
[10] Style Points

I settled into my seat on the bus, tugging at the black compression shirt. The kanji for "Arashi" stretched across my back. The white pants felt loose and comfortable - perfect for whatever chaos awaited us.

Todo dropped into the seat beside me, his purple shirt a stark contrast to my monochrome look. "Besto Friendo! Ready to show these robots the power of our bromance?"

"Pretty sure that's not how the scoring works," I said, but I was grinning. Something about his enthusiasm was infectious.

"Ah, but consider this-" He pulled out his phone. "I made those PowerPoint slides about thighs versus-"

"We are NOT having this debate right now."

The bus lurched into motion. Other examinees chatted nervously or sat in tense silence. A few kept shooting glances our way, probably wondering why Todo was gesturing so enthusiastically about leg muscles.

"Look, all I'm saying is that the ratio of quad to hamstring development-"



I pressed my face against the window, pretending to be fascinated by the passing buildings.

The testing ground came into view - a sprawling mock city that would've put most movie sets to shame. As we filed off the bus, I spotted explosion girl near the front of the crowd. Her scowl could've melted steel.

"Your friend seems... intense," Todo observed.

"Still not sure she's actually my friend."

I scanned the crowd, trying to get a feel for the competition. Most looked nervous, some were stretching, others-


A girl stood off to the right, going through what looked like a martial arts warm-up routine. Long black hair, slim athletic build, moving with the kind of fluid grace that screamed 'do not fuck with me.' But what caught my attention were the small, rat-like ears poking through her hair and the long, grey tail curled behind her.

She must have felt me staring because she turned, meeting my gaze with startling teal eyes. A slight smirk played at her lips. I looked away quickly.

"Besto Friendo?" Todo's voice had that dangerous excitement again. "Did you see something interesting? Perhaps... a woman who matches your ideal proportions?"

"I will literally teleport you into traffic."

"START!" Present Mic's voice boomed from somewhere above us.

The crowd stood frozen for a moment.


Everyone surged forward at once. I caught a glimpse of explosion girl rocketing ahead on her blasts, the rat-tail girl vanishing into an alley with impossible speed, and Todo... was still standing next to me.

"You gonna move?" I asked.

"A true warrior observes before engaging." He struck a pose.

"Your loss," I said, watching the crowd sprint ahead.

Todo grinned. His hands came together in a sharp clap.

A guy with spiky green hair disappeared, replaced by Todo's towering form now twenty feet ahead in the crowd.

"WHERE AM I?" The teleported guy spun in circles beside me, his voice cracking. "I was- I just- What-"

I shrugged. "Good luck." I crossed my finger to teleport and stepped through into an empty side street. The sounds of chaos echoed from all directions - explosions, mechanical whirring, screaming contestants.

A three-pointer robot burst through a wall to my right, sensors scanning for targets. I shifted into the first form of Arashi-ryu, letting my weight settle naturally. The robot charged.

My light front kick caught it square in the chest plate, denting the metal. It staggered back but didn't fall. Interesting. These things were sturdier than they looked.

"Target acquired," it droned, arms extending into what looked like sonic cannons.

I moved like water, flowing past the blast wave. My roundhouse kick took its head clean off. The body kept moving for two steps before collapsing.

"Three points," I muttered. "Now where's the-"

The ground shook. Four more robots rounded the corner - two one-pointers and two two-pointers. Their sensors all locked onto me at once.

"Oh good, you brought friends."

The first one-pointer rushed in low. I jumped, using its shoulders as a springboard to launch myself at the others. My heel drop crushed the nearest two-pointer's central processor. The second one-pointer tried to grab me, but I twisted mid-air, my foot connecting with its arm joint. Metal shrieked as the limb tore free.

The remaining two-pointer opened fire with some kind of net launcher. I ducked under it, sweeping its legs with a low kick. As it toppled, I drove my knee through its chest.

"Target still active," the one-armed robot announced, charging with its remaining appendage.

"Not for long." I spun into a back kick that sent it flying into a wall. It didn't get up.

Eight points total. Not bad for the first minute. I needed to find the bigger ones though - those would be worth more points.

A massive crash echoed from two blocks over, followed by screaming. That seemed promising.

I rounded the corner just in time to see explosion girl obliterate a three-pointer with a point-blank blast. Three more robots advanced on her position while she was still recovering from the recoil.

Well, couldn't let her have all the fun.

I launched myself off a broken lamppost, catching the nearest robot with an axe kick that split its armor plating. The second one tried to track me, but I was already moving, flowing through its guard like mist. My heel found the weak point where its leg joined the torso.

"I had those!" explosion girl shouted, detonating the third robot's face.

"You're welcome!" I called back, already running toward the next sound of combat.

A three-pointer loomed ahead, cornering some contestants against a building. Its gatling gun spun up. Time slowed as I analyzed the scene - angle of fire, structural weak points, optimal approach vector.

I struck like lightning, my foot connecting with the joint where its weapon arm met the shoulder. The entire assembly sparked and went limp. Before it could compensate, I was already moving again, channeling all my momentum into an upward kick that sheared through its neck servos.

"Holy shit," one of the trapped contestants whispered.

I gave them a quick salute before taking off again. The city was chaos now - robots and examinees everywhere, destruction spreading block by block. Perfect hunting ground for someone who knew how to move like a storm.

My breath fell into a steady rhythm as I danced between targets. Each kick flowed naturally into the next - no wasted movement, no hesitation. A three-pointer's head caved under my heel. Three more points.

"Target acquired," droned another robot, its sensors tracking my movement.

I slipped past its guard, my foot connecting with the joint between torso and hip. The metal buckled. Before it could recover, I spun into a roundhouse that separated head from shoulders. Two more points.

"Hey!" Todo's voice boomed from somewhere above. "Save some for your Besto Friendo!"

I glanced up to see him perched on a fire escape, swapping positions with robots and sending them crashing down. Show-off.

A three-pointer charged from my blind spot. I dropped low, letting momentum carry me into a sweep that took out its legs. As it toppled, my rising kick caught it under the chin. The head went flying.

"Forty-two points," I muttered, already moving toward the next target.

The world narrowed to pure instinct. See target, close distance, identify weak point, strike. Each impact sent satisfying vibrations up my spine.

A cluster of two-pointers had some purple-haired kid cornered. Perfect. I launched myself off a chunk of debris, my heel finding the sweet spot on the nearest robot's neck. The second one turned to track me. Too slow. My foot caved in its chest plate before it could fire.

"Thanks," Purple Hair called out.

I was already gone, riding the rush. The kicks came faster now, each strike leading naturally into the next. Metal crumpled. Sparks flew. Points kept climbing.

"Fifty-seven... sixty... sixty-five..."

Something electric thrummed under my skin. The lotus in my eyes spun lazily, responding to my heightened state. I felt invincible.

Three three-pointers emerged from an alley. My grin stretched wider.

"Come on then."

The first one's head exploded under my heel. I used the falling body as a springboard, launching into a spinning kick that caught the second robot in its weapon joint. The third tried to back away. I pursued relentlessly, my foot piercing straight through its core processor.

"Seventy-four points," I laughed. The sound had an edge I didn't recognize.

More. I needed more.

A massive crash drew my attention. Perfect. I rounded the corner at full sprint, finding a group of examinees facing down six robots. My legs moved before I could think.

The first robot never saw me coming. My kick separated its upper body from its legs. The second one managed to track me but couldn't match my speed. Metal shrieked as my heel tore through its armor.

"Holy shit," someone whispered.

I barely heard them. The world had narrowed to targets and impact points. My kicks grew wilder, more powerful. A robot's chest cavity exploded outward. Another's head became a twisted mess of metal and wires.

"Eighty-seven points," I panted. Just a few more...

"Yoichi!" Todo's voice cut through the haze. He stood on a nearby rooftop, arms crossed.

I blinked, suddenly aware of my ragged breathing. The lotus in my eyes had been spinning fast enough to blur. My kicks had grown wild, destructive. Not the flowing precision of Arashi-ryu, but something closer to raw violence.

"Right." I straightened up, letting my stance settle back into proper form. "Thanks."

"What are best friends for?" Todo grinned, then his expression shifted. "Although, about that PowerPoint-"

The ground shook. A shadow fell over the mock city as something massive rose above the buildings. The zero-pointer. It made the other robots look like toys.

"Now that's what I call a final boss!" Todo's eyes lit up.

I studied the behemoth, running calculations. With enough precise strikes to its joints, maybe some tactical teleportation... But no. The point value wouldn't be worth the effort.

"Let's head back," I said. "We've both got enough points."

"Ah, but think of the glory! The-" Todo stopped mid-sentence, head snapping toward a distant scream.

I followed his gaze. Through gaps in the buildings, I spotted someone trapped under fallen debris. The zero-pointer was advancing straight toward them.

"Shit." I started running.

"I'll clear the area!" Todo called out, already clapping to swap fleeing examinees to safer positions.

The trapped person came into view - a girl with moth-like wings, one pinned awkwardly under a chunk of concrete. The zero-pointer's shadow loomed closer.

"Hold still," I said, crouching beside her. "This might feel weird."

I grabbed her shoulder, picturing the entrance gate. Space twisted. The world blurred. We emerged near the starting line, my head swimming from the extended range teleport.

"T-thank you," she stammered, wings fluttering.

Another scream. Two more examinees cornered by the zero-pointer. My temples throbbed, but I pushed off running again.

Grab. Twist. Teleport. The strain built behind my eyes with each jump.

"Anyone else still back there?" I asked the latest rescued examinee.

"Some guy by the fountain," he said. "Purple hair-"

I was already moving. The zero-pointer's foot came down where I'd been standing seconds before. Purple Hair guy - the same one from earlier - had his back against a wall, looking up at the mechanical monster.

"Time to go." I reached for his shoulder.

He flinched away. "I can handle this myself!"

The zero-pointer's sensors locked onto us. Its arm drew back for a strike.

"Nope." I grabbed him anyway. The world bent. We landed by the entrance, my vision going spotty from the effort.

"I didn't ask for-" Purple Hair started.

"You're welcome," I cut him off, scanning the chaos for any other stragglers. My head felt ready to split open.

Todo appeared beside me. "Area's clear! Although I still think we could take that thing."

"Next time," I said, watching the zero-pointer lumber through the empty streets. "Right now I need to sit down before my brain leaks out my ears."

"Ah yes, the classic post-teleport migraine. Perhaps my PowerPoint about proper hydration-"


"Yes, Besto Friendo?"

"Shut up."

He laughed, dropping down to sit beside me. We watched the zero-pointer's rampage in comfortable silence, my head slowly stopping its attempt to explode.

"So," Todo said after a while. "About those thigh development ratios..."

I groaned. Maybe I should have let the robot step on me.


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"Just lie still while I check for concussion." Mom pressed a cold compress to my forehead as I sprawled on the recording studio's leather couch. The camera crew kept shooting despite my protests. "Now tell me about the exam."

"Already told you. Giant robots. Lots of running. My head hurts."

"Mhmm." She adjusted the compress. "And the other examinees?"

"Todo's definitely getting in. Purple Hair guy too, maybe."

"Any... girls?"

I cracked one eye open. Mom's perfect smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "Really? That's what you're worried about?"

"Of course not! I just want to know who my son might be spending time with at U.A." She smoothed my hair back with suspicious casualness. "Especially since you'll be moving into the dorms..."


"I should compile background checks on all female students-"


"And install security cameras-"

"Please support the story by dropping powerstones and adding it to your library," I told the camera desperately. "Before my mother builds an all-female student containment facility."

"Now there's an idea..."

"Next time: Exam results! Will I get in? Will Todo stop talking about thighs? Will my mother actually let me leave home? Find out next chapter!" I buried my face in the couch cushions. "Assuming she doesn't lock me in the basement first."

"Don't be silly, dear." Mom patted my head. "The panic room has much better security features."

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