
The Great Koen de Vos

Chapter - 11

"This heat is killing me. My sack's sweating buckets here," Nathan exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. It was lunchtime, and it was Nathan's turn to prepare the food, a duty he was none too eager about.

Jacob sat nearby, lost in thoughts of Eliza, his mind replaying their last meeting. Her laughter, the feel of her hand in his, and the softness of her lips against his were like a soothing balm to his restless soul. Nathan's grumbling voice abruptly snapped him out of his reverie.

"And why the heck are you smiling, huh? Did the heat fry your brain?" Nathan's irritation was palpable as he wrestled with the campfire, trying to coax the flames to cooperate.

Jacob shook his head slightly, a smirk still lingering on his lips. "It's a free country, Nathan. I can smile whenever I want, dumbnut."

Nathan glared at him, but couldn't maintain his annoyance in the face of Jacob's good mood. The gang had spent the past few months in the vicinity of Bluebell, carrying out small hauls. Though these jobs didn't yield much in terms of monetary gain, the lack of attention from the local law was a welcome advantage. They had become experts in maintaining a low profile, striking quickly and efficiently before melting back into the landscape.

During this time, Jacob made every effort to spend his free moments with Eliza. Their companionship had blossomed with each clandestine meeting. Loving kisses and subtle, intimate touches had become a natural part of their encounters.

Jacob was on cloud nine, his spirits perpetually lifted by thoughts of Eliza. His constant smile and uncharacteristic cheerfulness hadn't gone unnoticed by the rest of the gang. Nathan and Jonah, however, lacked the insight to guess what had caused the change. Koen, on the other hand, was not so easily fooled. He had seen this kind of behavior before and recognized the signs. One evening, after a particularly grueling day, Koen and Jacob found themselves alone by the campfire, the others having retired early.

Koen took a sip from his flask, watching Jacob with a knowing smile. "You seem different these days, Jacob. Happier. More at ease."

Jacob shrugged, but the grin on his face was impossible to hide. "Just enjoying life, Koen."

Koen chuckled, shaking his head. "Enjoying life, huh? I reckon it has more to do with a certain lady in Bluebell."

Jacob's eyes widened slightly, and he shifted uncomfortably. "Maybe," he admitted cautiously. "She's something special."

Koen nodded, his expression softening. "I've been around long enough to see when a man's found something—or someone—that gives his life meaning. Just be careful, Jacob. This life we lead... it doesn't always leave room for companionship."

Jacob appreciated Koen's concern, but his thoughts remained with Eliza. "I know, Koen. But I can't help how I feel."

Koen sighed, taking another swig from his flask. "Just don't let it cloud your judgment. We've got a good thing going here, and I need you sharp."

"I won't let you down," Jacob promised.

There was a brief silence before Jacob spoke again. "Um, Koen, can I ask a favor from you?"

"A favor? Why are you being so polite about it? Just ask, kid. What do you need?" Koen replied.

Jacob's cheeks turned bright red as he continued, "Can you teach me how to kiss," he said in a whisper.

"What was that? I didn't hear you quite right," Koen said, straining to catch Jacob's low voice.

Jacob took a breath, trying to rein in his embarrassment as he said, this time louder, "I said, can you teach me how to kiss."

There was silence again as Koen turned his head and gazed at Jacob with an incredulous look on his face. "What... what was that? Can you repeat what you said?"

"Oh come on. You heard me. Are you going to help me or not?" Jacob said, his voice laced with frustration.

"Alright, alright. We'll go into town tomorrow and get you a nice girl for a night. She'll teach you everything you want to know about a woman's body," Koen said. "Reckon it's about time you spend a night with a woman. Me and the boys always thought there was something wrong with you, seeing as how you avoided them ladies. Thankfully, you're alright, just a wee bit slow," Koen continued with a laugh.

Jacob answered with exasperation, "You think I don't know how to get a woman with money? I ain't built like that. I wanted to wait for the perfect lady. One I would hopefully be spending my life with."

"And you've found this lady? The one we just discussed?" Koen asked.

Jacob nodded and said, "Eliza is special. But getting back to the topic, I want you, specifically you, to teach me. And don't look at me like that. I don't want a physical demonstration, just tell me about it. You've probably kissed hundreds of women. Just share with me what you do. Especially those deep kisses, you know."

Koen shook his head, muttering to himself. "What is going on with the world? The great Koen de Vos, wanted in three states, and he's going to be teaching a young man how to kiss."

Koen sighed, then leaned back, crossing his arms. "Alright, kid. Listen up. First things first, you need to be gentle. Start by looking her in the eyes, make sure she's comfortable. Lean in slowly, give her a chance to pull back if she wants to. If she doesn't, you close your eyes and let your lips touch hers softly. Keep it light at first."

Jacob nodded, listening intently. "Okay, soft at first. Got it."

"Once you've got that down," Koen continued, "you can start to deepen the kiss. Open your mouth a little and see if she does the same. If she does, you can use your tongue. But be gentle with that too. Don't shove it in. Think of it like a dance, a slow, gentle dance."

Jacob's eyes widened. "A dance? How do I...how do I move it?"

"Slowly," Koen said, emphasizing the word. "Explore a bit, feel where her tongue is, and move with it. It's about feeling your way through it. Don't overthink it. Just let it happen naturally. And remember, the kiss isn't just about your lips and tongue. Use your hands too. Hold her face, run your fingers through her hair. Make her feel wanted, cherished."

Jacob looked down, trying to absorb all the information. "Okay, slow and gentle, move with her, use my hands. Got it."

Koen nodded. "One more thing. Pay attention to her reactions. If she seems uncomfortable, back off a bit. If she seems to enjoy it, you can be a bit bolder. It's all about reading her cues."

Jacob took a deep breath. "Thank you, Koen. I think I understand."

Koen grinned. "Good. Now go practice on Eliza and make her feel special. Just remember what I told you. And for God's sake, don't tell anyone about this. My reputation's bad enough as it is."

Jacob laughed, the tension easing. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

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