
The Factories

Victory on Lothal soon resonated throughout the galaxy. Barely two days had passed since the decisive engagement, and though the price had been high with tens of thousands of casualties, Lothal's joining the UNSC brought with it renewed hope. The news spread like wildfire, and quickly, humanitarian aid and migration to the planet began to arrive en masse.

In the capital, reconstruction began almost immediately. The rubble of destroyed buildings was cleared away by workers and volunteers, while families of the fallen gathered to honor their dead. The main squares were filled with makeshift altars with flowers, candles, and holoimages of those who gave their lives in defense of the planet.

The UNSC organized a solemn ceremony to commemorate its own fallen, broadcast planetary-wide. It was a reminder of the sacrifice necessary in this endless war and a call to unity for the inhabitants of Lothal and beyond. But, as the military command well knew, there was no time to stop. The war was still on, and the next step needed to be planned with precision.

A team of engineers was moving through the halls of the Confederacy of Independent Systems factory, escorted by a squad of Spartans. The complex was in surprisingly good condition. It had suffered minimal damage during the conflict, and the automated systems had maintained their functional structure, even after the droids were deployed to defend the planet.

"It's impressive," commented the head of the engineering team, Doctor Marcus Delaney, as he examined a massive robotic arm that still gleamed with traces of lubricant. "This technology could be adapted for our use much faster than I expected."

A young engineer at his side, Sarah Quinn, nodded as she checked a nearby terminal. "The main systems are intact, though they will need a complete recalibration. But... doctor, look at this," she pointed at the screen. "Production protocols are still active. We could restart the line in a matter of days."

"Restart for what purpose, Engineer Quinn?" A deep, modulated voice chimed in. It was Spartan A293, the squad leader. "The UNSC has no interest in replicating the same models of battle droids this galaxy used. They are clumsy, inefficient, and outdated compared to what we face out there."

Delaney held up a hand, placating. "Precisely, Spartan. We do not intend to use this technology as is. Our mission here is twofold: assess the infrastructure and adapt these resources to create a new production line that will benefit our forces. Something that can meet current and future threats."

As they spoke, a holographic figure appeared in their midst, projected from a handheld device held by another engineer. It was an artificial intelligence of advanced design, with a slender humanoid form and stylized features that gave it an almost intimidating air of efficiency.

"Allow me to intervene," the AI ​​said, its voice soft but authoritative. "I am Kassandra, the AI ​​assigned to oversee this facility. My preliminary analysis confirms that the systems here are ideal for rapid conversion. I suggest we begin by creating a base model for battle droids. I have designed a schematic that eliminates the inefficiencies characteristic of the B1 and B2 models in this galaxy."

"What do you have in mind, Kassandra?" Delaney asked, leaning toward the projection.

The AI ​​extended a virtual hand, and a three-dimensional schematic appeared in the air. It was a completely different design than known battle droids. The figure was more compact, with a reinforced exoskeleton and a drive system that promised surprising mobility. The arms were equipped with interchangeable modules that allowed it to carry both firearms and repair tools.

"I present the Tactical Assistance Model Mark I," Kassandra explained. "It combines the adaptability of human design with the precision of an automated system. Its structure is optimized for combat in urban terrain and support operations. Unlike the Confederate models, these will not need a remote controller. They will be completely autonomous and able to act based on adaptive behavior patterns."

"Interesting," Quinn murmured, looking at the details of the design. "But they will need extensive testing. If anything goes wrong…"

"The UNSC will not tolerate mistakes, Engineer," the Spartan interrupted, crossing his arms. "Ensure that these 'Mark I's are as reliable as a trained Marine. No less."

Delaney nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "That is the goal. But to achieve it, we will need full access to this facility and carte blanche to redesign every system. I assume Admiral Arnet has already approved this, correct?"

Kassandra nodded. "Indeed. I have full authorization to prioritize production and oversee necessary adjustments. I have calculated that, with the proper personnel and resources available, the first line of droids will be ready for field testing in less than a month."

"Then there is no time to waste," Delaney said, turning to her team. "Engineer Quinn, begin software integration into the main terminals."


The Lothal sun cast a golden glow over the plains as Aayla Secura adjusted the controls in the UNSC communications room. In front of her, the secure transmission channels to the Jedi High Council stabilized, projecting the holographic figures of the masters gathered in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Twi'lek took a breath, knowing that what she was about to say would provoke an intense reaction.

The hologram first showed Master Yoda, who bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement. Slowly, the figures of Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and the others materialized in the air.

"Master Secura," Yoda began, his tone calm but attentive. "News from Lothal you bring. We wish to hear from you."

"That is right, Master Yoda," Aayla replied, bowing slightly. "The battle is over, and Lothal has survived. However, the Republic was unable to intervene in time. Victory was secured by UNSC forces. Lothal has decided to join their coalition, and as a result, they have begun a rapid and massive reconstruction of the capital."

"How have the citizens responded?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asked, with a mix of interest and concern. "The arrival of a new outside power... can be both a relief and a threat."

"The population seems to accept this alliance as an opportunity for stability," Aayla explained. "They have suffered tens of thousands of casualties, but the UNSC brought not only troops, but humanitarian aid as well. However, there is something else that I consider of utmost importance to report to the Council."

The holographic faces showed expressions of intrigue and caution. It was Mace Windu who spoke, his usual firm tone. "Come forward, Master Secura. What have you discovered?"

Aayla straightened her posture, her countenance reflecting seriousness. "During the battle, the Confederacy's factories on Lothal were left largely untouched. Admiral Arnet then began manufacturing droids.

A heavy silence fell over the virtual room. The Council members looked at each other, their expressions flickering between disbelief and concern.

"Battle droids, you say," Yoda murmured, closing his eyes in thought. "A powerful factory, that is. Misused, it poses a great danger."

"Why would the UNSC make such a decision without consulting the Senate or the Republic?" Ki-Adi-Mundi questioned, his tone tinged with indignation. "This could be considered an illegal appropriation of strategic resources."

"Are you sure about this, Master Secura?" Obi-Wan asked, leaning forward slightly, his voice gravelly. "Have you seen conclusive evidence?"

"Yes, Master," Aayla replied, nodding firmly. "While their intent appears to be to streamline and modernize production, we cannot ignore the potential strategic impact of this action. Their droids will not be like the Confederate models. They will be far more advanced, more efficient, and specifically designed for combat against external threats."

"This is unacceptable," Windu stated, tightening the arms of his chair. "The UNSC has no authority to appropriate such facilities. We must inform the Senate immediately."

"Inform, Master Windu?" Plo Koon interjected in his deep, modulated voice. "We must consider the implications before acting. If the Senate interprets this as a hostile act, we could be fueling a conflict we do not need."

"But not informing would be just as dangerous," Ki-Adi-Mundi replied. "The Senate has a right to know that these factories, rightfully owned by the Republic, are being used to produce weapons that could shift the balance of power."

The discussion began to intensify, the holograms projecting a crossfire of arguments between the masters.

"What if the UNSC is using these factories to defend independent systems from the Covenant?" Shaak Ti suggested, her tone more conciliatory. "Shouldn't we consider that they might be acting in the interest of galactic stability?"

"Those independent systems are not under our jurisdiction," Windu replied. "We cannot allow an outside force to act as judge, jury, and executioner in this war. If we do not control this situation now, we could be witnessing the birth of a power that rivals the Republic."

"Control will be difficult," Yoda said, opening his eyes and surveying the crowd. "We have little trust in the UNSC. But to rush is also dangerous. We must think, and decide wisely."

Aayla took advantage of the moment of silence to speak. "Masters, I understand everyone's concerns, but I must point out that the UNSC has shown a willingness to cooperate in other areas. Perhaps, before making a final decision, we could send a diplomatic delegation to speak with them directly. Perhaps we can influence their plans and ensure that these factories do not become a threat to the Republic."

"What if that cooperation is nothing more than subterfuge?" Windu asked, arching an eyebrow. "At this point, we cannot be naive."

"But we cannot act as antagonists without proof of bad faith either," Obi-Wan replied. "I agree with Master Secura. A diplomatic approach is our best option for now."

Yoda raised a hand, silencing the discussions. "Enough debate has taken place. A vote must be taken. Report to the Senate or keep secret, which path shall we follow?"

The Council members cast their votes, their opinions divided but balanced. Finally, Yoda spoke.

"Report to the Senate we will, but cautiously. Limited report we will, focused on the factories, not their production. Diplomatic delegation we must send. Further investigation necessary before final action is taken."

Aayla nodded, knowing this outcome was a compromise. Though the situation remained tense, at least a course of action had been established that avoided immediate confrontation.

As the Council hologram faded, the Twi'lek closed her eyes for a moment, allowing herself a brief respite.

In the Infinity's command room, Admiral Arnet watched the main monitors with a mix of concentration and disdain. The ship's communications systems had intercepted Aayla Secura's transmission to the Jedi Council, a standard procedure that allowed the UNSC to monitor any relevant activity on Lothal. What he had heard had not surprised him, however. All it had managed to do was confirm his suspicions about the internal fragility of the Galactic Republic.

With a deep sigh, Arnet leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment. "I guess we can't do anything against them," he muttered, his tone laden with exhaustion and sarcasm. "They're just doing their job, after all. Though, honestly, the Galactic Senate is an incompetent piece of shit. Whatever they decide, it won't change anything. We don't have time to waste arguing with them while we fight the Covenant."

In that instant, the holographic figure of Serina, the artificial intelligence assigned to the Infinity, appeared at his side. Her form was elegant and ethereal, and her eyes shone with a calculating intensity.

"Admiral," Serina began in her calm but authoritative voice, "our engineers are moving forward with preparations to refurbish the droid facilities. Right now, the AI ​​Kassandra is redesigning the assembly lines, and the first working prototype is expected to be ready for testing within two weeks."

Arnet opened his eyes and gave a slight smile. "Excellent. At least something efficient is coming out of all this chaos. Make sure Kassandra has carte blanche to optimize the processes. If we are to use those droids, they must be perfect; we cannot afford to make mistakes in this war."

Serina tilted her head slightly, showing a mock nod. "Of course, Admiral. However, I must point out that the Republic and the Jedi Council might react negatively to these developments. While their resources and control are limited in this region, their political influence could complicate our operations."

The Admiral leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk as he watched the hologram. "Let them react. The Republic is broken. They lost this war long ago, they just haven't accepted it yet. Their word no longer carries weight here, let alone in the Outer Rim. If they try to interfere, they'll be wasting resources they can ill afford to lose."

Serina smiled subtly, a calculated gesture that reflected her advanced design for interacting with humans. "Understood. I will ensure that our operations remain efficient and, of course, discreet until the results need to be revealed. In the meantime, communications with the UNSC main fleet are stable, and our forces remain on their way to reinforce Lothal."

Arnet sat back in his seat, his gaze fixed on the vast space beyond the command room's large window. "Good. Now it all depends on how the Jedi and their useless Senate react. But one thing is certain: the UNSC will not back down. We are not here to negotiate. We are here to win."

Serina's hologram disappeared with a flicker, leaving the Admiral alone with his thoughts. The lights of the Infinity glowed with a cold intensity, illuminating the room as monitors displayed data and strategic maps.

End of Chapter 40.


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