zhao's six. 

Thanks for readin. Pleas leave a review if you haven't yet.

GramGebcreators' thoughts
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