
Chapter 3 Breaking News Pt One

Roseryn strolled on, minding her business. In her hand was her own personal tablet, an object she herself kept within her reach at all times.

"Hayley, how's things going in metropolis?" Inquired rosery'n wondering the hospital is fairing from the amounts of patients that had been pouring in and out of it.

The woman known as Hayley fixed her glasses as she read something from her computer. She was one of the best doctors that roseryn helped trained from ground up. A smart one at that as well, for she and a few others had graduated from the university in the island of unity, which is located just about few hundreds of miles between Hawaii and two oceanus islands.

Once Hayley got herself together she finally responded back in a formal tone. "Well Ms. Lawven, as you've already known, since the attack on metropolis from last night, I can't say it's any better at all. Three years ago since superman introduced himself to the world, the city had suffered quite the problems from that braniac guy. And then next we have this invasion from some giant and his so called flying monsters... Not only that, the people of metropolis will likely never stop coming to this hospital day in and day out."

"I'm assuming things are pretty overwhelming over there?" Rosery'n said as she halted in her steps and typed in a password on a room she was entering.

Hayley set down a pieces of paperwork and rubbed her brow due to the ongoing amount of work since last night. "You have no idea ma'am. I And a few of our boy and girls had only 4 hours of sleep, all the doctors and nurses are busying themselves non-stop. We could really need boxes of energy drinks. I prefer coffee though... Anyway, besides that. How's your son doing? I Saw the state he was in from the news last night?"

Grateful of her student for thinking of her son, roseryn smiles as she chuckles lightly. "He's doing well, body wasn't badly damaged from the scuffle he's had from the battle. But overall, he'll recover soon... Thank you for asking. I Appreciate your concern."

Sighing deeply to herself, Hayley leaned back on her chair as she glanced up at the ceiling of her office. "That is good to hear ma'am. I Think he might've pushed himself a little too much... However, knowing him. He's probably going to be very hungry once he wakes up from his nap." Says Hayley as she laughed remembering what it was like when she first witnessed haven devour foods that would equal to a family of three.

Roseryn chuckles at that. "Yeah, on that we agree. The boy sure can eat... Say, since you and everyone have been overworking yourself over there, I'll make sure to send some BBQ and drinks to help boost the moods. I'll take a no of an answer from you. I'm doing this cause I wanted to."

Just as Hayley was about to deny her boss's offer, a sudden growling emitted from her stomach. And in defeat, she set her head down on the desk and gave a thumbs up. "Please do, I'm actually kind of tired of the basic food that this building has to offer."

"No problem Hayley. Tell everyone that I'll be returning to metropolis in four hours." Said roseryn as she and Hayley then said their goodbyes and ended their video call.

After hanging up, roseryn slided her tablet into a backpack she carried with herself. To her left, she saw one of her employees working on fixing a machine that seems to be broken.

Wondering what had happened, she turned from her first path and headed towards the people working the machine. "What seems to be the problem people?"

A Man wearing glasses hearing her voice, and knowing who exactly it was tapped on the shoulder of his colleagues. "She's here!"

One of the employees got up from her position and turned to meet their boss in an immediate time. "Hey there boss. Good to see you, forgive for asking. But I thought you had just left two days ago?"

"I've used one of the newly built crafts... Anyway, what is going on with this thing here?" Spoke roseryn as she then gestures to the machine in question.

"It Was mainly I and the guys and girls fault here." The young intern said earning incredulous looks from her coworkers for her naive'ness. "On the better side, we're just close to fixing it. However, we're missing one problem."

"Allow me."

Walking over to the machine, roseryn then got down to one knee as she reaches on the inside of the machine. "Tell me again, what is it that y'all are missing?" Asked roseryn while feeling the tube's in the inside as she had a keen sense of what'd missing.

"It's the rollar nuts, about one and a half inch size." Responded bassy the girl says who leaned down to get a look inside the machine only to widened her eyes in shock. "You've already found it!"

"How?... We've been looking for it in the past few minutes!?" One of the boys said in pure shock.

"Don't worry about, just make sure not to lose the rollar nuts again. It's a pain losing it. Trust me I've been there." Answered roseryn as she then stood back up to her full height of six foot one.

The young workers tilted their head up at the towering woman who was that of their boss. The woman wasn't as tall as most of the man and woman that walked the building, yet her very own presence would make any of them somehow respect her in every way. Not out of fear, not out of uneasiness or apprehension. But just thar of her keen sense of respect and kindness she shows them.

"You guys have just worked here on Monday. I won't chastise you all on today, but do yourself a favor and keep your eyes and ears opened, cause you never know when you'll lose something again. Understand." Roseryn told them receiving looks of immediate understanding from them.

"Yes ma'am!" The youngsters responded as they then strolled off with their machine.

Watching them leave, roseryn then turned and headed back another direction. In this path of hers, was the room that she had her son sleep in to recover from the previous night.

Just the mere thought of him going up against the new god Darkseid made her rethink her choice. She knows that she could've handled the incursion from occurring, but had no other choice but to let it happen.

Secondly, the justice league, or what will soon be introduced to the world in a few hours. The heroes that she had read comics about in the real world, or the DC universe to be exact... Roseryn thought back to the last time she's read the new 52 comic about the restart of Dc's heroes. She know about everything that'll come in the near future, about the Darkseid war, about the situation of the multivers issues following behind.

She could possibly step in and take the role of a certain figure and control what she wants, however, knowing herself, roseryn wasn't anything like a dictator. As powerful as she once, roseryn knows that it'll take some times until she can regain that power once again, not until she meets perpetua in their fight, once again.

"Ah, Ms. Lawven! You've finally arrived!" A Doctor said as he stepped aside and held the door opened for her. "Please, allow me."

"Why thank you." Roseryn Lawven says as she entered the room.


As Haven was maliciously munching down on his bowl of ramen, he continued eating, unaware of the fact that his mother presence as she strolled forth and smacked him beside the head.

The extra amount of noodles that was inside his mouth almost gotten spit out as a hand from his mom hit him, nonetheless, he quickly shut his  mouth closed and ate it after chewing a couple times. Once he was finished, he made sure to wipe the food stains from around his mouth and turned to see his mom standing there arms crossed with her head slightly tilted to the side all the while looking at him disappointedly.

"Do you ever eat in a formal manner. You are after all in the work facility, not our house!?" Says roseryn reprimanding her kid.

Rubbing the back of his head, haven just glanced at his mother in a sheepishly attitude. "I'm sorry mom! I was just hungry, besides, I didn't have one of those senzu beans that you gave me." Replied haven wishing he had done so, for he knew of the scolding he'll get from her.

Rubbing her eyes shut, roseryn some times wonder when she would have to stop reminding this kid of hers. She understood of the physiology of her son being a full blooded Saiyan, which was one of the many reasons why she created the senzu beans, as with a single bite of it could not only heal a person of their crucial injury, but also fill their stomach of starvation.

She then smacked him against the head lightly, but hard enough for him to know how she was feeling towards this. "The next time I have to remind you of taking the senzu beans with you, I will have your e bike locked up. Am I understood!"

Not wanting to face his mother's wrath, haven looked down in defeat out of shame for being dense. "Yes mom, but hey, be glad I didn't bring them with me, cause I would've, lost it."

"On that I agree. However, besides all of that, I am glad to see you all healed up son... How exactly are you doing?" Said roseryn somehow pleased that her boy has already healed up.

Getting off his chair, haven turned and set his bowl down and began stretching with his arms up while yawning loudly. "Pretty amazing. I've been through some arduous training, but never like something as yesterday night."

"Yes, but you should learn to control yourself next time." Roseryn reminded him as from last night she sensed that her son had nearly lost himself in a rage of battle due to the moon being exposed throughout the city of metropolis.

Haven halted in his steps and glances down at his hands, clenching it into fists and then breathes out in relief. "Yes, I know mom. I almost went berserk on the field of battle." Says haven as he looked up at his mother once more. "I could've hurt those nearby me in the battle. You would've had to step in and stop me."

Roseryn hugged her son into a tight squeeze and then kissed him on the forehead. "I Know my boy. I could've step in and help put a stop to the attack once and for all... But you have to understand, some times you have to learn how to do things without someone always coming to save you. That's why I wanted you to fight without my aid."

"Okay mom, I'll take your words into consideration." Replied haven as he hugged her.

The doctor behind roseryn feeling like he shouldn't have been in the room to witness a family moment coughs breaking the tension. "Ummm, Ms. Lawven, you might wanna see this."

"What is it bill?" Asked roseryn nonchalantly.

"I Think it's better that you see for yourself." Responded bill as he held the door opened for her and haven who walked out.

As haven and his mother exited the room, he noticed that around the area, the entire staff was focused in on the TV with a news lady speaking behind the White House. "I wonder what it is that's gotten the white house to have that many people in its front doorstep?" Uttered haven as he and his mom walked forth and stopped to watch the news.

Lois Lane P.O.V.

Standing in front of a gate was the daily planet most well known member of its building, Lois Lane.

To her front was her cameraman kade. The man was making sure to hold onto the ninety pound camera while having to keep it still.

"Hi people, Lois Lane here. As you can see, behind me is the white house. You can all also see that there are a lot of people, an army of them to be exact. However, the crowds of people here did not come to see the president himself. For if you haven't know, a horrific event had occured last night on the city of metropolis when an unidentified beings attacked, or to put it simply, aliens. We truly do not know where they come from, but one thing for sure is that they didn't come here to earth in peace, for many life has been lost, especially people who might've had families on metropolis... However, our country wasn't the only one dealing with the attack, as the world had faced the same issues we've had. We have lost loved ones, especially pets and our neighbors. But thanks to this heroes, some of the people made it out alive due to their joint work in fending off our foes. We do not know who they are or where they've come from, but I a damn sure happy to have someone willing to step up and save not only our country, but that of the world."

"Hey Lois!" One of the news crew said speaking to the woman through the ear piece in her right ear. "They're here, look up!"

At First Lois was confused why her colleague was looking up, wondering what it is that caught his attention she looked up and realized the why. As from up in the air, eight silhouette gradually descended from the sky... Overtime, the people behind the news crew erupted up in awe, screaming and yelling out to the heroes in pure joy at the sight of each individualized person.

Superman, Wonder woman and batman led the way with five others of the heroes like green lantern and flash trailing from behind them. Reminiscing for the moment at seeing these eight people, Lois suddenly stopped and recalled back to something from last night. She had trouble trying to remember what till her eyes widened slightly like a light bulb lighting up.

"Wait, there's something wrong!" Said Uttered Lois as she noticed one person missing amongst the eight heroes.

"What is it?" Asked kade feeling like something was wrong.

"There's only eight of them." Lois answered as she got a muddled look from kade.

Kade while keeping the camera on the heroes trailed after them until he halted in his steps and glances at Lois understanding what she meant by only eight. "Now that you said it, I think your right. Only one person is missing, and that person is the one that we caught sight of last night during the attack."

"Yes! Exactly what I was thinking... Oh, come on, let's get a closer look!" Lois told her crew as she forces them to follow after her as she rushed towards the heroes.

Justice League


"Can't believe I actually agreed to come here. The place is packed with a lot of this people!" Complain green lantern as he wanted to fly over the gate himself but was stopped by others.

"Aw, cheer up emerald, everyone's ain't gonna bite you. Just smile and wave man." Joked flash as he used the nickname that people calls hal.

Green lantern's brow furrowed in displeasure to the name that one of the surviving people from the previous night gave him. "I Hated that name. Even one of my colleagues from the lantern Corp made fun of me with that name."

Aquaman gave back one kid's autograph after signing it and made a reply to lantern. "Perhaps emerald is a better name then green lantern."

Sighing to himself, lantern shut his eyes, recalling back to the time his friend kilowog too agreed with the said name. "I Know that, a few of my work people calls me that. Well, the least of them that is."

"I Must say, emerald also sounds like a fitting name for you hal j-mph**"

Hawkwoman in an instant brought her hand up and covered wonderwoman's lips shut before she could've said something that'll exposed green lantern's identity. "Must you be so dense Amazonian! You almost said the true name of the emerald here!" Shaera reprimanded Diana for a moment only to join each other in a show of laughter.

"I Hate you guys." Green lantern said already feeling targeted by his new friends.

"For once I agree with green lantern. I could be home back in gotham doing much more important matters rather then be awarded medal and a handshake from the president." Added batman as he and the heroes ceased in their stroll and looked up to where they can see a helicopter with the name lexcorp plastered on the side door.

"Friend of yours, I heard he had an issue with you?" Cyborg whispered to Superman.

"Yes, but not anymore. The guy has been trying to make the people hate me since day one through others." Replied a begrudgingly superman who waited for the gate to open all the way.

"Superman, I assume this are your friends?" A Guard said speaking to the man of steel.

"Yes sir. I and my friends here were personally invited by the president, so we wanted to be here out of respect to Mr. Jackson." Replied Superman in formality.

"I Can see that." The guard said as he took a look at the seven behind the man of steel. "Please come in, the president is awaiting your arrival."

"Superman! Superman!" Shouted a familiar voice of a woman who can be heard running towards the heros.

The group before they could take a step forth halted in place. Superman being the sole one who knows the woman smiled as he waved at Lois Lane that came and stopped a few good feets away from them.

"Superman, if you would please. Can we interview you and your friends?" Lois spoke up lightly as she held the microphone towards him.

"I'm afraid Superman and his friends can't do that right now ma'am... However, the good news is that the president has allowed for the news crew to enter. The gate will be fully opened for civilians in an hour." One of the guards informed them

"Wait Superman, can you sign my shirt please!" A woman yelled out to the man of steel while holding out a t-shirt of hers with the same logo of Clark's kryotonian heritage in it.

"Of course!" Superman replied kindly to the woman as he disappeared from place and reappeared once again next to batman. "You guys enjoy your day, and as great it is to stay and meet each and every one of y'all, I'm afraid I'll have to go to an important meeting. Farewell people of Washington DC, we'll meet you guys later once more."

The news reporter in a haste walked alongside Superman and his friend. "Sure, I'll be glad to!" Lois says hurriedly.

"I'll be glad to say that it's a good thing the president had already planned a fourth of July event today, or else it would've taken days for all of this to be set up." One of the escorting guard spoke bitterly as he and the heroes passed through another gateway and up into the stairs.

Meanwhile, for the news side of the group, three members of each news company were only ever allowed to enter the white house. And Lois being persistent one there is immediately huddled her way next to the heroes before any one of the other news crew could get a chance.

After they've stepped inside of the building, superman, wonderwoman batman and the groups of heroes strolled onward as those of the building's workers all stood by clapping for them, for they clearly showed their appreciation of their heartless action in staying and helping defend one part of the world.

Applause after applause, everywhere the heroes walked people seems to stop and awe at the sight of them while some joined in on clapping for them. And as they continued in their stroll, the heroes eventually reached one part of the room that obviously belongs to the president.

The two guards that were escorting them simply stepped aside and waited for two more other guards in different uniforms to hold open the door for them to enter.


Once each and everyone of them entered the room, a man in a suitable outfits befitting someone of a high standard turned around and faced them with a welcoming smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all here." Greeted the president as he gestures for them to take a seat. "Please, join me."

"Actually sir, we prefer to stand." Superman said respectively denying the offer.

"Of course, I don't mind that... Oh and I see you've brought your friend." The president said considering the presence of Lois and the news group. "Hello Ms. Lane, I'm  a fan of your work."

Lois chuckled as she reached forth and shook hands with the president remembering everything her father taught her on how to formerly greet someone of a high standard. "Why thank you sir, I must say that we are greatly thankful of you for allowing me and my colleagues to enter the white house."

"Why thank you Ms. Lane, after all I only ever did it out of respect for your father general Lane. The old man is a good friend of mine anyway." The president told Lois who smiled thankful of the fact that her father was a friend of his.

"Mr. President, is it fair to say that you might soon hand over your presidency to your colleague kendrason vaylan after your last month as president?" Another one of the news reporters from catco spoke up after him.

"Yes it is true that I plan to hand the mantle over to my colleague kendrason. But it isn't going to be easy for her. As her opponent Mr. Davidson is also not only a great man, but one of the fewest people who cares for the well being of our country. Which is something I like about him as well... But one thing for sure, is that I hope either one of the two would work alongside each other instead of butting heads against each other." The president said responding back to the catco news reporter.

"Superman, is it true that you saved a boat from being stranded by their own country?" A Third reporter questioned unsure of the truth.

"Yes, but I wasn't alone. Aquaman here was also there as well, he helped talked some of the sea animals there aid in rescuing some of the people from extremely cold waters." Replied Superman noticing a glare from Arthur for having been questioned by the other news reporters.

"I Am going to get you back!" Whispered Aquaman while having to answer some questions being thrown his way.

The wife of the president who was silently standing beside the president brow raised at something or someone missing amongst the heroes after she had counted them. "Apologies for my intrusions, but I couldn't help but noticed that there's only eight of you here." Uttered the woman as she saw the heroes looking at one another in whispers.

"I Believe she is talking about that masked kid. You know the one with hoodie masked and grey sweatpants." Whispered captain marvel in a low enough voice so those of the civilians wouldn't hear them.

"Aren't you technically a child as well?" Green lantern told the kid turned hero for he and the heroes had introduced themselves to each other since the end of last night's event.

"Yeah, but I'm not a kid, at least not anymore. I'm a freshman in highschool." Captain marvel replied quietly.

"Still doesn't change the fact that you are a kid. Doesn't matter if you got the power to turned yourself into a fully grown adult " Commented cyborg nonchalantly uncared for the picture of them being taken.

"Hey calm down y'all. Besides, Shazam over there isnt the only child on the team." Flash teased smiling when he saw eyes of Billy flashing electricity for mere second.

"Who says they're on the team?" Batman said unsure if it was a good idea.

"Oh, so it's okay for you to have a kid dressed up in custome to fight crime in night, but you have a problem with just two?" Hawkwoman spoke up uncaring of the fact that the news had caught her words on cam.

"Wait a minute, kids!?" One reporter said out shock.

"Yes kids." Replied Lois answering for every one of the reporters. "Apparently, captain marvel here once told me that he is a child, one that has the power to turn himself into a fully fletch adult with odd abilities."

"What of the other kid, you know the one that wears the mask with typical outfit of a high schooler." One reporter let out in pure enjoyment as some of the people around laughed at his comment.

Captain marvel being one of the only two kids was somehow offended by the teasing words of the man and looked at him straight. "Hey, at least that kid has the heart to step up and protect those who couldn't do the same for themselves. Where were you at, hiding under a table!"

"Oh I'm sorry child, I didn't mean to burst your bubbles. I was just simply implying that a kid such as yourself shouldn't have to be in the same footsteps as adults." The man replied smiling in his success in riling up the teenager.

Green lantern bothered by the reporter's words knew what he was trying to do stepped in and stopped between Billy batson and the reporter. "Hey bud, I think right now is not the time to start an argument with others, we've already dealt with losses last night. You can insult us after this."

"I'll take your words for that emerald." The man said earning a sigh of resentment from green lantern.

"Gentlemen, right now is not the time. Please treat each other well and I'll have no problem with keeping you here." The president spoke up not liking the road where the reporter and the hero was going. "However, that does remind me of something. Where exactly is the nine'th member of your group. I had thought he'd be here with you all?"

Hawkwoman sheaths her mace in an indication she was going to be the one speaking for her colleagues. "He is somewhere else, the woman that came and took him was his mother. I believe you all know her as roseryn lawven. The woman who's hospital building still stands in metropolis."

"Roseryn lawven. That is the young woman, CEO of Health life company. That woman keep surprising us all time and time again, and to think she has a son isn't something I've expected of her to do!" A Reporter let out in pure surprise at news.

"Mr. President, perhaps I can call her. See if her son is willing to come to the ceremony introduction of Superman and his friends." A Certain agent with dirty blonde hair said speaking up.

"Steve trevor!" Wonderwoman said as she walked forth and hugged Steve tightly earning a deep breathe from the man after she departed from it.

"Diana, it's good to see you." Steve trevor agent of argus said happy to see the Amazonian.

"I as well Trevor." Wonderwoman replied happily.

"Love birds." Green lantern said out loud to them as everyone laughed at the heroes comment.

"Ladies and gents, if you would please. May I." The president says speaking up even though he was enjoying the moment between the agent and his Amazonian girlfriend.

"Of course sir... As I was saying, I can call Ms. Lawven, see if she'll allow her son to come." Steve said earning looks of interest from everyone of the reporters and that of the heroes.

"Sure, please do so Mr. Trevor." The president answered eager to meet the supposed son of one of the most prominent figure in the United States.

The civilian workers in the building, as well as the heroes and reporters, fell silent as they waited for Roseryn to answer the phone Trevor was holding in his hand.

Haven Lawven P.O.V.

"Oh boy this is not good!" Haven uttered as he can see in the TV that Steve Trevor was waiting for his mother to answer him.

"Ms. Lawven I can answer it for you." Bill said willing to speak the bearer of bad news for his boss.

Roseryn mentally cursed at herself, she could've easily avoided this moment if she and her son had just left for their home. But being the CEO boss of her company, she knows she'll have to be there not only for herself but the people was none other then her fellow employees.

"It's okay bill. I Can do it myself." Replied roseryn as she held her buzzing phone in her hand and touched on the green logo of the phone. "Hello there Trevor, how may I help you?"

"Hello Ms. Lawven, I'm sure your already aware of what's going on in the white house right now, unless you aren't watching the news right now?" Spoke Steve trevor as he glanced at the news reporters and their cameras facing him. "Damn things are nearly blinding me with their cams!"

"Sorry to hear that Steve. But that's what you get for being the boyfriend of an Amazonian. But as great as it is to hear from you, what is it you truly want to from me?" Inquired roseryn already aware of the outcome.

"Right, as you can see on the news. Wonderwoman and her friends have been invited to the White House for the fourth of July ceremony. And he wants to see if you are willing to allow your son to come over and introduce himself?" Steve trevor asked her having a feeling that the he was going to get a different answer from her.

Before answering the agent, Roseryn stopped and turned to see her son sneaking his way out of the building through a window of one room. "I'm afraid I can't do that now man, even if I wanted to get my boy to come there, he would probably not come at all himself. So do please tell the justice League to enjoy the ceremony themselves. And Steve."

"Yes?" Responded the agent.

"Congratulations with your date." Teased roseryn as she hung up on Trevor and turned to watch Steve shyly shut his phone on TV and turned to spill the news to the president.

"Ms. Lawven, your escorting craft is awaiting you to be pick up. Please come with me." A Man said as he lead her to the craft.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Caleb5678creators' thoughts
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