
Chapter 5

I started wandering the corridors of the school, indulging in a little exploration. My duel disk was still strapped to my arm, but for some reason, it was acting strangely.

"What the??" I muttered as the device activated and shut down in rapid succession. That's not supposed to happen, is it?

Ding! Ding!

"Oh? 5000 DP has been delivered to your account following your win?" That was unexpected. I should have figured out that the school operated on a dueling win basis. I took a moment to consider what to do next with this malfunctioning duel disk. I removed it from my arm and pulled my deck from its slot, setting it aside as I began to investigate the duel disk.

"The exterior looks fine. It must be an issue with the dueling core," I concluded, tapping the device lightly.

Reaching for my PDA, I searched for something that could help. To my surprise, Duel Academy had the rules and procedures neatly compiled in a PDF.

'...in case there is a problem with the dueling disk, go to the faculty department to have your issue resolved.'

At the faculty department...

"Oh, hello there!" greeted a man in his thirties, clad in the typical instructor outfit. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, making me wonder if he had just chugged a few energy drinks.

"Hi, sir. I came here to fix my duel disk. It said that if the due—"

"Oh, your duel disk is broken! Let me see," he interrupted, practically snatching it from my hand.

I raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by his eagerness. "So, can it be fixed?"

He examined the duel disk, frowning as he inspected the inner components. "The core is burnt out from a high level of power supply. I'm sorry, kid, but you'll have to buy a new one."

"How much is a new one?" I asked, bracing myself for the answer.

"40,000 DP."

"40K?!" My jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's extremely rare for duel disks to break down, so the school charges a lot when you buy a new one," he explained, his tone almost apologetic.

I sighed, frustration bubbling inside me. "You know what? I could probably repair it myself." My eyes scanned the cluttered room, spotting a box on the floor that looked useful.

"I'll take this... and also this... and this too!" I said, gathering a few items I deemed necessary before reclaiming my duel disk from him.

"Hey, wait! You can't just—"

But I was already out the door, determined to figure this out on my own.


"Hey, Kai! I heard you defeated like four students in a duel today," Chumley said excitedly as he walked into the room. It was just the two of us, with Jaden and Syrus taking a bath.

"Yeah, why?" I replied, tossing my recently acquired items onto my bed.

"Wait, so you defeated an Obelisk Blue and a Ra Yellow student?" he pressed, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yeah, I took down an Obelisk Blue and a Ra Yellow. Also Jaden and Syrus," I confirmed, leaning back against my headboard.

"That's totally licious, you know!" Chumley beamed, clearly impressed.


"So, I currently have the guy who defeated Dr. Crowler and the guy who defeated the guy who defeated Dr. Crowler as my roommate, along with an Obelisk Blue and a Ra Yellow," Chumley boasted, his pride evident.

"Uh...yeah," I replied, not quite sure how to respond to his enthusiasm.

"Anyways, what are you doing right now?" he asked, peering over my shoulder.

"My duel disk broke down, so I'm fixing it," I said, my fingers deftly working on the tangled wires.

"I should be done in a few minutes. It's already been an hour since I started, so I'm nearly there," I added, hoping to sound more confident.

Just then, Jaden burst through the door, a dramatic sigh escaping his lips. "Oh god, I'm so tired right now!" He flopped onto his bed, clearly worn out.

"Hey, you guys! What are you up to?" he asked, glancing between us.

Syrus was busy in the corner, preparing some tea with meticulous care. "We were just talking about how I'm going to beat you four asses in a duel," I said with a grin, feeling a little competitive spark.

"Oh come on, that's not fair!" Jaden protested, pouting like a child denied dessert.

"I'll take that rematch, I promise you that," I shot back, confident in my skills.

"Sure," he replied, a playful smirk creeping back onto his face.

"Oh, by the way, tomorrow we have Alchemy class and PE class," Jaden reminded me, leaning back against his bed.

Syrus finished pouring the tea and brought it over, distributing the steaming mugs. "Here's your tea... and yours... and here's yours, Chumley," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"Thanks, Syrus," I said, wrapping my hands around the warm mug.

"Anyway, what happened to your duel disk, Kai?" Jaden asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, it broke down after our duel," I explained, glancing at the device.

"That's weird," he remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I thought so too when it started bugging out. But it should be fixed now." I slipped the duel disk on and activated it.

"Okay, so now it's fine," I declared, relieved to see it working again.

"You know, Kai, after our five-way duel, Bastion said he's going to make a new deck just for you," Jaden said, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah, he looked extremely determined to beat you. He mentioned something like, 'I'll create the perfect equation to counter his deck,' and then he stormed off," Syrus added, chuckling.

"Alexis seemed mad at herself for losing, too," I noted, recalling her frustrated expression.

"Yeah, she looked like she felt she failed herself," Jaden agreed, a frown crossing his face. "But she'll bounce back. It happens to the best of us."

"Probably just a little PTSD from losing," Chumley joked, trying to lighten the mood. "What about you two? What are your goals?"

"Oh, me? I'm sure I can beat you next time we duel," Jaden replied confidently. "For now, you're #1, I'm #2, and Bastion is #3. Chazz can also be #3, you know."

"Chazz? I haven't met him yet," I admitted, intrigued.

"Yeah, he believes he's the best in the school. I would have beaten him during our duel last night, but the guards had to come in and ruin the fun," Jaden grumbled, clearly still irritated.

"Yeah, Jaden is still mad about not finishing that duel," Syrus added, a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

I took off my duel disk and sat down on the floor, feeling a bit more relaxed. "You really do love dueling a lot, #2."

"What's not to love about it? It's so fun and thrilling. It makes me feel free when I'm playing," Jaden replied, his eyes sparkling with passion.

"What about you, Kai? Do you love dueling?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Not that much, if I'm being honest," I said, surprising them.

"Oh! And why not?" Chumley leaned in, intrigued.

"It's almost too easy for me. I win every time, whether it's against four people, ten people, or even a hundred people at once." I shrugged, feeling a little guilty for my confidence.

The room fell silent as Jaden and the others processed my words. "You don't have to worry, bro. I'll be the one to defeat you," Jaden said, a determined smile spreading across his face.

"Huh... sure, I guess!" I replied, unable to hide my amusement.

"I'm not joking, though, Kai. I'll defeat you," he insisted, his voice serious yet playful.

"You've kind of become my principal goal to climb. I always thought Duel Academy would have strong and tough duelists, and I was right," Jaden said, pride evident in his tone.

"You're probably the strongest duelist in our year. Surpassing you is my goal if I want to become the King of Games," he declared.

"The King of Games? So that's your goal?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Every duelist's dream is to reach that title... isn't that right, Syrus?" Jaden turned to Syrus, who nodded enthusiastically.

"Yeah... uh... Jaden is right," Syrus stammered, his cheeks a little pink.

"What about you, Chum? What's your goal?" I asked, turning to him.

"Me? Uh... I kind of want to become a card designer," Chumley admitted shyly, looking down at his feet.

"That's cool! Designing cards sounds awesome," I encouraged him, genuinely impressed.

"And what about you, Kai?" Jaden asked, curiosity still shining in his eyes.

"It's... complicated," I replied, my gaze drifting as I thought about my aspirations.

We kept talking and didn't realize that a few hours had already passed by. 

"You know, Kai, just before you came into the room, Sy wanted to call me Pharaoh because he thought we were like the Pharaoh and Priest Seto," Jaden said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"NOT THAT'S... THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" Syrus screamed, his face turning a deep shade of crimson as he fumbled to defend himself.

Jaden chuckled at Syrus's embarrassment. "You know, Sy, I forgot to mention that Alexis thought you were my big brother. She actually asked me why my brother was acting like that during your duel with Chazz."

"What did you tell her, Sy?" I leaned in, intrigued by this new revelation.

"I told her you were my big brother... spiritually," Syrus said, his voice a mix of shyness and pride, clearly flattered by the connection.

"Awww, Sy, that's so nice!" Jaden exclaimed, giving him a playful nudge.

"Oh yeah! And when Jaden first met Alexis, he asked her if she fell in love at first sight with him," Syrus added, barely containing his laughter.

"Oh come on! She was looking at me like she was in love! How was I supposed to know?" Jaden protested, crossing his arms defensively.

"Did you even know her name at that point?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! Why?" he replied, a hint of confusion in his tone.

All of us, except for Jaden, felt a wave of embarrassment wash over us, but we didn't want to shatter his delusion.

"Anyway, how did you and Alexis meet, anyway? You were sleeping all day yesterday, and today you just showed up in class with us," Jaden asked, shifting the focus.

"Jaden is right. When did you find time to meet her?" Syrus pressed, curiosity evident in his wide eyes.

"I actually met her in the helicopter on the way to school. I also met her two friends," I explained, recalling the brief but memorable encounter.

"Are they as pretty as her?" Syrus blurted out, his cheeks flushed.

"Now we're asking the real questions, huh, Syrus?" I smirked.

"NO! I just—" Syrus stammered, his embarrassment intensifying. Meanwhile, Jaden and Chumley erupted into laughter at how red Syrus had turned.

"They are pretty. But I've seen prettier women," I said nonchalantly, relishing the dramatic effect.

"Prettier than Alexis?" Jaden asked, feigning shock.

"I mean, I've seen many beautiful women, but Alexis is probably the second prettiest and second hottest I've encountered," I replied, shrugging casually.

"Oh man, I wonder who the other woman was," Syrus mumbled quietly, but it was loud enough for me to catch.

"Who knew little Syrus was interested in this kind of stuff?" I teased, enjoying the moment.

"WHAT!!! NO! I—" Syrus flailed, desperate to defend himself.

"It's normal, Syrus! It's natural for us to find women attractive at our age. Am I right, guys?" I said, glancing at Jaden and Chumley for support.

"I mean, you're not wrong," Jaden admitted, a grin breaking out on his face.

"He's kinda right, Syrus. You don't have to be embarrassed," Chumley added, trying to bolster Syrus's confidence.

"You guys aren't helping!" Syrus groaned, visibly deflated by the teasing.

Just then, there was a soft knock knock knock at the door.

"Wait, I'll go check," Jaden said, standing up and striding to the door.

He opened it to reveal a man holding a cat, his expression a mix of curiosity and authority. "Oh, hello, Jaden," he said, his voice calm.

"Professor Banner... is there something you need?" Jaden replied, a hint of concern in his tone.

"You guys do know that it's already past 11 p.m., right? People are trying to sleep while you're making all this noise," Professor Banner said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"We're sorry, Professor Banner. It won't happen again," Jaden promised, his voice earnest.

"Oh, well then. Have a good night, everybody," the professor said with a slight smile, before turning to leave.

Jaden closed the door and plopped back down onto his bed, the weight of the encounter lingering in the air.

"Who was that?" I asked, curious about the man who had just interrupted our fun.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met him yet, right? That was Professor Banner, the dorm master of Slifer Red and our alchemy teacher," Chumley explained, looking a bit relieved.

"He's quite a nice guy," Syrus added, regaining some of his composure.

"Anyway, I think we should all get some sleep now, or else Professor Banner will be really mad," Jaden suggested, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah... goodnight then," I said, settling into my spot.

"Goodnight," Syrus echoed, a hint of embarrassment still lingering.

"Goodnight, you guys," Chumley added softly.

"Yeah, goodnight," Jaden replied, yawning widely as he turned off the lights.

The next day

We were crammed into Dr. Crowler's classroom, a sense of dread hanging in the air as he prepared to delve into the intricacies of spell cards.

"Spell cards can be divided into six distinct types: Normal Spell Cards, Equip Spell Cards, Quick Play Spell Cards, Ritual Spell Cards, Continuous Spell Cards, and Field Spell Cards," he announced, his tone dripping with the authority of a teacher who relished being in control.

"Oh perfect, Alexis," he added, acknowledging one of the top students with a sly grin.

As Crowler scanned the classroom, a predatory glint in his eye, I could see the tension rising. We all knew he was searching for the next unfortunate soul to quiz.

"You, Mr. Truesdale!" he called out suddenly, locking eyes with Syrus.

"Uhm… yes, sir!" Syrus squeaked, panic flooding his face as he shot up from his seat like a jack-in-the-box.

"Can you please explain to the class what a Field Spell Card is?" Crowler demanded, a challenging edge to his voice.

"Uhmm… a field… a field spell… a Field Spell Card is when, uh…" Syrus stammered, his mind racing as he fumbled for an answer, his voice trailing off in uncertainty.

"Even kindergarteners know that!" a voice from the back of the room piped up, laughter rippling through the class, and I felt a surge of sympathy for Syrus.

Sensing his struggle, I couldn't hold back. "A Field Spell Card is a card that can change the entire state of play for its controller," I interjected, stepping in for my friend.

"Mr. Yuri, I asked Mr. Truesdale the question. So why did you respond in his place?" Crowler's tone was sharp, his eyes narrowing at me.

"He's wasting time," I replied bluntly, a hint of defiance in my voice.

"Your responding in his place won't allow him to learn," Crowler shot back, frustration evident.

"Like the guy in the back said, even kindergarteners know what a Field Spell Card is, so why not ask him something tougher to help him learn?" I pressed, trying to keep the tension from escalating.

"…You are right," Crowler conceded, his expression softening just a fraction.

"Mr. Truesdale, what is Spell Speed 3?" Crowler continued, not letting Syrus off the hook.

"A Spell Speed 3??" Syrus's eyes widened in confusion.

"Yes," Crowler insisted, his impatience resurfacing.

"I don't know what that means," Syrus admitted, his voice barely a whisper, his earlier confidence now shattered.

"Sit down then," Crowler instructed, disappointment etched on his face as he turned to the class once more.

After unsuccessfully questioning probably ten students, Crowler's frustration reached its peak. He surveyed the class, his disappointment palpable. "Does anybody know what it means?"

"I ca—" Someone's voice piped up, but I couldn't quite place who it was.

"I can explain!" I raised my hand, hoping to salvage the situation.

"Explain to the class, Mr. Yuri," Crowler said, gesturing for me to continue.

"Sure." I stood, gathering my thoughts. "A Spell Speed 1 is the slowest type of card and cannot be chained. For example, Pot of Greed cannot be chained, so it's a Spell Speed 1. Spell Speed 2 includes fast effect cards that can be chained, while Spell Speed 3 consists of counter traps that can only be responded to by another Spell Speed 3 card."

The class stared at me as if I'd just recited the secrets of the universe.

"Uh… it's the right answer, Mr. Yuri. You can sit down," Crowler admitted, his tone begrudgingly approving, a flicker of respect in his eyes.

Surprised that Crowler hadn't lost it after my earlier interruption, I sat back down, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration.

"Mr. Truesdale," Crowler turned back to Syrus, "please explain to the class what a Ritual Spell Card is, at the very least."

Syrus's face paled as he panicked again, stuttering and fumbling over his words before sinking back into his seat, humiliated.

"Dr. Crowler," Jaden chimed in, his tone brimming with playful defiance, "mocking us Slifer Reds is, in a way, insulting to yourself since I beat you. So I don't think you should be mocking us." His words ignited a ripple of laughter throughout the class, mostly from the Slifer Reds.

Crowler's expression darkened, his jaw tightening as anger simmered beneath his composed exterior. The atmosphere in the room shifted, the laughter dying down as everyone sensed the tension mounting. You could practically feel the heat radiating off him as he struggled to rein in his frustration.

Alchemy Class


"Ugh, why do we have to attend class?" Jaden moaned, his head resting heavily on the table, eyes half-closed.

"C'mon, Jaden, focus up or else it'll be just like last class," I warned him, trying to shake him from his stupor. "Also, thanks for earlier."

"No problem, Syrus, but for what though?" he mumbled, his voice muffled against the table.

"Wait, you don't remember?" Syrus asked, incredulous.

"Of course not! He's half asleep," I chimed in, rolling my eyes.

"Syruuuus!!" Professor Banner called out sharply, cutting through the chatter.

"Y-yes, sir!" Syrus stuttered, jolting upright, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Can you please bring Pharaoh to me?" Banner asked, his expression serious.

"Pharaoh??" Syrus echoed, glancing down at his feet in confusion.


All three of us looked down to find a small cat at Syrus's feet, its green eyes sparkling with mischief. The class erupted in laughter as Syrus bent down to scoop up Pharaoh, his face a mixture of embarrassment and affection.

PE Class

"Hey Kai, did you see Sy?" Jaden asked, looking around the gym.

"No, why are you asking?" I replied, stretching out my legs.

"He still hasn't changed into his PE outfit," Jaden said, exasperation creeping into his voice.

"Hello, everybody!" A bright, feminine voice called out, capturing our attention.

"My name is Fonda Fontaine. I'll be your PE teacher."

As she stepped into the gym, all eyes were glued to her, and for mostly the wrong reasons. Fonda was undeniably attractive, and I could feel the collective gaze of the class drinking her in, each boy momentarily forgetting about their sports gear.

At Night

Later that evening, I was chatting with Chumley when Jaden burst in, his face flushed with urgency.

"Have you guys seen Sy?" he asked, looking around wildly.

"Yeah, man, he seemed to be in a rush," I replied, trying to piece together what was happening.

"Yeah, he also seems pretty happy," Chumley added, glancing toward the door.

"I just hope he doesn't get into trouble," I muttered, a sense of unease creeping into my thoughts.

"He missed a heavenly chance to be in PE class," I joked, trying to lighten the mood, but worry still lingered.

Suddenly, Jaden's PDA buzzed, and he grabbed it eagerly. "We have your friend Syrus. Come to the Obelisk girls' dorm alone if you want."

"What?" Jaden gasped, panic flashing across his face. Without another word, he started putting on his uniform and grabbing his duel disk.

"Kai, you coming??" he called over his shoulder.

"What?? Why would I go with you? They told you to come alone," I protested, incredulous.

"You were the one who earlier in PE talked about enjoying life with a rush and wanting to explore the world. So come with me!" he pleaded, desperation in his eyes.

'We're just gonna ignore the 'come alone' part? Why did I get him as my roommate?' I sighed, reluctantly changing back into my uniform and grabbing my duel disk.

"Where are you guys going?" Chumley asked, his brows furrowing in concern.

"To the Obelisk girls' dorm? Why?" Jaden replied, glancing back at him.

"It's trespassing! You're gonna get expelled," Chumley warned, panic rising in his voice.

"Wait, expelled? You're kidding, right?" Jaden asked, disbelief etched across his face.

"No…" Chumley replied, his expression grave.

"Kai, are you coming or not?" Jaden pressed, urgency threading through his voice.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Don't worry," I said, surrendering to the situation.

On the Boat

We found ourselves sitting on a small boat, the water rippling beneath us as we made our way to the girls' dorm.

"I wonder if Sy is safe," I mused, glancing at Jaden.

"Yeah, he's probably fine," Jaden replied, trying to sound reassuring, though I could hear the underlying concern in his voice.

"I hope so, man," I added, crossing my fingers in hope.

When we finally reached the dock, we were met with a surprising sight.

"Hey, Jaden! Kai!" Syrus called out, his voice echoing with a mix of relief and frustration.

"Sup," Jaden replied, trying to mask his worry.

"Sy, are you alright?" I asked, noting the anxious look in his eyes.

"I messed up, bro," he confessed, glancing around nervously.

"He was trespassing in our dorm at night," Mindy chimed in, arms crossed.

"Syrus was trespassing in our dorm, Jaden. By school rules, he should be expelled," Alexis stated, her voice firm.

"You can't do that, Alexis! He's your friend. You dueled alongside him just yesterday," Jaden argued, frustration building in his tone.

"Rules are rules, though," Alexis countered, her expression resolute.

"And since you two are here, you're also trespassing. But we can make an exception for one of you, I guess," Jasmine said, glancing at me with a smile that felt a little too sweet.

Cough cough

"You two girls alright? I didn't meet you ever since we landed here," I said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Oh, we're fine, right, Mindy?" Jasmine said, nudging her friend.

"Yeah, yeah!!" Mindy replied, nodding vigorously.

COUGH COUGH Alexis coughed louder, finally drawing Jasmine and Mindy's attention.

"How about we settle this in a duel?" Alexis proposed, her eyes gleaming with determination. "If you win, you guys leave without us telling the administration. If you lose, you get expelled."

"You want a duel, huh, Alexis? Then get your game on!" Jaden said, clapping his hands together with a competitive grin.

(Do you guys want me to write the duel between Jaden and Alexis or do I just skip it since it is going to be similar like how it was in the anime.)

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