
You can’t look at that

Leaving we walked to the beach. The shoreline was short and there were steep cliffs with a shallow rocky grave beneath it. Sitting on the sand next to a mountain edge was oddly relaxing. Funny how feeling so small can be so relieving.

I watch as Brooke and Josie run barefooted splashing in the water. Feeling at peace, it was nice.

I take out my phone and snap a couple pictures.

Leaning back I listen to the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks, I close my eyes breathing the smell of the salty air. The wind blowing my hair making it so unruly.

Looking up to the mountain. I see it. I see my painting.

I pull out my paint markers and sketch pad and began painting the cliff side.

I sat focused for I don't know how long before Josie comes up and scares me.

"BAAHHHH" she grabbed my shoulder, shaking me out of my artistic trans.

"Oh my god, Seri, that's amazing, you painted that just now?"

My heart dropped. She saw it. I started to shake, my heart was pounding, it was like my deepest secret had been revealed and I'd been stripped naked in public.

I rip the picture out, crumble it and throw it.

"Why did you do that?" Josie shouted at me.

"Because it's trash now." I was mad, I really enjoyed that painting, it felt good painting it. Like a piece of me was being unlocked.

"Why because I saw it?" She shouted back sounding insulted.

"Yes, because when people see my work and know its me, they know my secrets. I feel naked and humiliated. I can't look at it now."

"That's ridiculous." Josie said dismissing me. Searching for my painting.

"Don't," I yelled back anxiety building. She can't look at it. She can't!

"No, you threw it away, you said it's trash, well one persons trash is another person's treasure." Josie said finding the picture in a corner stuck in a fishing net.

I get up and start to run to her. But I was too late, she uncrumpled the paper flatting it out.

I stop dead in my tracks.


Josie stares at my soul.

"Jesus fucking Christ Seri. Why don't you show this to the world? This.. this is incredible." She was stammering.

She saw the cliff, but they were purple. The sky was a paint smear across the white of the paper. The rocks were white and outlined by grey. The water was black with strikes of light grey defining the waves as they crash into the rock. She managed to really make a grave yard in the water without a single tombstone.

The water seemed to move if you looked in one place long enough. The attention to detail in the rocks and waves was intense. There was streaks of light beaming through the sky. The sun was red falling behind the cliff just as the one we see here.

You could see every grain of rock and dirt that made up the cliff.

"I had no idea."

I crouch down and hold my knees just trying to breathe. The embarrassment of being seen naked in public was unbearable at the moment.

"Why can't I see it?" Josie sounded really hurt.

"It's because I feel like I've been stripped naked for everyone to see all my secrets." I said muffled by my knees.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Josie started to tear up. I could hear the sting of guilt in her voice.

Brooke and her bent down to hug me.

Josie whisper softly in my ear, "Good thing I'm too dumb to be able to read art, so I can't know your secret's anyhow."

We all three laughed.

I snorted which only made us laugh harder.

"I'll never look again, even by accident, I'll try and look away immediately." She said. "Has no one seen your art before? What do you mean by that?" She raising an eyebrow leaning more on one leg crossing her arms.

"I'll come clean. I have TikTok I post my painting on sometimes." I say "But it's under a fake name and no one knows anything, except that I'm a tall girl."

"Unbelievable." Josie said throwing up her hands.

"I'm sorry, it's just that they can't see my soul, and I feel like there's someone who needs to see them so I have to post." I was feeling so guilty. "I should have told you guys."

"We love and forgive you." Brooke said giving me a big hug.

"I forgive you but I'm still mad." Josie said.

"I love you guys."

After the hug Brooke shoved me, so I turned to chase her, and she ran away throwing the sand, laughing.

"Hey, what about me?" Josie yells, I run toward the water and grab a hand full of water and throw it in Josie's direction.

"Hey, now that's a lethal weapon, it's cold as fuck." She yells at me. When Brooke runs my way I take another handful and throw it at her.

We laugh together loudly and continue to play in the sand.

"Oh shit!" Josie says looking at her watch "It's late, the show starts at 9:00pm, and it's 6:13 right now."

"What are you serious?" I ask.

"Yep, well, lets go." Josie responded, "Grab your shit." Josie folded the picture I painted up and stuck it in her purse.

"Fuck you I'm keeping it." Josie turned her nose up to me. Brooke and I just look to each and laugh.

Rushing back to the hotel, we run. It didn't, matter that people stared as we past by, what matter was the fun we were having.

Bursting through the hotel lobby and up the staircase to our room.

"I'm showering first since I take the longest to do my make up." Josie said upon entering.


Brooke and I pick out our clothes and accessories we brought form our suit case and discuss my wild untamed hair.

"I want to do something fun with you fiery hair." Brooke said as she twisted my head to the side. "Let me see you're outfit again."

I go and fetch my outfit and bring it over to the bed and lay it out for her to see.

"I've got it. Waves. But but with braids that wrap around the back framing the top of you hair."

"I'm put your turn Seri." Josie said coming out from the bathroom wrapped in the towels. "The floors are heated, which is really freaking cool."

"Okay!" I shout and rush into the bathroom.

In the shower the days event replay in my head.

Lathering the the shampoo into my hair I think about how I reacted to Josie seeing my painting. I can't believe I freaked so badly. I feel so bad. But she knows I don't like it people see my art. If it wasn't for the fact no one knows I'm @fallenfromthestars. You don't know my secrets if you don't know it's me.

Rinsing the conditioner from my hair I soap lather my hands and begin to wash my body.

What was with that guy Lucas at the art museum? I can't believe he gave such an incredible piece of art. Why would he give away something he worked so hard for? None of that made any sense. And he still hasn't texted me.

Rubbing the soap over my breast, suds resting on the tip my my nipple. Take the soap and touching all the surfaces of my body. Rubbing my hands between my thighs, I was the sensitive space between my legs.

Why am I still thinking about him? His good looks. And his eyes. Eyes so deep I could get lost in them. His thick black hair. His plump lips.

Get out of your head. Girl go get ready you have a show.

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Also! check out my other two books. The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers and Taming Death as a Cruel Prince

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