
The main heroine is quite cute

Kenichi: "You guys are being too naive."

Satou: "..."

Ayame: "…"

Kenichi: "Those boxers you fought in the past were probably nothing more than amateurs, it's like someone who has been training for a few months and has basic boxing knowledge suddenly believes himself to be a professional boxer, the same goes for that comment about kicks, do you really think that kicks aren't used in boxing?"

Kenichi: (It may be unfair for me to say that since it's my first time boxing, but having the knowledge of several of the boxers from Hajime no Ippo I have a better understanding of boxing and I know very well that it is not as simple a sport as it seems, in fact, out of respect I shouldn't even use these techniques outside of a ring)

When they heard Kenichi's words, everyone was confused. Although, except for the guy with the goatee and the monk, not everyone was an expert in boxing, even the stupidest person in the world knew that boxing was a sport in which only fists were used.

Ignoring his words, the first to jump was Satou, who acted like the typical protagonist of fighting animes. At first it seemed like he was going to jump to hit him in the same way as before, but when he was a meter away, he suddenly did something that surprised everyone. With quick movements, he threw himself to the ground and launched a low kick with all his strength, aiming at Kenichi's legs.

With a body as hard as Kenichi's now, even if he had received that kick directly, it wouldn't have caused him almost any damage, but since he was using boxing, he decided to dodge it by jumping slightly, but when he did, Ayame was waiting for him, ready to kick him while he was in the air.

Satou / Ayame: (We got him!!)

Or that's what they thought until they saw something completely unreal. Suddenly, Kenichi flexed his right leg and gave a powerful kick to the ground that propelled him quite far from his initial position, at least 3 meters.

Kenichi: "That's right, kicking techniques also exist in boxing, however, the opponent is not the one receiving the kicks… The technique consists of… Kicking the ground… Boxing is the art of fighting by kicking the ground"

Satou: "..."

Ayame: "..."

Yarizui: "..."

Wolves: "…"

At that moment, everyone who saw him do a movement that should be completely impossible to perform only had one thought.

Everyone: (T-Boxing is really that amazing)

Even the goatee and the monk were left with their mouths open, they considered themselves to be great boxing experts, but after seeing Kenichi's movement, even they asked themselves the same question as everyone else.

Kenichi completely forgot that the movements he was replicating were those of anime characters, even if the world he was in was ridiculous, the fighting level of the people was normal so with the few movements he showed it was enough to put the best boxers in this world to shame.

Kenichi: "Well… I've had enough fun, I'm already very hungry so I'm going to finish now"

Although they were still surprised, when they heard Kenichi's words, everyone quickly stood on guard ready to receive any attack.

Whether it was Satou or Ayame, they watched intently as Kenichi continued to use the Hitman style stance, but suddenly something changed, Kenichi began to swing his left arm that was in an L position from left to right… For some strange reason that simple movement was quite hypnotic, until it happened…

Kenichi threw four incredibly fast punches, if it had been as simple as that no one would have been surprised, but the strange thing is that Satou, Ayame and Yarizui were still more than a meter away from him, and yet the punches hit them without any problem, they were so fast that they didn't even see them coming.

In the eyes of a third party it was as if Kenichi's arm had lengthened and hit them like a whip.

Satou: "AAAGHH!!"

Ayame: "HAAAAAAA!!"

Yarizui: "UGHH!!"

Wolves: "!!!"

The wolves that were conscious just stared in shock as Satou and Ayame were sent flying even further than before, you could tell by their eyes that they were unconscious.

Brunette: "M-My… Eyes a-aren't fooling me… R-Right…? F-For a m-moment it f-felt like h-his arm… Was… Was… Lengthened…"

Goatee: "I-I'd like to think that everything that's happening right now is a dream… But believe it or not, I'm already… S-So what we just saw is… Definitely real…"

Monk: "N-Now I just have one doubt… I-Is that really boxing…?" Because if it is, then I'm just an ignorant fool who knows nothing about the sport… N-No, to begin with… Is it even possible to throw a punch like that… M-More like a whiplash than a punch?"

Wolf #1: "H-Hey look… T-The pervert… And the beauty of the lake… They were knocked out"

The only one still standing was Yarizui who managed to block Kenichi's punch with difficulty, but even though she blocked it the damage she received was many times greater than the punch she received before.

Yarizui: "Haa… Haa… Haa… Haa… Haa… Haa…"

Kenichi looked at Yarizui with a somewhat surprised expression, in the anime Hajime no Ippo even professional boxers had a hard time taking Mashiba's Flicker Jabs. But Yarizui managed to endure it even though it was the first time he saw it.

The Flicker Jab, is a long range jab thrown from a low angle, this allows jabs to be thrown from various angles at high speed, making it an impressive offensive weapon. It's not normally a good idea to stretch your arm and side so much in boxing, but since when throwing one you flick your wrist at its climax, the extra momentum can be used to bounce back to the left and open up for a hook, or come back to your body, ready to throw another one again.

Kenichi: (To be honest it should be impossible for me to throw unreal flicker jabs like Mashiba's, to begin with one of the reasons why he could do it was because of his height and his abnormally long arms, although now I have a more muscular body the height of my arms and legs only grew a little, the only reason why I could perform such an abnormal punch was because I copied the technique from another anime. In this case I copied the whip punch that Baki used, to summarize, I relaxed the muscles in my arm to eliminate the tension and thus stretch my arm for several more centimeters... When I say it like that it sounds simple but it is something quite complicated, in fact, I can feel a rather intense burning in my arm... I guess my body is not yet ready to throw punches of that caliber)

Kenichi looked once more at Yarizui and had to recognize that she was a rather beautiful girl, her silver colored hair although somewhat messy was quite beautiful and more importantly her intense red eyes completely resolved left him

Kenichi: (Her eyes are completely determined to get the Bento, I can tell that unlike all these guys, these fights for the bentos are very important to her, with my ability that allows me to see alternate realities I can easily know why this is so important to her, but I don't want to depend on my ability to get into her private life, just like I said at the beginning everyone has their reasons for doing what they do... but I have to admit that this view of Yarizui-senpai completely determined is really beautiful... I wonder if my taste for women changed because of the influence of the Hanma blood)

Kenichi: (Actually, now that I think about it, both Yuujirou and Baki liked strong-willed women, maybe the real reason I got so into this fight was because I was interested in Yarizui-senpai… As I thought now I am definitely a Hanma, I just hope this change in my taste for women doesn't affect me in the future…)

Even though she was in a very bad state that didn't stop Yarizui from getting back into a position ready to fight, while everyone else lost the will to fight she was the only one who still hadn't given up, looking at her fragile but still reluctant to give up figure Kenichi felt more and more captivated by her.

Kenichi: (Until now I still think that all these fights are ridiculous, but in response to Yarizui-senpai's determination I also have to take this seriously)

With a kind expression Kenichi approached Yarizui with slow steps and when he was only a meter away, Yarizui responded by jumping ready to throw one last kick straight to Kenichi's face.

This time Kenichi did not dodge or block the kick, he simply received it head on, just like the first kick he received from Yarizui this one did nothing to him either, this made it clear that he did not need to fight using boxing, he was so strong that just standing in his place and throwing some casual punches was enough to defeat them all.

Kenichi: "Honestly it was quite entertaining Yarizui-senpai, but we have to finish, we are both very hungry"

Yarizui: "Yes…"

Yarizui: (He could have easily defeated us all… But he still took us seriously and used his boxing skills… Unfortunately… We are all too weak… No wonder he doesn't think so highly of our fights… In the end none of us could make him fight seriously…)

Without another word Kenichi threw a quick left jab that sent her flying as far away as Satou and Ayame, unlike before now she could no longer defend herself, and like them without any resistance she fell unconscious.

Without having any more opponents Kenichi walked to the counter where the half-price bentos were and took a hamburger steak one, the wolves that were conscious could only watch in frustration.

Kenichi: "Hey you… The girl with the dark hair"

Brunette: "A-Are you talking to me…?!"

Kenichi: (As expected from a background character who is only known by her nickname, she didn't even correct me when I called her by the color of her hair… Either she's used to being called that or it's because of the influence of the world)

Kenichi: "Yes, you… I want to ask you a question… I understand that when you win you have to take out only one bento, right?"

Brunette: "Y-Yes, that's one of our rules… B-But if you want you can take out all the bentos you want… N-No one is going to stop you…"

Without wanting to say anything else, Kenichi took out three more bentos, just as the dark-haired girl said, although they looked at him with frustration, no one stopped him, but his next action surprised them a little, for some strange reason he removed the sale tag from the three bentos he took out and without saying anything else he turned around to leave.

Kenichi: "Now you can do whatever you want, I have no intention of taking all the bentos, and don't worry either, you won't see me around here often, as I said a while ago, I only came here because it was close to my house… Anyway, goodbye, and I'm sorry for interrupting you."

The wolves could only watch Kenichi's back with frustration as he left, the few who were conscious looked at each other without any intention of continuing to fight, in the end the first ones who could get up took the bentos they wanted and left with slow steps, although they got the bento they didn't feel the least bit happy, in the end the only ones who had the right to call themselves real wolves were Satou, Ayame and Yarizui who were the only ones who continued to fight until the end, the others didn't even feel worthy, the only thing that relieved them was knowing that that demon wasn't going to appear in their hunting areas again.

Unbeknownst to Kenichi, that day he earned a nickname from the wolves who watched him fight to the end… Which was:

Oni (Demon)

This nickname would be remembered with terror and as a horrific legend among the wolves, of course if Kenichi had found out he would have thought that these guys were very exaggerated, it was just that one day they had the bad luck of meeting someone who really knew how to fight, fighting every day in a public place it was obvious that one day that would happen eventually.

But without caring about anything else he paid for the Bentos, he only bought one at half price along with a can of drink, the other three he paid for at their original prices and he also bought several ingredients for cooking, this confused the guy at the cashier a little but he didn't want to ask any questions.

After finishing shopping he walked straight to a park that was in front of the supermarket and sat on one of the benches as if he was waiting for someone.

Kenichi: "From what I know of the anime, they are still at the beginning of the story, although I can see deeper into the story if I watch the alternate reality in which it is a light novel, but honestly I don't feel like it, although I have to admit that I am somewhat interested in Yarizui-senpai, in the end I don't think I will get involved with them too much… Besides, the story may be different now, after all, in the story I saw they didn't attend Sainan High School, in fact, I'm sure they didn't even live in this city"

Kenichi: (At least all this wasn't a waste of time, I saw how strong I am, I saw what my current limitations are and I also saw the general strength that people have, I guess that in my current state the only ones who can give me a fight are martial artists and aliens)

And with those last words Kenichi sat looking at the entrance of the supermarket.

*Yarizui's POV*

Yarizui: "Ugh…"

I slowly got up from the ground with my whole body in pain, as I slowly opened my eyes.

Ayame: "So you finally woke up sleeping beauty… Well… I guess my situation isn't any better either, now I might be called the floor beauty"

I quickly looked at the voice that spoke to me only to see the lake beauty who was looking at me while I was lying on the ground, from her clothes that looked quite bruised I could tell that what happened a while ago was real.

Yarizui: "So Saruyama Kenichi"

Ayame: "Ah, that's right, he said that was his name… But damn, this is so frustrating, he practically mopped the floor with us and he wasn't even fighting seriously"

Yarizui: "Although as a wolf I would like to agree with you, but I can't in this situation, he fought to the maximum that our bodies could take, if he had hit us completely seriously we would have been lucky to only get away with several broken bones… Instead of blaming him, we have to blame our own weakness"

Ayame: "…"

I guess deep down she knows that what I'm saying is true, in the end her frustration made her take it out on Saruyama-kun, well now that I think about it she is quite competitive.

Ayame: "Ah! Damn, not only did they beat me up they also took all the bentos!"

Yarizui: "There's nothing you can do about it, that's just how it works, wolves that are careless eventually lose their prey, it's the natural order of things"

Ayame: "Damn it, complain a little, don't you feel frustrated, we lost to a guy who didn't even consider himself a wolf, the bastard even had the nerve to hold back even though he was fighting us!"

I honestly don't agree with the beauty's words, it's true that I'm a bit frustrated, but that's not because of the result of the fight… What frustrates me is how weak I am… I could see it in his eyes, if I had been stronger he definitely wouldn't have held back.

Yarizui: "He may not have considered himself a wolf, but he definitely fought like one by following our rules, he could have defeated us at any time just as easily as everyone else, so don't be a sore loser, a wolf always acts proud even when defeated."

Ayame: "Ugh… I don't think I can win an argument with you, you're quite stubborn! You don't have to remind me every time, even I can tell that even though he didn't fight seriously, he still took the bento fight seriously!"

Yarizui: "That's right, even if he fought us, his attention was always directed at the bento, and he was right, it is just as he said, he didn't consider himself a wolf but he was definitely at the top of the food chain, if I had to compare him to a predator then it would definitely be a lion"

Ayame: "Hmm… Why a lion?"

Yarizui: "The lion is the king of the beasts, for him there are no rivals, all other animals regardless of their size are nothing more than prey in his eyes"

Ayame: "…"

That is the best description I can give about Saruyama-kun, although he took us seriously he never saw us as his opponents, at first his attitude was somewhat arrogant, but in reality he turned out to be a rather kind man, although he had no obligations he still took my words seriously and apologized.


Upon hearing the beauty's scream, I looked at her again only to see her kicking Satou to wake him up.

Satou: "Ugh… What are you doing, Shaga? Damn, that hurts."

Ayame: "It's your fault for not waking up… Anyway, let's go. As you can see, there's no more bento left. We're just going to get weird looks if we keep lying on the floor like idiots."

Satou: "There's no more bento left? AH… What the hell… When did this happen if there were several of them just a little while ago… Wait, let's start. Why were we lying on the floor? I'm pretty sure we just got here… D-Did they beat us up before we even realized it?"

I couldn't help but look at Satou like he was an idiot, even though he had good instincts as a wolf, he sometimes had these moments where he acted like an idiot, it's like the first time he entered my hunting grounds, he had to be beaten at least three times for me to understand what was going on.

Ayame: "You really are an idiot Satou, don't you remember how that boy who goes to the same high school as you guys beat us up while we were doing our best?"

Satou: "He beat us up?" Who are you referring to… Wait… A student from our high school… Ah, now I remember, it's true we were fighting with that boy… W-Wait… It's true that I remember now, but how come he defeated us, before I realized it I had already fainted"

Ayame: "It doesn't make sense for you to ask me that question, I also fainted at the same time as you, what about you Ice Witch, could you see anything?"

When the beauty asked me that question I couldn't help but remember that incredible punch he threw.

Yarizui: "It's quite difficult to explain, at one point we were quite far away from him and before we realized it he threw some powerful punches that resembled whips more than blows, in fact, I'm completely sure that I saw his arm lengthen slightly"

Ayame: "..."

Satou: "…"

Not receiving any response from them I turned to look at them and they were both looking at me with strange expressions.

Ayame: "Hahaha… I know that guy made some pretty incredible moves, but don't you think it's pretty exaggerated that you start confusing reality with fiction, it's not like we're in a manga"

Satou: "Don't laugh at senpai, Shaga, maybe that bastard hit her in the head too hard and that's why she's still a bit confused"

I wonder if I should hit these two cousins, but I don't gain anything from that, I don't feel like fighting anymore, for now I'm going to go back to my house, I guess I'll have to buy some instant food. Ignoring the two idiots I stood up and headed out to buy some things.

*5 Minutes later*

Without anything else to say we bought some things and left the supermarket, honestly not getting any bento there was no reason for us to stay, but just as we were walking through the park someone spoke to us.

Kenichi: "It didn't take long, I guess they're already used to falling unconscious"

Wait, that voice is from… I turned quickly and saw Saruyama-kun who was sitting quietly on a bench in the park while eating a bento.

Yarizui: "Saruyama-kun"

Ayame: "IT'S YOU!!"

Satou: "What are you doing here?!"

Kenichi: "I was waiting for you three, I thought it would take longer, but unexpectedly it only took you 20 minutes, I guess you two are already pretty used to getting hit by fighting over bento every day."

After saying that, he motioned for us to come over to him, Satou and the lake beauty stood there confused not knowing what to do, so I decided to ignore them and walk over to where Saruyama-kun was sitting, wondering what he wanted to talk to us about.

Yarizui: "What's wrong Saruyama-kun? Since you said a while ago that you weren't interested in fighting over bento, I thought you wouldn't want to get involved with us anymore."

Kenichi: "It's really nothing special, I just wanted to give you this."

I reached out my hand to receive what Saruyama-kun handed me, but seeing what it was surprised me quite a bit. It was a Ginger-Cooked Pork Bento, this is definitely the bento I was aiming for when I fought him.

Yarizui: "This is…"

Kenichi: "And these others are for you three, the Natto and Okra Bento with Melted Cheese and the Tofu Burger Bento, if I'm not mistaken these were the bentos you wanted, right?"

Satou: "…"

Ayame: "…"

Satou and the beauty looked at Saruyama-kun with rather awkward expressions, but still received the bentos he handed over.

Ayame: "What is this? Maybe it's the way you reward us out of pity"

Maybe it's the first time I agree with the beauty of the lake, we give everything to fight for these bentos, that's why it's quite insulting that someone who defeated us just gives them to us this way, we are wolves and wolves are animals that take pride in fighting for their prey, that's why receiving it this way is humiliating. I was about to complain to Saruyama-kun, until I realized something.

Yarizui: "They don't have the discount tag"

Kenichi: "I see you noticed, Yarizui-senpai, that's right, these are definitely the bentos you wanted, but as you can see they don't have the tags, after all I took them off… Honestly my impression of your fights hasn't changed, but I guess I understand them a bit more now, that's why I know those tags are very important to you, but you lost to me and that's why you don't deserve them, so I ripped them off and threw them away, in the end I ended up paying full price for these bentos"

Kenichi: "And as for giving them away, you could say it's my way of thanking you… I don't think there are many people who would be willing to fight me, but even though it was for a short time, I had fun fighting you… But don't feel obligated if you don't want them then just leave them here for someone else to take"

But just when Saruyama-kun finished speaking.

Yarizui / Satou / Ayame: "Grrrrrrrr…"

Yes, our stomachs started to growl against our will, I don't know about Satou and the beauty but at least I was very embarrassed that Saruyama-kun heard me.

Kenichi: "Hehehe… It seems that your stomachs are more honest than you… Don't worry, although it is in a different way than you are used to, you earned them so don't feel embarrassed… Well it's quite late and I have other things to do… Goodbye, and I'm sorry for ruining everyone's day… Don't worry I don't think I will get involved in your fights again so you can go back to fighting over the bentos like you normally do."

After saying that Saruyama-kun stood up from the stool and began to walk away with slow but firm steps. I don't know what the reason is, but whenever I see his figure I can't help but get a little nervous. I also feel my cheeks heat up a little, I wonder why. But before I knew it, as if by instinct, I said something that even I found strange.

Yarizui: "Saruyama-kun, are you interested in joining the half-price food lovers club?"

Ayame: "AH!!"

Satou: "S-Senpai!!"

Hearing me, Saruyama-kun turned around and looked at me with a confused face.

Kenichi: "The club that…"

Yarizui: "T-The half-price food lovers club, is a club that I am the president of that is meant to improve our skills as wolves in the battles for bentos and teach those who are still starting"

Saruyama-kun looked at me with a serious and at the same time quite confused look, I wonder why I feel so embarrassed, although the club has almost no members, it is the first time I feel this way while explaining it.

Kenichi: "If it wasn't for the fact that I know that there is a ridiculous club at school called the Provisional Game Creation Club, I would dare to ask if the club you mentioned is official, but in our school there are so many clubs with long and ridiculous names that I won't comment on anything."

I don't understand what this feeling is, I have always felt proud of being the president of the club, but why when Saruyama-kun said that it was a club with a ridiculous name instead of feeling offended I felt embarrassed, and this is not the first time it happens to me, when he insulted the battle for bentos I also felt that way… and more importantly, why did I invite him to the club? He already made it very clear that he is not interested in fighting for bentos… No, in fact, anyone who saw how I fight would understand why he is not interested.

Ayame: "Wait, that's serious, your school sounds more and more interesting, maybe I'll transfer"

Kenichi: "I don't recommend it, although it's a school that lets its students be quite free, the director is a fat pervert who always chases girls while he's half naked"

Ayame: "Ehhhh…"

Kenichi: "But back to the topic, why do you ask Yarizui-senpai… I think I've made it quite clear that I'm not interested in battles for bentos"

Yarizui: "It's because compared to you we are weak, I would like to learn from someone strong like you… Also this is the first time since I became a wolf that I heard a stomach howl as intense as yours, I'm sure that not even Kaneshiro's compares to yours"

Kenichi: "What is that stomach howl"

Yarizui: "The stomach howl is a "Unlimited power that is activated when you go after your prey on an empty stomach. Your body surpasses the limits, and your power, endurance, and agility surpass the natural… In other words, the hunger that makes you want bento no matter what, makes you stronger!!"

Kenichi: "…"

Saruyama-kun looked at me again with his usual serious look.

Kenichi: "Although I understand what you are saying… I am sorry Yarizui-senpai, I am not interested in fighting over bentos… In fact, I will be completely honest with you… This is the first time in my life that I have had a fight."

This time I think my reaction was the same as everyone else's.

Satou: "Y-You are joking, right?"

Ayame: "Y-If you have to be joking, inside we saw how you casually beat everyone up, and when you were fighting us you were using boxing, it's impossible that it's your first time fighting"

I'd like to agree with Satou and the beauty, but I know that look, something inside me tells me that when he puts on that expression he always tells the truth.

Kenichi: "I'm not lying… maybe when I say it this way I may sound arrogant, but I was born with a special body… It's like I was specially made for fighting, the boxing I used today is a good example, I just had to watch a few videos of some boxers to be able to use their movements on the first try… Also, just a few days ago I was a normal boy with a fairly thin body, but I trained for just a few days and my body suddenly became this way… I know it's hard to believe, but this is the reality… If it only took a little training to become this strong, that means that from now on I'm going to keep getting stronger and stronger… This is the main reason why I'm not interested in bento fights, it's too small a world for me (I just lied about some details)"

Satou: "…"

Ayame: "…"

Yarizui: "…"

Although it's true that it sounds quite unreal, when he says it in such a serious way I can't help but believe it which is true.

Kenichi: "To begin with, boxers should never use their punches outside of a ring, in fact, as a sign of respect I shouldn't have used them either, after all the objective of bento battles is to obtain the bento while boxing is to knock out your opponent, they are two very different things… That's why although I feel flattered that you invited me, I have to reject your invitation"

For some strange reason I felt a pain in my chest when I heard his rejection.

Kenichi: "Also I already felt the sensation of eating a bento after a fight, although it felt good, personally I prefer the warmth of the meals my mother prepared"

Saruyama-kun put on a rather sad expression when he said that, I wonder what this impulse I have of wanting to hug him to comfort him is, also, what did he mean by "I prepared", every time he speaks I have this feeling of wanting to know more about him.

Yarizui: "What did he prepared?" Don't you live with your parents?"

Kenichi: "No… They died in a traffic accident quite a few years ago… So even though this bento felt good, it doesn't compare to the feelings that a meal made with all your love for someone you care about conveys."

Satou: "…"

Ayame: "…"

Yarizui: "…"

I think this is the first time in my life that I find myself in such an awkward situation like this… It's at times like this that I want to hit my past self for asking such an insensitive question…

Kenichi: "Well that's all I had to say… And even though I said I wouldn't get involved again, you never know what fate has in store for you… So it's possible that we'll meet again… Who knows, maybe we'll even fight again… Anyway, goodbye…"

And with those last words, Saruyama-kun left, this time I didn't have the courage to tell him something, not after asking him such an insensitive question, even so, he said that the reason he was strong was because he was born with a special body, but I don't think that's true, I'm sure that even without such a body he is stronger than us, I can tell by his eyes, it's just as he said from now on he will continue to become stronger and stronger, in the face of that the only thing I can do is…

Yarizui: "What are you doing in a daze Satou? Didn't you hear him, he said that there is a possibility that we will fight again and if what he said is true, at that time he will be much stronger than today, we can't stay behind either"

Satou: "Eh? S-Senpai?"

Ayame: "H-Hey, don't leave me out, I may not be a member of your club, but I also want to have a rematch with that handsome bastard"

I've already decided, I'm going to become stronger, this feeling, this beating in my heart is the same as the one I felt the first day I decided to enter the battles for the bentos… You'll see Saruyama-kun, the next time we see each other I won't be the same, I'm definitely going to make you put on a happy smile like the one you showed me when you defeated me.

*Narrator's POV*

Without knowing it, that day Kenichi awakened the fire that was dormant in Yarizui, and in the future he would discover that it is not good to underestimate a heroine, and even less if it is a heroine who is just beginning to discover her own feelings.

At that moment Satou and Ayame did not realize it, but anyone who saw Yarizui's face would instantly realize that it was the face of a girl in love, but its outcome would be seen more in the future.

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