

Nodding my head, I thought about the specific gun that I wanted and then zipped Teddy open. Instead of the normal lining that I usually felt inside of Teddy, there was nothing. It was like putting my hand out into open air where nothing touched me back. 

Within seconds, though, a gun was nestled in the palm of my hand, and I withdrew it.

"I haven't met the smart ones yet," I explained sagely as I wrapped the arm with the gun behind Dimitri's head. Leaning as far as I could against him, I used the same arm that was clinging to Teddy to cling to him. "I was told that they had giant round heads with pencil-dick necks," I continued like I had all the knowledge.

Suddenly, I felt a boop on my nose. "Who told you that?" grumbled Dimitri, sounding a bit like a bear. A cute bear, more like Teddy than the militia guy, but a bear nonetheless. "You shouldn't be talking like that."

"Marc told me," I replied honestly. "Right before he gave up his left nut to wish for the dumb zombies."

Should I be telling him all this? Maybe not. But at least now he should know where to go if he wants wishes, right?

Because I can be his girl.

For wishes. I can be his girl for wishes. 

"Still not acceptable," grumbled Dimitri. 

I don't know if the wind shifted or if one of the zombies had really good hearing, but it seemed that, in an instant, Dimitri and I were the center of attention to a bunch of zombies. 

Not cool, wind, not cool.

More than a little tired with the day so far, and wanting to find a place to sleep tonight, I used Dimitri's eyes and started firing at the zombies. Each time I pulled the trigger, it was a direct hit, nailing the stinky zombies right between the eyes. 

Unfortunately, I didn't think it through as much as I should have. While I grabbed the gun with the suppressor, I completely forgot that I could only kill one zombie per bullet, and the rest of them weren't exactly going to stand there and wait around for me to get to them. 

"Communication, Kitten," murmured Dimitri. "Communication is the key to all things."

 I felt him slide his hand between my ribs and his chest, his hand so slow and gentle that it actually took me a minute to figure out what he was trying to do. While a big part of me was hoping that he was going to cop a feel, I was disappointed to realize that he was wearing shoulder holsters and he was reaching for his gun. 

Seriously, I hated sex. There was nothing I hated more than I hated sex. I hated the feeling of someone's hands on me, of them pressing me down or manipulating my body for their own desire. I hated the feeling of helplessness, and I hated the aftereffects of it all. 

I didn't believe in fairy tales, I didn't believe in love at first sight, and I definitely didn't believe in happily ever after. But with Dimitri? Feeling him against me as he carried me around like a precious treasure? 

I was starting to come to terms with the fact that I might not hate sex as much as I thought I did.

"Aren't you going to keep shooting, Kitten?" asked Dimitri, a bit of laughter in his voice as I shook the thoughts out of my head. 

Using his eyes, I watched as the zombies slowly moved their way toward us, the 'thump, drag' they made with every move completely in tune with the moans they were making as they realized that dinner was being served. 

However, I realized something important at the same time. 

No one and nothing was going to touch something that was mine.

And I was claiming Dimitri whether he liked it or not.

I thought I would have to sacrifice my vision in order to do what I needed to do next, but I realized that I didn't need to be touching Dimitri's face in order to see though his eyes. He was still holding me on top of his forearm. 

Putting one of Teddy's paws in my mouth, I awkwardly took a second gun out of his space. With a gun in each hand, I stared at the female zombies in front of me as they stretched their arms out, trying to touch what was mine. 

A calm that I never knew before settled over me and for the first time that I could remember, my mind emptied of everything. There were no random thoughts, no random voices, no itches or pains… everything in my body was focused on the zombies in front of us and my need to kill them.

Time slowed down as I pulled the trigger, first the right and then the left. The zombies didn't scream as the bullet pierced their skull, sending bone, blood, and brain matter scattering in all directions. 

If I had been in my usual state, I would have thought it to be pretty, but right now, I hardly noticed it at all. 

I fired more bullets than should have been possible with the guns that I had, but they were still killing the zombies in front of us, so I was just going to chalk it up to magic and not worry. 

The pile of dead bodies was piling up in front of us, but the number of zombies didn't seem to be dying down at all. 

"I wish—" started Dimitri, but I quickly slapped him on top of my head with my forearm. 

"No," I said, in my most serious voice possible. "You will not make a wish around me. Do you understand?"

I knew what I was doing was wrong. That in order to have my demons with me here on Earth, I needed people to make wishes. But I was not sacrificing Dimitri's balls for anything in the world. They were mine and not his to wish away.

He shot me a strange look, his green eyes narrowing on my face. Seeing myself through his eyes did something to my heart, but I didn't have time right now to deal with it. 

We still had a crap ton of zombies to kill. 

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