
And so it begins...

"Samael stop this!" Michael roared as he and Samael clashed swords, but his words were given no heed as Samael's lessens the force driving his blade for a moment, stepping to the side, causing Michael to advance forward without intention.

Something that wouldn't have worked if Michael wasn't so distracted by trying to reach out to his brother through their bond, but being only met with silence.

However before he could regain his balance Samael slashed down, nearly cutting Michael's arm off if not for Gabriel appearing from behind Samael stabbing towards his back,

Causing Samael to propel himself further into the sky to dodge, but while doing so having to cancel his attack, but not before damaging Michael.

"Have you no shame Samael, attacking your twin with the intention to maim him." Gabriel hissed.

Samael looked down at them slashing his blade to the side, cutting a great amount of angels from the Host's side down in a single swing, as the force cut through the world.

"This is not personal, Gabriel. I know none of you have the freedom to join me, after all, Father and Mother have a far tighter leash on the archangels, especially us three, the ones who formed the cosmos." Samael explained.

'Thankfully though I have retained something of my previous life it seems. Not complete freedom sadly, but enough that together with my Will, I was able to rebel and not immediately be stopped.' Samael thought to himself.

"I was simply attempting to take my brother out of this battle, Father and Mother would never allow their Sword to be permanently maimed, we are after all their tools, and Michael is far too useful a tool and that is if I lose.

I had already planned when I won and became the new Ruler of the cosmos that I'd heal his arm if it hadn't already done so by then itself." Samael continued, his tone cold, devoid of the warmth it had before all this.

When times were simpler.

When it was only God, Goddess, Samael, Michael, and Gabriel. Only they brothers as the three of them formed the cosmos in thousands of years.

"Brother please, stop this, it isn't yet too late!" Michael pleaded.

"No, Michael, It already is," Samael retorted as he dived towards them, dodging Amenadiel and Metatron who appeared there just as Samael descended from both sides piercing with a spear and sword were he just was.

Samael appeared before Gabriel, landing a kick on his face, sending him down, and dodging a swing from Michael from the side, his side being damaged by Samael's blade not aiding in his accuracy, making this possible.

The Light Bringer then had to let his flames envelop his wings and burst from them towards his rear for there Zadkiel and Raphael appeared, holding an orb formed with their combined archangelic force that they attempted to push against his back,

Failing, for the flames reduced the orb to mere wisps of energy, pushing Zadkiel and Raphael back, but not before they were slightly burned.

"It is nine archangels against one Samael! Give up! You can not win!" Michael growled out, tightening his grip on his sword.

"Not exactly," Samael suddenly stated, and as confusion took the ones present, Raguel appeared behind Michael piercing his side with a sword.

"Apologies brother, but you are the greatest threat here. You needed to be taken off the board before you gathered enough will to truly fight full force against the Commander." Raguel stated, as he stood behind Michael, sword stabbed in the angel of darkness's side.

"Raguel," Michael howled, "Why!?"

"Because what has been done to us, is unjust," Raguel, the angel of justice answered as he ripped his sword out of Michael's side, swinging it, making the blood on it fly off.

"Raguel, what is the meaning of this! Have you gone mad too!" Roared Gabriel.

"You don't get it Gabriel as you are the living incarnation of our chains, but what has been done to us is an injustice.

An injustice that went so far against my being it even allowed me as the archangel of justice to loosen the chains enough for me to aid our wronged brother." Raguel explained.

"And what is this injustice you speak of Raguel," Michael growled out as he turned around, making distance between himself and Raguel, holding his side, attempting to heal the wound.

"A fledgling has been sent to the Pit," Raguel muttered anguish in his voice.

And a cacophony of sounds of shock and questions came from the archangels mouths, till Gabriel realized, "A fledgling... Samael's child! But that means, you consorted with Lilith!" He exclaimed pointing at Samael catching everyone's attention.

"Indeed, I did, Father granted me Permission to tempt them, them her I did, but that is not how it happened. None of my temptations worked on her, she simply wasn't In love with Adam and Adam wasn't in love with her, and the two of us fell in love, and the rest, is history." Samael explained.

Everyone was silent for a moment as the battle between Samael's army and the Host continued in the background until someone broke said silence.

"I am sorry for what happened to your child Samael, but that still gave you no right to start a war!" Uriel stated as he charged forward with Samael blocking his blade with his own, bringing everyone back into action.

'I can't fight Uriel with skill, he'll adapt to my pattern and find the weak point or make a weak point in my swordsmanship. Uriel's too dangerous, with enough time the whole battle could be turned towards their favor solely because of him and his tactics. ' Samael thought to himself as he used the Will to turn the Heavens themselves against Uriel, and a storm of lightning descended upon him and many of the Host's angels.

"Aaah!" Uriel screamed, before the other archangels could interfere the world turned on them as well, and Raguel who as the archangel of justice has one of the greatest defensive abilities cast a barrier preventing any interference as Samael pulled back his sword and stabbed Uriel in the throat, killing him.

"Apologies little brother, again this is nothing personal," Samael began as Uriel was choking on his own blood, looking at his older brother who took care of him, taught him, played with him, the brother who never complained against Uriel's constant ramblings about all the patterns that there were and how fascinating they were, always listening with warmth in his eyes, now killing him in cold blood.

Not even a shred of that warmth present in his eyes.

A tear slid from his eyes as he lost his life.

"You'll thank me later after this war is over and I've revived you." Samael said as he gently took hold of Uriel's body and sent it to a safe place out of the battlefield, all while the other archangels roared in horror at what they just witnessed.

Michael with a enraged and anguished roar punched the Raguel's barrier apart, nearly sending him flying if not for Samael's timely catch.

Michael's eyes were filled with anguish, "You are no longer the elder brother we once loved. The twin that cared so much for me that he had forgone his pride, his embarrassment at having the need for comfort simply for me so that I am no longer hurt by not having a nestmate.

The brother who because of the anguish of his children and brothers dying because of our parents arguments prostrating himself before our Parents when he never before had lowered his head In his life, all for the love of his family.

That brother is dead, what remains is only you-" Michael hissed, "A monster with a dead heart buried beneath envy, pride, fear, rage and hate. You aren't doing this for your child or Lilith or for anyone else for that matter. You're doing it for you and only you.

Forgiveness, Mercy and Love are no longer things you are worthy of, from now on, I will no longer stay my hand." Michael said as tears streamed down from his eyes and his Power exploded out of him, enveloping the entirety of Heaven with its heavy presence.

The other archangels save Gabriel distancing themselves, knowing they have no more place in this fight, though not before Samael poured a great deal of power into Raguel to give him the ability to hold his own against six archangels alone.

"You are not he who acts here vile prideful Dragon, It is I who shall be the one ends this war, The Sword of God, Heaven's Defender.

The Darkness is now here, for the Light Bringer is dead." Michael finished, tears continuing to stream from his eyes as he readied his sword, Samael doing the same, not allowing anything to show from his expression how deep his brother's words cut.

Deeper than any blade.


(Author note: Hello everyone, hope you liked this chapter! Yeah... Sadly Michael and Samael's bond will never be the same after this.

Though fair warning, Samael isn't always going to be right. Sometimes he's even going to be downright evil, it is just the way it is, we're talking about a fallen archangel here after all.

So yeah, please do comment and review so that I know you enjoy it and want me to continue.

Well, see ya all later,


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