
this is my favourite ( Q ) to relax

VOL - 1

friendship or relationship?

1 - the day we first met - 530 : words

2 - doing ( Q ) in the library - 531 : words

3 - this is my favourite ( Q ) to relex - 602 words


In the weekend when one afternoon shyam was going to the store to buy something he noticed raitha was walking by the same street, just after noticing her he slowed down his bycycle and started thinking if he should go talk to her, when suddenly she looked behind her and noticed shyam was riding his bycycle just behind her, she god excited seeing shyam here she said

" Hey, do you live near by? Why are are you here ? Where are you going? "

As always she started asking questions upon questions, well that is how she is alright, shyam was also getting used to how she is so he told her that he doesn't live nearby which obviously was a lie, but he did not tell her where he was going because he thought she might wanna to come with him, instead he said

" I was actually going to forest to ride my bike "

He thought hearing the word forest would scare her out and she would not want to come with him, but litile did he knew she had a hoby of researching plants and what place is more better to research on plants and trees than a forest,

Just when he said he was going to the first she started to want to come with him, at first he declined but when she didn't give up he agreed to it,

Although he as going to the store to buy mangas he had to change his route midway, he was just blaming himself for lieing, he thought to himself

" Today I understand leing is naver a good choice "

After reaching the nearest public forest and by public I mean it's a park type thing where people can go anytime they want except night without any restrictions, shyam was riding his bike while raitha was enjoying the view, after paddling the bike for around half an hour with a passenger shyam stopped at a place unknown to raitha, although it was unknown to her, for shyam it was the best pace to sit back and relax, because it was the highest part of the forest from which the whole town is visible, bybthe time they had reached the forest and by the time they had reached this place it was already evening, with the sun starting to set down the town was looking just like a painting,

Raitha was surprised by how beautiful this scenary is she said

" I visit this forest often but I naver knew this place existed, thanks for showing me, now I will come here everytime I visit this place "

She had that smile of the angels, and mixed with the sunfall's lighting touching her skin and reflecting it directly to shyam's eyes she looked just like an angel coming from heaven, he said

" No need to thanks me, this is my favourite place to relax and since you are my friends i thought why not "

This time Somehow for some reason he was not feeling shy nor hesitation, he was speaking to her as though they were friends from childhood,

That night shyam could not sleep because he was keep thinking about how gorgeous and beautiful she was looking behind the sunset, that scene got fit into shyam's brain like glue ...

" I wander what she might be doing right now "

" Snoooz graaah, snoooz graaaah "


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