
Chapter 7: Strange Library

[Third Person's PoV] 

"You've seen me take a bath... You've seen my willy!" Stephen blurted out, lying on the ground in sheer mortification. "I'm impure! A girl has seen me naked before marriage!"

Secre looked down at him with a deadpan expression, though there was a faint flush on her pale cheeks.

"So, where are we?" Secre asked, eager to change the subject as she glanced around their surroundings.

Stephen, now standing up and brushing himself off, surveyed the area as well. "My best guess... this is the true nature of my grimoire. The book in my hands earlier—it's just an entrance, a doorway."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do," Stephen replied, the certainty in his voice unshakable. "It's instinctual... I'm connected to it. I can feel it."

"This is amazing," Secre marveled, walking in awe through the tall shelves lined with books and scrolls. "I knew you were special, but this..."

Stephen's expression turned serious as he looked at her. "You know... I'm still not over the fact that you're an actual person," he said slowly. "Answer me honestly—have you been staying in your bird form just to keep an eye on me? To make sure I wouldn't suspect anything?"

Secre chuckled at his suspicion, shaking her head. "No. The bird form is the result of forbidden magic—a consequence of a spell. This is the first time I've been in human form in over 500 years."

Stephen's jaw dropped. "Five hundred years? You're that old?"

Secre shot him a familiar glare, the same one she gave him while in bird form. It made Stephen shrink back in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry."

Secre rolled her eyes, continuing to explore the shelves. She reached for a book, but when she opened it, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Stephen asked, walking over.

"It's empty," Secre said, showing him the blank pages.

Stephen looked at the book, equally confused. "What are you talking about? It's full of text."

"The pages are blank to me," she repeated.

"Maybe it's because you're not the owner," Stephen suggested.

Secre sighed, closing the book. "That's probably it. Since you're the rightful owner, I guess I'm just an intruder here."

Stephen narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing her closely.

"What?" Secre asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just trying to figure out if I can trust you," Stephen said bluntly.

"With... what, exactly?" she asked cautiously.

"A secret of mine. I mean, I've known you for a long time, so... never mind. Do you even have a last name, or is it just Secre?"

"It's Secre Swallowtail," she replied, her confusion growing. "Why?"

Stephen took a deep breath, placing his hand gently on top of her head between her horns. "Alright. I, Stephen Strange, give Secre Swallowtail permission to read the books in this library."

Secre stared at him, wide-eyed. "You have a last name? Are you of noble birth?"

Stephen shrugged. "I don't know. I just remember Father Orsi reading that name to me when he picked me up as a kid."

"You remembered that?"

"Photographic memory," Stephen explained with a smirk.

Secre seemed deep in thought. "Strange... I feel like I've heard that name before, but I can't quite recall from where."

"It's not 'Strange' at all," Stephen chuckled. "You're 500 years old; I'm surprised you even remember your own last name."

"Very funny," Secre said dryly before flipping open the book again. "It worked—I can see the words now."

"Wait, seriously?" Stephen asked, surprised.

Secre nodded, though she frowned slightly. "Yes, but... I still don't understand them."

Stephen peered over her shoulder, and sure enough, the language was unfamiliar to both of them. "Looks like it's written in some other language."

"Figures," Secre sighed, closing the book and placing it back on the shelf. "Where do we even begin?"

"I wish there was some kind of guide to this place," Stephen muttered, scratching his head.

At that moment, a book wiggled out from a top shelf and floated down into his hands. The cover read: The Rules & Guide.

"Well, that was convenient," Stephen remarked with amusement. "Alright, let's see what we've got here."

He began reading aloud to Secre:

The Rules:

1. Time Limit: You are permitted entry to the library for no longer than 24 hours at a time. Upon reaching this limit, you will automatically return to your physical body.

2. Time Dilation: Time flows differently in the library. 24 hours in the library equals 1 hour in the physical world. Use this advantage wisely.

3. No Physical Withdrawal: Books and scrolls cannot leave the library. If you wish to reference any material outside, your grimoire will generate the specific pages needed, but these will only appear temporarily while you study or cast.

Stephen raised an eyebrow, impressed. "This is kinda cool, not gonna lie."

Flipping through the guide, his eyes lit up as he found something exciting. "Whoa, it's a map!" he exclaimed, showing it to Secre.

"There's a beginner's section," Secre noted, pointing to a spot on the map. "You should probably check it out."

"There's also a martial arts scroll section," Stephen said, grinning.

Secre gave him a wary look. "Are all these spells just available to you? That seems... a bit overpowered. I wouldn't trust it. Power like this always comes with a price. Trust me—I would know." She gestured to her horns.

"There's a difference with my magic," Stephen explained. "Other people's grimoires reveal spells they can use right away, but with mine, I actually have to train to be able to cast a spell. I need to learn the incantations and hand signs. It's... a bit of a hassle, to be honest."

"I see," Secre nodded, now understanding. She had seen him train endlessly to master even the simplest spells. "So that's the price you pay."

"Yup," Stephen said, studying the map. "Shall we head to the beginner's section?"

Secre agreed, and they followed the map until they reached a sign for the section. Nearby, there was a reading table, and Stephen, thinking aloud, asked, "Are there any books for beginners in magic?"

Several books immediately floated down from the shelves and hovered in front of them.

"This library is sentient?" Secre said, surprised.

Stephen grinned. "Let's find out. Pick the best book for me to read."

The majority of the books returned to the shelves, leaving only one floating in front of Stephen. He grabbed it and read the title: Way of the Arcane: Book 1.

"Arcane?" Secre asked.

Stephen raised an eyebrow. "I never told you?"

"Told me what?"

"The name of my magic," he said with a smirk. "It's called Mystic Arts: Arcane Magic."


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