
Chapter 23

'Twintails?' Zoran thought as he sprinted toward the forest border, the chilling autumn wind biting at his face. His mind raced with confusion as to why this particular beast had ventured so far from its usual territory.

Although he was merely a low-ranking soldier, part of his basic training included identifying the various beasts that could pose a threat to the territory. As a result, he had a fundamental understanding of Twintails as a species.

As the name implied, the defining feature of Twintails was their two whip-like tails. In terms of size, they were slightly larger than a horse and relied on their formidable tails and sharp fangs to overpower their prey. To make matters worse, Twintails were classified as an Awakened beast species, signifying that their strength far exceeded that of ordinary wild animals.

However, one of the primary reasons Twintails were not usually considered particularly dangerous was their territorial nature. Unless provoked or starving, these creatures almost never strayed beyond their established domain.

Zoran's thoughts shifted to the chaos unfolding in the village. A cacophony of screams and panicked shouts filled the air as villagers scrambled to escape the beast. With its smooth, leathery skin, menacing canines, and twin vine-like tails, the creature's appearance alone was enough to strike terror into anyone who saw it.

"Cahooooo!" The beast's roar echoed as it charged toward the meager resistance the villagers had managed to assemble. A small group of men armed with newly crafted, clearly unused spears attempted to confront the monster. The outcome was disastrous.

The Twintail's exceptional balance of strength, speed, and stamina made it a nearly impossible target to hit effectively. The men thrust their spears, but many missed entirely or lost their balance in the attempt.

In retaliation, the Twintail lashed out with one of its tails, sending a man hurtling through the air, grievously injured. The others watched in horror as their comrade was flung away with a single, devastating blow. That was when the grim realization set in, the beast had already Awakened.

"Cahooooo!" The Twintail roared again, this time with a note of triumph, as it used its tails to scatter the remaining men. Thankfully, none of them had died yet. However, the blood loss from their injuries would prove fatal if not treated quickly.

Those who couldn't fight did their best to aid the wounded and flee, while a handful of brave souls continued to distract the beast, risking their lives in the process.

"Rahhhhh!" A battle cry cut through the chaos. The villagers' prayers were answered as the one man everyone hoped to see arrived. Zoran thrust his well-worn spear forward, landing a blow that drew blood from the Twintail's shoulder. Known to the villagers as Zoran Gildendusk's guardian, he was their only hope.

"CAHOOOOO!" The beast bellowed, its rage intensifying as it turned its attention to this new challenger. It lashed out with its tails, aiming to strike Zoran down, but he evaded each attack with practiced agility. In response, Zoran drove his spear into one of the creature's legs, pinning it to the ground. A torrent of blood poured from the wound, accompanied by a howl of pain.

Zoran wasn't finished. Summoning his immense strength, he delivered a powerful punch to the beast's face. The audible crack of breaking teeth resonated as his fist connected. Before the Twintail could retaliate with a bite, Zoran yanked his spear free and dodged the attack.

The villagers, watching from a safe distance, felt a glimmer of hope as they witnessed Zoran's dominance in the fight. Seizing the opportunity, they hurried to evacuate the wounded, bringing them to Silvia, the village's sole doctor and their best chance for survival. A few villagers remained, captivated by the clash between the two Awakened beings.

The battle wore on, with Zoran maintaining the upper hand. He fought strategically, allowing the beast's bleeding to weaken it over time. Enraged, the Twintail lashed out with one of its tails, aiming to catch Zoran off guard. When he dodged, the creature used its second tail to ensnare his leg, pulling with all its colossal strength.

Caught by surprise, Zoran gritted his teeth but refused to panic. He drove his spear into the ground, anchoring himself as he strained against the beast's immense force. His muscles bulged with effort as he fought to regain control, even attempting to pull the creature toward him.

Not far away, a small group of onlookers, Frier, Asha, and Maveth, watched the battle with rapt attention. Among them, Asha was the most animated, her excitement overflowing.

"Wow, wow, wow! That's incredible! Don't you think so?!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm as she cheered for her new mentor's inevitable victory.

"Imagine having enough strength to stand on even footing with a Twintails. Can he even be human?" Freir asked, his tone tinged with awe, though more subdued than Asha's exuberance.

"Indeed, he is remarkably capable. However, I wonder how he'll fare against the second one," Maveth remarked, his gaze shifting slightly to the left of the ongoing battle.

"What do yo—" Freir words faltered, his voice dying in his throat as his eyes landed on the very sight he dreaded.

From the shadowed forest emerged a second, slightly smaller Twintails. The creature's gaze fell upon the battle, and its already fearsome eyes turned an enraged crimson as it witnessed its mate under attack. Without hesitation, it charged forward, its movements a blur of fury.

Asha's eyes widened in alarm as she registered the second Twintails charging into the fray. Gripping the training spear still clutched in her hands, she made a resolute decision. Her heart pounded, but her resolve steadied.

Meanwhile, Zoran sensed the vibrations and cast a sidelong glance, catching sight of the new adversary barreling toward him. His situation had gone from manageable to dire. Engaged in a fierce struggle with the first Twintails, he now had to contend with a second opponent closing in on his flank.

Faced with no alternative, Zoran unleashed his trump card. Letting out a primal yell, his muscles bulged further, veins pulsing with raw power as his strength surged. The first Twintails, still intent on unbalancing him, suddenly found itself being dragged forward instead. Using the momentum, Zoran flung the beast aside, sending it tumbling just far enough to focus on the incoming threat.

Before Zoran could launch a preemptive strike, a high-pitched battle cry pierced the air.

"CAHOOOOOOOOOO!" The newly arrived Twintails roared in agony as blood dripped from the sharp stick now embedded in its eye. Its one uninjured eye turned, locking onto the small figure responsible.

Asha stood frozen, both terrified and exhilarated. She hadn't intended to hit the creature's eye but had landed a lucky strike that seriously injured it. Unfortunately, her moment of triumph turned to dread as the beast's gaze fixated on her.

"ASHA! GET OUT OF HERE!" Zoran bellowed, desperately trying to divert the Twintails' attention. His efforts were in vain; the first Twintails, though injured, had recovered and was relentless in its assault. This left the second one free to charge at the small, inexperienced girl who was now completely out of her depth.

Asha's scream echoed as the beast closed the distance with alarming speed. She could hear Zoran's frantic shouting and the sounds of his escalating struggle, but it was too late. The Twintails was upon her, and no amount of resolve could summon the courage to move. Frozen in terror, Asha felt a wave of regret crash over her. She wanted too apologize, to Zoran, to her mother, and most of all, to her father, the promise she would now inevitably break. Closing her eyes, she braced for the end as the beast's gaping maw filled her vision. 'I'm sorry, everyone. I wish I had been stronger.'

"CAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The beast roared again, but this time it was a cry of pain. A blade sliced through its jaw, forcing it to rear back in agony.

"I strongly advise against involving yourself further in this battle," a monotone voice stated, breaking through the chaos.

Asha's eyes fluttered open to see Maveth standing before her, his cold, indifferent expression framed by the sharp edge of his scythe. A wave of emotions she had been suppressing finally overtook her, leaving her breathless as she collapsed to her knees.

"Maveth? Is that you?" she whispered, her voice weak as her vision blurred. Exhaustion overcame her, and her eyes closed as she lost consciousness.

Zoran, meanwhile, fought with a ferocity he had never known. The first Twintails, though severely injured, refused to relent, keeping him locked in a brutal exchange. Determined to reach Asha, Zoran recklessly took blows he would normally avoid, all in a desperate attempt to break free. But when he saw the beast lunging toward the girl, something inside him snapped.

His spear began to glow with a faint reddish hue. Letting out a guttural scream, one that seemed born of nightmares, Zoran unleashed his most powerful attack.

A deafening "Boom!" echoed through the clearing as the Twintails' headless corpse collapsed to the ground. The faint glow of Zoran's spear dimmed, and he nearly stumbled forward, his body teetering on the brink of collapse. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, he steadied himself.

As his vision cleared, Zoran braced for the worst. He expected to see Asha's lifeless body, her blood staining his hands. He imagined her final screams haunting him for the rest of his days, and the unbearable grief in her mother's eyes as he confessed his failure. But instead, he was met with an entirely different scene.

Standing over Asha's unconscious form was Maveth, his scythe glinting ominously in the fading light. The man Zoran couldn't help but distrust had intervened at the last moment, protecting the girl when Zoran could not.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the more action intensive chapter. If possible please recommend to others as it's a major way to support me and my work. As always leave comments and I'll respond to them! See you soon, sincerely Skelly

SkellyTheSkeletoncreators' thoughts
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