
Chapter 55: Out of the Frying Pan

A new day arrives at the city of Los Angeles, and with it, whole new surprises. The city was going around with their normal routines, unaware of the superstitious nature that was surrounding them. With the robots appearing all over town, it was only a matter of time before the officials got wind of their activities. And when they find that they're targeting certain teenagers, they are going to start asking questions.

At the Loyalitat household, Darrel was folding laundry with Tint. Tint was so happy that he was helping the Loyalitat family around the house. Despite losing most of his magical abilities, he was able to rely on his own skills. Darrel smiled seeing Tint smiled. After everything his amphibious friend has been through, he would expect him to be more depressed than ever.

Suddenly, Darrel and Tint were startled with Jane and Amelia's sudden appearance. "Oh, girls you startled me," said Darrel. Jane grinned, "Did you tell Mom and Dad yet?" "Because you promised you would," said Amelia. "And you know we don't like it that you would keep them in the dark like that. They gave us life."

Darrel knew they were right. Now was the time to tell his parents about him and Anne. "Alright," he said. "Go get my phone, I need to make a call." Amelia rushes into Darrel's room, grabs his phone and makes her way back. Darrel takes the phone and dials up a number.

Meanwhile, in the inner city of Los Angeles, up on the rooftops, the cloak bot was finishing up the repairs on his structure. On top of the cathedral bell tower, the cloak bot was fitted with human machine features such as a frontloader scoop, a tire for a shoulder patch, and a buzzsaw for a foot.

Just as he finished attaching his new arm into his structure, he gets a call from Andrias. The robot answers without hesitation. "What's good, cloak bot?" greeted the tyrant king. "Checking in to see how things are going." Andrias was in his throne room waiting for his answers.

"Did you get the book?" he asked. "Book secure," replied the bot as he revealed a Cynthia Coven book to the king. Andrias was most pleased, "Why that's great!"

However, the king saw a little flaw in the retrieval of the book. "Wait, that's book three," he said. "You rusty bucket, I need book two." The cloak bot shed utter disappointment. "Book two out of stock."

Andrias groaned, "Homes, have mercy. Next you're going to tell me Anne and Darrel aren't dead yet." The cloak bot knew at that point he's going to be in hot water for failing his task. So he decided to fess up. "Hmm, working on it," he replied.

If Andrias wasn't disappointed before, he surely is now. Knowing that the only two that could stand in his way are still out there, is making him angry. "Well, looks like we'll have to up the stakes," he said as he pushes a button on his wrist.

The button was revealed to be a self-destruct button. The cloak bot looks down at his chest and reveals a countdown. The cloak bot was distraught knowing he's on a time limit now. "You have one hour to destroy those kids," said Andrias. "Or the bomb planted in your chest will destroy you. Okay? Cool, Andrias out." Andrias bids the bot farewell and cuts communication with it.

The cloak bot knew it was now or never. But then gets a reading of an unknown frobot unit that has been detected in the vicinity. And that unknown frobot, unfortunately is Frobo. The cloak bot heads off in that direction and races as fast as it could.

Back at the Boonchuy's house, Frobo's eyes blinked red for a few seconds. Frobo didn't think of any importance, and just shrugged it off. Or lack thereof being he's a head of course. He was in the living room along with the Plantars, Tint, Mr and Mrs Boonchuy and the Loyalitat family.

They watched Fumagator Four while Anne and Darrel were helping around the house for a bit. Anne was doing the laundry and taking out the trash, while Darrel was washing the dishes, and making sure everyone was comfortable and respectful around the house.

"You know you two," said Mrs Boonchuy. "It really is remarkable of how much you have grown." Anne blushed, "Aww thanks mom." Darrel blushed too, "Thanks, Mrs Boonchuy." "I mean, Anne, you used to be so irresponsible," said Mr Boonchuy. "And Darrel, you used to be very quiet and shy around others. It's like you've found your comfort zone."

"You two really have changed," said Sarah. "It's like you have nothing to hide from us," Darrel sweated when he heard the word hide. Anne looked away a bit out of shame. "We're just so proud of you two," said Mrs Boonchuy. "I think Darrel is a great influence to our daughter. You two should be most proud." Matthew and Sarah nodded. "We already are," said Matthew.

Darrel looks to Anne, who is feeling guilty. "Anne, could you help me for a second?" He takes Anne by her arm and pulls her into the kitchen. "Anne, I think now's the time to come clean," said Darrel. "I know," said Anne. "We have to tell everyone about Andrias, and the robot hunting us."

"Actually, my mom and dad know about Andrias and the robot already," said Darrel. "What?!" Anne exclaimed. "You told them already?!" "I had too," replied Darrel. "When I sensed you were in trouble, I had to tell them straight away. I didn't want you to get hurt. They agreed to keep it out of the open, at least until people start asking questions."

"Oh," said Anne. "I thought we agreed to keep Andrias, the invasion, and our powers a secret." "I didn't agree to that," said Darrel. "But weren't you at my house when I- Oh, that's right," said Anne. "You raced for home before we could agree on anything."

"We have to tell them everything," said Darrel. "Hold on," said Anne. "If your family already knew about Andrias, then what are you keeping from them?" Darrel takes Anne's hands and smiles in her face. Anne blushed and realized what he was hiding. "Mom and Dad don't know about us," said Darrel. "I have to tell them, and your parents." Anne nodded, "Okay, let's do it." "I'm right beside you," said Darrel.

The two enter the living room with their heads up high and get in front of the television. "Listen everyone," said Anne. "There's something we have to tell you." Jane and Amelia smiled in excitement, and the parents were slightly confused. "What is it, sweetie?" Mrs Boonchuy asked.

The two friends look to each other with gentle smiles on their faces and look back to their families. "Well, the thing is.."

Before anything could happen, they hear a sudden bang coming from outside. The furniture shakes in response to the tremors. "What the heck was that?" Anne asked. "I can take a wild guess," replied Darrel. They open the shades to the window and see the cloak bot outside the front yard.

"He's back!" Darrel cried. "Kids," said Mrs Boonchuy. "What's going-" "GET DOWN!" Anne dives down, knocking her parents down to the ground. The Loyalitats got at a safe distance from the window.

The cloak bot crawls into the house showing its repairs to the group. The group runs upstairs looking for a place to hide. "Everyone, quick," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Into my workout room!" The group enter the room and see a lack of workout equipment and a lot of hand-crafted Anne Boonchuys made by her mother. The whole entire room was made of Anne's ever since she disappeared.

"I am so startled," said Darrel. "This is not a workout room," said Anne. "Yes it is," said Mrs Boonchuy. "When I thought you ran away, this is where I work out all my stress." Anne looks over to an Anne dressed like a doctor. "Why is this one dressed like a doctor?" Amelia asked. "A mom can't dream, can't she?" Mrs Boonchuy replied.

"Sometimes, I feel like you expect too much from your daughter," said Darrel in an upsetting tone. The cloak bot suddenly bursts from the floor of the house and into the same room they're in. But as he scans the room, he finds multiple Annes in the area. Apparently Mrs Boonchuy's craftsmanship was so good, it made the robot confused.

"Multiple Anne Boonchuys confirmed," said the cloak bot. Then, he scans Darrel from the opposite of where the real Anne was. "Darrel Loyalitat confirmed."

Mr and Mrs Boonchuy were shocked. "It's after the two of you!?" "What!?" "It's a long story," said Darrel. He draws out his magic staff, still aware that he has trouble casting powerful spells. "Eliminate them," the robot said as he lunges at Darrel and a decoy. Darrel dodges and taps his staff on the robot causing a jolt of electricity to purge through him.

"There are a couple things I haven't told you guys," said Anne. The group races downstairs and jumps into Mr Boonchuy's car. They make a quick getaway as the robot reactivates itself. He looks to his timer, reminding himself he's running out of time. And only thirty minutes remain.

"Kids, why is there a robot chasing us?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "This is exactly what we were going to tell you," said Darrel. "Apparently the King of Amphibia kinda has it out for us," said Anne. "They punched and blasted him in the face," said Sprig.

The Boonchuy's were surprised, "You what?!" "Anne!" "Keep your eyes on the road!" Jane asked. The Boonchuys looked back and swerved back on course, while the cloak bot was hopping after them. Now that he was on a timer, he didn't have time to stay hidden from the public and hopped passed a girl walking her bulldog.

"Can't this robo snail go any faster?" Polly asked. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to running for my life from a crazy robot," replied Mr Boonchuy. "I know just how you feel Mr B," said Hop pop. "Why, the first time that robot attacked us-" "This Isn't the First Time!?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "Not helping, HP!" Tint cried.

As the group continues rushing through the streets, Mr Boonchuy suddenly stops. "Why'd you stop?" Amelia asked. "The light's red," replied Mr Boonchuy. "THERE ARE NO RED LIGHTS IN A CAR CHASE!" Darrel shouted. The light turns green and they floor it to the freeway.

The group gets on the freeway, passing cars and trucks as much as they possibly can. The cloak bot uses his new buzzsaw foot to remain at top speeds and chase after the car.

The kids spot the robot not far from them. Amelia looks in Anne's tennis duffle bag and comes up with an idea. She gives Anne one of her rackets and opens the trunk. "Set me up, Anne!" Ameila shouted. Anne takes out a tennis ball and hits it at the robot. The robot counteracts Anne's attack and she and Amelia continue to fight back. Darrel also stepped in, hoping to give their tennis ball an electric charge.

"Your backhand is looking pretty rusty, Anne," said Mr Boonchuy. "Less talking, more driving!" cried Darrel. The cloak bot takes out a nail gun and fires a few rounds at the kids. Anne closes the trunk and the robot keeps firing.

"There's a split coming up," said Mr Boonchuy. "Which freeway should I take?" "I don't know," replied Mrs Boonchuy. "The 405?" "Not at this hour," replied Sarah. "It'll be jammed." "Guys," said Anne. "I've got the map on my phone," said Matthew. "As long as it's not map search," said MR Boonchuy. "That one is no good."

The cloak bot raises his forklift hand to slam on the car when, "DAD! Turn!" Anne cried. And Mr Boonchuy does that, taking the exit route. However, the cloak bot jumps in front of the car, scaring the kids. But Mr Boonchuy does not stop, or show any signs of slowing down. He runs down the robot leaving behind tire marks on his hull.

The cloak bot looks at his timer to reveal nearly twenty minutes remain. The group cheers for Mr Boonchuys act of impulse. "Alright Dad!" said Anne. "That was awesome. Can you take me for driving lessons sometime?"

The group exits the freeway and turns under a small bridge. "Did we lose it?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "I don't know," replied Tint. "That robot has a habit of coming back." And boy how Tint was right.

The road suddenly gets a hole cut through above them, and a couple of debris fall on the car. The robot jumps in front of them, and Mr Boonchuy backs up into a junkyard. The group exits the car and try to find a safe place to hide.

The group find themselves hiding behind hilltops of junk and look around for any signs of their attacker. "See anything?" Tint asked. "All clear here," said Amelia. "Clear," said Polly. Darrel takes a deep breath. "Okay guys, I think we're safe for now," said Anne. However, Anne and Darrel were far from safe from something else.

"Anne Savisa Boonchuy," said her stern mother. "What is goin on?!" Darrel steps in to explain. "Okay," he said. "I'll make this short. The king is planning to invade our home with robots, and he's targeting us because we hold special gifts. And we have to stop him." "Yeah, that's pretty much it," said Anne.

"Yeah, but why Anne? Why?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "Is there something you like to tell us?" "Mom, take it easy," said Anne. "Honey, maybe we should hear them out," said Mr. Boonchuy. But Mrs Boonchuy wouldn't have it.

"No, they're lying to us," she said. "Hey, my son is not a liar!" Matthew shouted. Darrel raised his hand in silence, "This is my fight, Dad. I can handle this." He steps up and tightens his grip on his staff. "There's a difference between lying and hiding facts about Amphibia. We hid the facts to keep you safe."

"Even if you hid more facts, you two have done something," said Mrs Boonchuy. "That's why that thing is after us!" "It's complicated," said Anne. Mrs Boonchuy was far beyond disappointed that she wouldn't give the two kids a chance to explain.

"I knew it," she said. "We were wrong about you two. Anne, you're still the same irresponsible little girl who used to cut class. And Darrel, you're still too scared to take action and follow everyone you stand behind. When are you going to grow up!?"

Having heard enough of her rant, Darrel stomps on the ground causing a little tremor like the one from Toad Tower. "She is growing up Mrs Boonchuy!" he shouted. "And I'm growing up too. You're just not seeing it!" "All I see are two kids always getting into trouble," said Mrs Boonchuy. "Always cowering when things get rough, why do you always defend her actions? You know that she's always getting into trouble. Always making the wrong choices. Always-"

"MRS BOONCHUY! CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! I LOVE HER!" Darrel's shout echoed the entire junkyard. Even got the cloak bot's attention. The Boonchuys were shocked, and so were Sarah and Matthew. Darrel breathed heavily, knowing that his secret is out of the bag. He takes Anne's hand to confirm his statement.

"You're in love with Anne, now?" Sarah asked. Darrel nodded silently. Anne nodded as well. "But Darrel," said Matthew. "What about Sasha?" Darrel turns to his parents, "I broke up with her back in Amphibia," he replied. He turns his attention back to the Boonchuy's.

"I broke up with her, because she was growing up to be someone I don't want to be. A selfish manipulator, an influencer for all the wrong reasons. But I was no better, I did cower behind her. However, my time in Amphibia made me grow out of my comfort zone. And then, the time came for me to step up, to be my own man."

He takes both of Anne's hands and continues his speech, "But, when I thought about Anne, your daughter, I realized that she was there for me when no one else was. Deep down, she's smart, fun, kind, and loyal to her best friends. That's why I chose to find her before Sasha. Because she would do the same for me."

"Look mom," said Anne. "I don't know if I'm the daughter you want me to be. But Darrel knows the kind of person I want to be. And I'm sorry. It's true, I kept the truth from you. But I did it to protect the people I care about."

The Boonchuys look at the Plantars and Tint. Tint walked up to them and said, "Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons." "I've learned so much from you two these past few weeks," said Anne. "Even Darrel learned a thing or two from you as well." "It's true," said Darrel. "And I've finally appreciated how much you've done for me," said Anne. "Now, we're asking for your help."

She takes her mother's hands, concluding her speech. "Please, I can't do this without you." Sarah and Matthew smile, "Do you love our son?" Anne smiled, "More than anything, Mr and Mrs Loyalitat." "Then you have our support," said Matthew. "And you have ours," said Jane and Amelia. Darrel smiled, "What do you say, Mr and Mrs Boonchuy? Are you in?"

Mr Boonchuy smiles and says, "We're with you two, right Mom?" "I don't know," she replied. "Isn't this all just too much?" "It is," said Sarah. "But if it weren't for Amphibia, I probably wouldn't be here right now."

Suddenly, a large crash was heard in the distance. The group ran for cover and looked out in the distance. The robot was on the prowl, searching for Anne and Darrel. He picks up the car and then throws it away when he can't find the humans.

"So, do we have a plan?" Sprig asked. "Really hoping for a plan." Darrel looks to his staff, then his own fist. Realizing that there is one way to save them, he took charge. "We've got to pin down that robot, then take him apart piece by piece," he said. "We need him distracted somehow."

Anne looks across the yard and finds materials like the ones Mrs Boonchuy had back at the house. "Hey mom, feel like putting your artistic skills to use?" she asked. Mrs Boonchuy was curious as to what she meant, but then went straight to work.

The cloak bot continues to search for the two humans at a fast pace. Knowing his time was running short, in less than ten minutes, he continued to prowl the junkyard. He scans the area and mistakes a basketball with a mop on top for Anne. "Target confirmed." He kicks the ball with his buzzsaw foot, only to find that it was a decoy.

"Hey Metal Head!" Anne cried. "Looking for me?" The robot turns to find more decoys of Anne, confusing the robot. "How about looking for me first?" Darrel called out. The robot turns to find Darrel decoys, causing the robot to smoke. "Error, error, error, error!"

The cloak bot takes out its nail gun weapon and fires at all the decoys. "Now guys!" Anne cried. Amelia and Jane push a tilting car over the robot's head. The robot catches it, allowing the others to attack the robot with pipes. But the robot retaliates by throwing the car away, then pushing the rest of the group back.

The robot then jumps on Anne and Darrel, grabbing them with his makeshift claw. "Targets confirmed," said the robot. "Mission complete!" "Hey!" shouted Sarah. "Leave our children alone!"

Sarah takes her cane then reveals it to be a hidden sword sheathed inside for self defense. Mrs Boonchuy comes in full swing with a hammer. They cause major damage to the robot, bashing it, and cutting off its legs.

"Wow, Mom," said Anne. "Good arm." "How did you learn to do that, Mom?" Darrel asked. "Mrs Boonchuy and I take the same self defense classes," replied Sarah. "Los Angeles can be a dangerous city."

"That was crazy, you guys," said Sprig overlooking the damaged robot. "I like your style Mrs B," said Polly. "Weren't you guys surprised by that display of veracity?" Hop pop asked the fathers. The two stood silent until Mr Boonchuy simply said, "No."

Suddenly, the damaged cloak bot laughed and revealed its self-destruct countdown in ten seconds. The group was scared, knowing he was going to blow up. "What do we do?" Hop pop asked. "All that and we're still toast?!" Polly asked.

"Not on my watch," said Anne in a demonic voice. "It's all part of the plan," said Darrel in his demonic voice. And for the first time, both families get to see Anne and Darrel unlock their Calamity powers. Anne's eyes glow blue, while Darrel's glow red.

They kick the robot high into the air until it reaches the edges of outer space. Then, the timer runs out and the robot is no more. The robot explodes into the sky and the two humans cut themselves from their newfound powers.

"Anne? Darrel?" "What was that?" Mr Boonchuy asked. "Calamity," said Darrel. That's all he said, before he collapsed to the ground out of exhaustion. "We have so much to tell you," said Anne before she collapsed too. Sprig and Tint catch them and the group return to the car.

On the road, Anne was resting on her Mom's shoulder, and Darrel was resting on Anne's shoulder. Seeing the two together made Mrs Boonchuy and Sarah smile. "Honestly, Mrs Boonchuy," said Hop pop. "Anne and Darrel have been trying to-" "Protect you four," finished Mrs Boonchuy. "I get it now. And whatever it is you guys need to do, we'll do it together."

She hugs the kids and the amphibians, while Mr Boonchuy and Matt watched the whole thing from the front of the car. "Aw," said Mr Boonchuy. "The driver always gets left out of the group hug." "It's okay," said Matthew. "I'm left out of it too."

"So, Sarah," said Mrs Boonchuy. "About your son, and my daughter. Do you think they really love each other?" "If it's anything like my relationship with my husband, I think they do," smiled Sarah. Mrs Boonchuy smiled as she looked back at the sleeping teens.

Well, looks like their hyped up chase has come to an end. But where one chase ends, another begins. Because like it was mentioned before, all the weird stuff in Los Angeles was bound to bring attention. Somewhere in an undisclosed location in Los Angeles, a couple of FBI agents were looking at recent traffic cameras on the recent car chase. "Get HQ on the line," said one of the agents. "This may be the real deal." They zoom in on the picture revealing the undisguised amphibians inside the car. "It's time to call Mr. X."

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