

Alpha's Bio

"You gazed at the abyss. There's no turning back."

Name (now): "Lucia" Alpha

Name (previous): Y/n L/n

Age: 17

Birth date: 15 June 1998

Height: 165 cm

Eye color: Red

Hair color: (Before) Black (after) White

Personalities(before)observant, mature (not so much), playful, Kind, Friendly

Personalities(after): more serious, completely mature, trust issue, very cold, Very Observant, Kind (only to Luna)

Relatives: Younger sisters: LunaYoungest sister: Lucia

Favorite color: red




{Data Not Found}

(Alpha's other form will be revealed later and made in a separate bio)


Stigmata:[will be revealed later]

Active skills:

Basic Attack

Crimson Abyss - Iaido Will

Basic Attack: Attacks the target in 5 sword styles. Each attack deals with 80% / 100% / 120% / 270% / 280% Physical DMG. Alpha will immediately perform the 3rd move of Basic Attack after dodging.

Crimson Abyss - Flickering StrikeLeaps forward and attacks targets ahead, dealing 25% / 50% / 75% Physical DMG per hit. The last hit deals 75% Physical DMG and knocks back the target. Gains Super Armor when using this skill.

Crimson Abyss - Dazzling StrikeCharges forward and drives through enemies, dealing 250% / 500% /750% Physical DMG to enemies in the path based on the number of targeted enemies.

Crimson Abyss - Lightbreak StrikeBoosts Honkai Energy regen for 5 seconds and increases Movement Speed by 20% / 30% / 50% based on current Honkai Energy. Deals 4% / 8% / 12% Physical DMG twice when attacking. When unleashing Sword Waves, Extra DMG will be enhanced into extra Sword Waves that deal 8% / 16% / 24% Physical DMG per hit.

Honkai Aura: Alpha can unleash an aura imbued with Honkai Energy that boosts her attack and defense, the strength of it depends on how much Honkai Energy is used.

UltimateAbyssal SlashSignature Move: Costs 85 Honkai Energy. Slashes target ahead, dealing 2600% Physical DMG in total.


Falling PetalsAlpha uses Rising Slashes that deal 600% Physical DMG in total and sends the target airborne.

Passive skills:

Blade WillCore Passive: Parrying several attacks in a row makes the blade glow and causes Alpha to fall back and enter Blade Will mode, unleashes Sword Waves that deal 340% Physical DMG, and gains Super Armor while unleashing.

Abyssal ResonanceATK and CRIT of all Attacker Constructs increases by 10% and 5%.

Crimson Scabbard

Passive: Physical DMG increases by 10% for 4 seconds, under the effects of flickering strike

Crimson Will

Passive: Extra DMG increases by 5%. Gains 2 Signal Orbs when the Blade Wil mode ends.

Abyssal Echo

Passive: Under the effects of light break strike, Physical DMG increases by 20%.

Enhanced Perception: Allows Alpha to sense her surroundings with great detail depending on how much Honkai Energy is used.

Marked by the END: a possible candidate for Herrscher of The End.

Enchanted strength: Alpha is stronger, faster, and more durable after being turned into constructs from the experiments.

Learn from your mistake:Every time Alpha fails to do something she will analyze where she makes mistakes and improve from it making her a quick learner in new things.

Herrscher core: ????

Honkai energy manipulation: 

Alpha can use Honkai Energy around her to enhance her combat further and use it to her advantage in battle.

Bond with the honkai Some honkai beasts and infected are not hostile to Alpha (only seraph class honkai and scythe-wield zombies)

Backstories: (will be revealed later)


Luna's Bio

"I used to believe that everyone can change, but that is just a lie. They never changed."

Name (after reincarnation): Luna

Name (Before reincarnation): S/n L/n (sister name, Last name)

Age: 16

Birth date: 26 Octorber 1999Height: 150 cm

Eye color: (Before) Gray, (After) Yellow

Hair color: Silver

Personalities (before): Playful, Mature (not so much), Observant, Shy, Friendly

Personalities(after): serious, completely mature, have trust issues, Very Observant, A bit cold, Sometimes Clingy to Alpha, Kind (only to alpha).


Older sister: Alpha

Youngest sister: Lucia

Look (after reincarnated):



(Before reincarnation){Data not found}


(Luna's other form will be made in a separate bio)

Stigma:[Will be revealed later]

Active skills:

Thorny Judgment

Basic Attack: Uses spheres and spikes to inflict multiple attacks that deal a total of 235% Physical DMG. While in Annihilation State, Luna will inflict attacks with swords and spears, dealing a total of 475% Dark DMG. The next Basic Attack after dodging deals 150% Dark DMG. Basic Attacks in Annihilation State will generate a certain amount of Annihilation Orbs based on damage dealt.

Honkai Aura: 

Luna can unleash an aura imbued with Honkai Energy that boosts her attacandor defense, the strength of it depends on how much Honkai Energy is used.

Vortex Polestar

Launches spheres forward to perform a scattered attack, dealing a total of 120/240/360% Physical DMG based on the number of enemies around her.

Impending Pain

Redirects the flow of energy to perform up to 4 piercing attacks at the target's current location, dealing up to 110/220/330/440% Physical DMG based on her attack stat.

Southern Cross

Unleashes an Honkai Energy field around her that inflicts attacks 4 times every 0.25s seconds for 3 seconds, dealing 100/200/300/400% Physical DMG based on her attack stat. The field will follow Luna when she moves around.

Corrupt:Luna is able corrupt to people and mechs by manipulating Honkai Energy to control them. After using this skill, Luna will lower her defenses by 50% for 20 seconds.


Descent of Annihilation

Signature Move: Consumes 150 Honkai Energy. Luna enters Annihilation State and alters the gravity of a large area ahead to draw nearby enemies in, dealing a total of 1400% Dark DMG to all enemies inside it. Annihilation State lasts for 15 seconds. Any leftover Annihilation Orbs will be consumed by Luna to boost all damage dealt by her and her teammates by 25% and rapidly restore Honkai Energy for 5 seconds.


Speedy Sanction:Delivers an attack forward with a spear while airborne, dealing 320% Dark DMG.

Passive skills:

Singularity: Attacking enemies have a chance to create Annihilation orbs that will float around Luna. In the Annihilation State, absorb all annihilation orbs. Launching the basic attack consumes 1 Annihilation Point per attack. Annihilation State will end if the character is swapped out. During the annihilation state, all attacks will be imbued with Honkai Energy causing more damage.

Silver Bloom

When Alpha is nearby all, Luna's ATK increases by 5%.

Drastic Annihilation

Passive: Based on the number of Annihilation Orbs absorbed, the Descent of Annihilation's damage will increase by 15%/30%/45%/60%/75%.

Bond with the honkai

Some honkai beasts and infected are not hostile to Luna (only seraph class honkai and all honkai zombies so far)

Backstories:[Data not found]


Lucia's Bio

"I will save both of my sisters from the honkai's grasp, no matter what it takes."

Name: Lucia

Age: 15

Birth date: 11 February 2000

Height: 165 cm

Eye color: Red

Hair color: Black

Personalities: Kind, Friendly, Helpful, Dependable, Doesn't give up, Brave and selfless

Relatives: Older sisters: Luna, Lucia (alpha)

Favorite color: red




(Lucia's other form will be revealed and made in a separate bio)


[Will be revealed later]

Active skills:

Lotus - Quick Blade

Basic Attack: Launches consecutive attacks of Lotus Quick Blade, dealing 540% Physical DMG.

Lotus - Initial Move

Thrusts forward and pulls the target, dealing 266.72% / 533.32% / 800% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.

Lotus - Flash Strike

Quickly strikes once and knocks the target airborne, dealing 150% / 300% / 450% Physical DMG based on the number of orbs pinged.Lotus - Wave SlashDeals 100% / 200% / 300% Physical DMG and flares up weapon, all attacks deal 10% / 15% / 20% extra Fire DMG for 4/4/6 seconds.

Honkai Aura: Lucia can unleash an aura imbued with Honkai Energy that boosts her attack and defense, the strength of it depends on how much Honkai Energy is used.


Signature - Unleashes Lotus Flurry to deal quick slashes to enemies ahead. Each slash deals 240% Physical DMG. Finishes the move by striking enemies with a heavy blow that deals 1000% Physical DMG.


Lotus Quick Slash

QTE: Lucia strikes at enemies with her Dual Blades, dealing 1110% Physical DMG in total.

Passive skills:

Lotus - Dual BladesCore Passive: Lucia will enter Burst mode after reaching a certain amount of Honkai Energy. Basic Attacks will be replaced with Dual Blades. Lotus - Dual Blades: Launches consecutive attacks at enemies, dealing 1080% Physical DMG in total.

Fearless WarriorAttack of all allies increases by 10%.

Rapid Strike - Spiritblade Slash

Passive: When attacking airborne targets, deal an extra 20% Physical DMG per attack.

Relentless BladePassive: When in Burst mode, the character gains a 15% increase in DMG.

Core of Clarity

Passive: Extra DMG Bonus of Basic Attack increases by 15%.

Backstories:[will be revealed later]

A/n: All [will be revealed] parts will be updated as the story goes on and the past of the character is revealed. For other forms for example Lucia- plume, Lucia- Dawn, etc will be made in separate bios 

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