
Casey: Post Dinner Clarity

Later that night, when we were back in Kira's hotel room, we were both seated on her bed. I had one of her pillows on my lap while she was fiddling with the ends of her hair as she spoke heatedly. I had listened to her recount everything her uncle had told her and how he was planning to hand over the company to either Jace or Steve, depending on which option favored him the most.

Listening to her speak with such emotion, I could see why she was embittered. I for one knew how hard she had worked just to push the company further. Hell, she had worked even harder than her uncle, Leo. So, this move that he was trying to play felt so sneaky and had all the marks of an evil mastermind.

I knew Leo very well, and I knew that there was enough reason to be scared. Once the old man put his mind to something, he would employ all means to see that it worked his way. If Kira was going to go against such a man, the odds were stacked high against her because she would have to come with everything she could and then some, if she was going to stand a chance against her uncle.

"So, you see?" She said as she finally let go of her hair. "This is why I can't allow Jace to keep seeing that skank. Any mistake they make could reflect poorly on the company and my uncle would find a way to blame me for that, or at least see it as a reason why I shouldn't be in charge."

"This is 2024," I muttered. "Your uncle doesn't get to call such shots, least of all with your birthright."

"Well, he's the boss. And for now, what he says goes."

"Well, what if you simply abandon the idea of the marriage and then sue him for the company? After all, your parents left it to you, he only stepped in because you were too young to handle it at the time."

"A lawsuit? Are you kidding me? Can you imagine the shitstorm that would raise? Well, I can. Taking my uncle to court would be one of the dirtiest court cases in Silicon Valley and the tabloids would tear us apart. As much as I want the company, I'm not going to destroy it in my bid to take it from Uncle Leo. I just have to figure out a way to do it without hurting the company, or the investors."

She got up from the bed and made her way to the mirror. She had taken off her dress and cleaned off her make-up for the last time. She was presently dressed in her nightie, a free-flowing dress that covered her body snugly. It did nothing to hide her shape and even I couldn't deny the fact that she was gorgeous even in such a simple dress.

She ran her fingers through her hair, roughing it up and giving herself a disheveled look. On the vanity, her phone began to ring. She looked down at it and gave a sigh as she turned the phone upside down, silencing it. Since we returned from the hall, this was the seventh time the phone was ringing and she was ignoring it. Whoever was calling her was doing their best to reach out and she was stonewalling them.

"You threw quite the dinner party tonight," she said suddenly as she turned back to me. "I'm certain tongues will be wagging for a while. Now, we have to start planning the actual dinner."

"Yeah, I know." I also knew that she was changing the subject just to avoid me asking about who was calling her, but I didn't press. "Plans are being made for a hundred and fifty guests, with an extra of over fifty. Just to be on the safe side."

"So, just two hundred?" She thought about it. "No, I don't think so."

"Uhm…" I muttered. "Most of the plans have already been made."

"I don't care how much it costs, but some of those plans would have to change."

I let out a groan, "what's going on, Kira?"

"Out of the one hundred and fifty guests, eighty of them were handpicked by Uncle Leo. I only picked about thirty while Jace brought in the rest. Casey, this is not my Uncle's wedding, okay? It's mine. And I'll invite as many people as I want to."

I shifted in the bed, "Kira, you do know that this wedding was designed to help the company, right? It's not a pissing contest between you and your uncle. If you start going at loggerheads with each other, it would only be a matter of time before the investors and the press get wind of it. This is dangerous grounds you're treading, girl."

"So, what do you suggest I do? Nothing? While my uncle steals the company from me and gives it to someone else? I'm not gonna sit idly by while he turns me into a trophy wife so that Jace can hang on his shoulder whenever he wants to look good, or so my uncle can look like the sole savior of the company."

"I understand, believe me, I do. Girl, I know as well as you what you've gone through to get to where you are, and you did it all for the company. However, I'm just telling you that for now, open rebellion might not be the best-case scenario. You're still angry at your uncle and most of your words now are just fueled by emotion. So, I'll suggest that we take some days to think and strategize. We need to figure out the best way to go about it."

She glanced at me, "You sound so much like Jace, right now."

I swallowed, "I do?"

Before she could reply, her phone began to ring again. This time though, she was on the bed while the phone was on the vanity, ringing shrilly. Like before, she ignored it until it stopped ringing.

"So, I just want you to spend tonight thinking of some new ways the next dinner could work, with guests of over a thousand."

"You know what, you're not changing the subject anymore." I suddenly said, unable to hold myself. "Who's that calling you?"

"It's nobody," she replied curtly.

"Come on, Kira." I said. "You can tell me."

"Just drop it, okay?" She snapped, then noticing her tone, she sucked in a deep breath, "I'm sorry. I just can't talk about it right now, but I promise to tell you everything later on, babe. Just not tonight."

"It's okay…" I muttered. I wasn't satisfied with her response, but I couldn't push. After all, who was I to insist that she tell me? I was also keeping a terrible secret from her, and her plans to destroy whoever was seeing Jace had made it crystal clear that I would never tell her. At least not yet. I just had to figure out the best way to do it without ruining our friendship.

However, now that I heard everything going on with her uncle, I couldn't help but see things from her perspective. Another woman in Jace's life could complicate things if they were not careful and she wasn't looking to have such a problem on her hands. The more I thought about it, the more guilt I felt. I wondered how it would be for me if Jace decided to break things off with me simply because it would hurt the merger.

Get yourself together, girl! I cried out in my head. We weren't even official yet. I couldn't believe that I was already thinking of ourselves as an item simply because we shared a kiss. I let out a breath as I pinched the bridge of my nose. I was getting carried away. Things were going crazy at a pace I had no control over, and the more I thought about it, the less sense it made.

Just then, the phone began to ring once more.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" She cursed as she leapt off the bed and hurried over to the vanity where she grabbed her phone and turned it off. With a sigh of rage, she threw it back on the vanity as she returned to the bed, clutching her pillow. Just then, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

I unlocked it and saw a text from Jace:

I'm at King's Boulevard, It read. The room number is 1907. Best to use disguise. I can't wait to see you, my love. J.

It's time for Casey to make a choice, or will she leave it all up to Jace to decide on his own? We'll find out in the coming chapters. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to support me with your votes and your comments!

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