
Secured Place

"Did you actually study this?" His voice was filled with disappointment.

Lucia bit her lip, her pride taking yet another hit from his blunt words. He wasn't even trying to tear her down—it was just how far ahead he was in this field. Talking to him made anyone feel like they were lagging behind.

"I did, but it's not my main focus," she explained, her voice trailing off. "It's a complex topic. Teleportation only works with a huge structure and a lot of preparation, so for someone like me, who's focused on offense spells, it wasn't all that useful."

He understood her reasoning. She looked young, and studying magic took up a lot of time. It made sense to focus on a specific area rather than trying to learn everything.

Asher's silence stretched on, making her more uneasy. She wasn't used to being ignored or left without a response.

Unable to shake the feeling, she decided to explain herself further, her words tumbling out in a rush.

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