
Chapter 5: Love Rival, and Goddess?

Bleach Trivia:

"Hollow Holes are where the "hearts" of hollows used to be when they are humans."

Of course, this heart is just metaphorical. Since Hollows are souls consumed by earthly desires and regrets, I believe that the placement of Hollow Hole symbolizes their great desire, or regrets when they were still alive.

Considering Harribel's affection to children and her Hollow hole, I guess she probably wanted a child when she was alive, or maybe she had a miscarriage, or maybe she sacrificed her life to deliver her child, after all her aspect of death is "Sacrifice".




"Your friends are all healed, they should be waking up soon." Serafall walked out of a room before sitting down on a couch.

This time, she was wearing an oversized white shirt with chibi wolf printed on it. She paired it with a blue denim shorts and a white bunny slippers. Her hair is undone, letting it flow freely on her back.

Harribel, who sat on one of the couches, nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, miss Serafall."

Serafall waved off her hands, "Just call me Serafall, or Sera. You're Lily's friend after all."

She crossed her legs, turning towards Lilynette before settling her gaze at Harribel, "Can you tell us how you've arrived here?"

"Yeah, I'm curious too." Lilynette nodded in agreement, "Starrk and I just kind of woke up here, we have no idea who, what, or why we were transported."

Harribel nodded at the questions, "It was by pure accident, really. After I was... "defeated", I decided to gather my Fraccion who were all injured and opened a Garganta to retreat back to Huecu Mundo, however, my Reiatsu was too weak and unstable at that time, the platform broke apart and we fell into the void."

The Garganta is a featureless black void connecting Hueco Mundo to other worlds.

Due to its nature, the Garganta can be used to access any realm such as the Human World and Soul Society; it can also access the Dangai.

A turbulence of Reishi blows within Garganta. To move through it, travelers must create footholds using the Reishi.

"After that, I just woke up in that place where Lilynette found me."

"No wonder." Lilynette furrowed her brows in thought.

"Totally adding that to the script," Serafall wrote down the concept of Garganta down on her pocket notebook she kept hidden between her breast.

After she was done, she closed the notebook and hid it between her breasts once again.

"By the way, since you have nowhere else to go, why don't you go and join my peerage?" Offered Serafall.

Harribel was taken aback by the unexpected offer. Honestly, she was thinking of leaving and find a nice place somewhere near the sea after this is over.

"That's...well..." She just got betrayed after all. She feels uncomfortable swearing her loyalty to another master just after getting betrayed by one.

"That would be awesome!" Lilynette grinned, staring at Harribel with bright eyes, "You should totally join Harribel! Starrk's one of us too, you like him right?"

Harribel tilted her head at that, "Like him? Well, he is reliable. So I guess I like him better than the other Espadas."

"Not that type of like, I mean like-like." Lilynette emphasized.

"Like-like?" Harribel looked confused. "What's that?"

"A love rival!" Serafall stomped her foot on the table, "That's right! What's a romance genre without a love rival! Bel-chan, you should totally join me! With you, we can make an epic love triangle plot, with me as the former lover whom Starrk betrayed to join the dark side, and you the new lover who is simping for Starrk as he became the ruler of the dark side!"

"Bel-chan? And what is a love triangle?" Wondered Harribel, looking utterly confused.

Her confusion seems to just excite Serafall more, "Aha! A cold and calculative warrior who know naught of love, unknowingly fell in love! A tale as old as time! That's it, your character is someone who is naive of love but have unknowingly fallen in love with Starrk!"

Harribel was starting to doubt if following Lilynette was a good idea.

"Achoo!" Starrk let out a sneeze, causing him to wake up from his sleep.

Scratching his nose, Starrk wondered if someone was talking about him. But he shook his head to rid of the thought and got down from his hammock.

He looked around at the temporary camp built by the squad he was in, and honestly it was not too bad. Magic is good for something like this.

He yawned as he walked around, observing the soldiers passing by and doing their own thing.

"I thought things would get troublesome, but it has been a few days of sleeping and no one was causing trouble yet." muttered Starrk.

"Is this perhaps what they call the calm before the storm?" He mused, before shaking his head at that ridiculous thought, "Nah, shouldn't be."

Just then...

"Emergency! Base 279 in the west has been attacked! 70% of the forces has been wiped out! They are requesting for backup!"

"Ah," Starrk froze, before letting out a long sigh, "I just jinxed myself. Well at least it's only one base..."


Their base suddenly erupted into flames coming from the ground, completely pulverizing any structure they have built and reducing majority of the devils into burning corpses.

Starrk remained unfazed, when he was still wandering alone in Huecu Mundo, it is already a daily occurrence for Hollows to simply die around them.

Not to mention the explosion was far too weak to even make him feel any heat.

He dusted off his clothes and slowly rose to the sky, observing the surroundings through a higher ground.

He decided to extend the range of his Pesquisa a little bit, he was surprised to find out a group of beings dressed in black cloak holding a scythe appeared from the ground and started slaughtering the remaining devils.

"They feel like Shinigamis." Starrk hummed in thought.

Then, as if discovering him, several Shinigami-like creatures flew up to target him.

Starrk just rubbed his chin thought, unconcerned about the approaching creatures.

Finally, after reaching tens of meters away from him, the hooded creatures seems to have lost strength, like a puppet whose strings have been cut off, they all fell down to their deaths.

Starrk blinked, looking surprised, before realizing what happened. He has been around with quite the powerful beings lately and he forgot his Reiatsu could kill.

His control still wasn't good, and he can't fully suppress his Reiatsu at all, but he was able to restrict it to only a few meters away from him.

This was one of the reason why the shooting for Serafall's new magical girl movie was delayed. No one can get close to him without dying!

"Ah, how troublesome." Starrk let out an annoyed sigh, "If I was alone, I could kill them all with my reiatsu alone, but now..."

'There's so many of them! If I kill them one by one it won't be worth the pay!' He scratched the back of his head, but decided to kill them one by one anyways.


Like a laser, a small beam of light pierced through the head of one of the Shinigami-like creatures.

With his hands in his pockets, Starrk was spamming Bala through his eyes.

Unlike other Arrancars, Starrk can simply fire Cero or Bala in any part of his body without the need to gather energy nor put on a fighting stance.

'There are about half of the devils who have survived, not bad.' He thought,

While he was killing left and right, Starrk suddenly picked up another, more powerful presence suddenly appearing in the battlefield.

It was a woman in black dress, she was looking at the battlefield in anger and confusion, before her eyes settled on him.

Starrk can feel her fury radiating even without his Pesquisa.

"You...! You dare stand in my way!?" The woman growled at him, "I, Eris, the Goddess of Strife, will not forget this transgressions!"

Starrk just stared at her lazily, 'Without a doubt, she's definitely at the mid-Fraccion Arrancar level with that presence. Good, but not enough to be called a Goddess.'

"Receive your punishment, devil!"

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