
NO. 60 - True Firepower

[General POV]

"Tch! How annoying."

Mirko glared at the large shark man she had beaten in less than a minute being cuffed by two police officers. Off to the side, three broken cash registers sat on the side of the road as excited and curious bystanders watched the ongoing arrest.

"Good work, Mirko. Impressive as always." One of the officers said as she secretly fangirled over the rabbit-themed hero.

"Yeah, yeah. It was nothing." Mirko said as she threw her hair back. 'This guy couldn't even get my blood flowing. What a disappointment!' She thought.

Once the officers had everything under control, Mirko waved goodbye to some of the excited bystanders and leaped up onto the nearest rooftop. From there, she used her powerful legs and incredible jumping ability to continue her patrol through the city.

"What a bunch of weaklings! I need a good challenge! I haven't had a good fight ever since… ever since him!" Mirko growled out as she came to a stop on a rooftop water tank. "Damn, Sukuna. Just wait. I'll kick your ass, and I'll show you just which of us is the stronger fighter."

Ever since her fight with the King of Curses, Mirko couldn't stop thinking and replaying their fight in her mind every day. There must have been a way to beat him that she didn't think of at the time.

With that in mind, she pushed herself to train even harder than before. Mirko was fully confident that her newly grown strength would help her beat Sukuna in their rematch.

That was her belief until the revelation she and everyone else on the Task Force heard regarding Sukuna.

If the reports of him being the reason for the utter destruction that occurred in the Florrum Ward were to be believed, then her or anyone else's chances of defeating him were doubtful.

"Bah! I'll believe he's as strong as they say once I see it with my own eyes!" Mirko said with a confident smile. Placing her hands on her hips, she eyed the streets below before her cell phone began to ring. "Make it quick, Eraser Head."

"Mirko. Where are you?!" Eraser Head's voice was strained. Raising an eyebrow, she looked up at the starry night sky.

"I'm in Osaka. Why?"

"Good, You're close by. Sukuna is in Wakayama! Endeavor is currently on the scene, but we need to move fast. How fast-"

"I'm on my way!" Mirko yelled and abruptly hung up.

Flexing her thighs, she exploded off toward the direction Eraser Head said Sukuna was in with as much speed as she could muster. As she ran, a wide, excited smile grew over her face.

"Hah! Just you wait, Sukuna! I'll kick your ass!"

x x x

[Shimizu Souta POV]

"Hell Spider!"

I leaned to the side as several long tendrils of pure fire sliced across the streets below. The tendrils moved quickly and cut clean through some of the surrounding buildings. However, I noticed that Endeavor's attack had been focused and restrained to avoid causing too much collateral damage in his attempt to take out the Nomu.

No wonder I pay so much in taxes. A lot of it goes into fixing the damage these heroes do. Then again, I did fuck up a good chunk of the Florrum Ward…

In the ruined city streets below, the massive, monstrous Nomu swiftly evaded Endeavor's attack. Charging forward, the Nomu tackled the Number Two hero, knocking him back. Endeavor grunted in pain as he was thrown across the street, his body crashing into a damaged vehicle.

Despite his accumulated injuries from his long, drawn-out fight with the Nomu, Endeavor pushed himself back up and glared at the beast.

"He won't last much longer at this rate." I leaped through the air and landed on a different rooftop to get a better view of the fight. "It doesn't help that he's holding back due to being so close to so many buildings and people."

Scanning the environment, I saw several people who, for some reason, hadn't evacuated. They were all watching the violent fight with wide, excited eyes. Some were even recording it as well.

"Idiots. One slip up, and they could get killed getting caught in the crossfire." I muttered and debated whether I should help Endeavor out or not. "Not yet. I wanna see how far the Nomu can push this Endeavor."

"You damn beast." Endeavor said as he ignited his right arm with roaring flames. "How is it you're that much stronger and faster than me!"

With a twist of his hips, Endeavor launched a blast of intense flames at the Nomu. Seeing the incoming attack, the Nomu opened its mouth and unleashed its own energy blast into the beam of flames.

When both attacks met in the center, a bright flash of light illuminated the entire area. Squinting, I watched as both Endeavor and the Nomu tried to overpower each other.

"I won't let myself lose to you!" Endeavor yelled as his feet began to slide back from the intense gusts of wind caused by their clashing attacks. "Flashfire Fist!"

With a loud yell, steam flew all around Endeavor as he increased the power of his attack. His beam of fire swelled and burst with high intensity as it quickly overpowered the Nomu's attack. In a flash of bright light, the Nomu's body was blasted back into a building. Resulting in the building collapsing over its burnt remains.

Panting in exhaustion, the flames around Endeavor slowly began to decrease in size until they were only small embers. Falling to a knee, steam and smoke rose around him as his battered body reached its limits.

"Not bad." I clapped my hands, gaining Endeavor's attention from down below. I looked down the hot, searing street where several scattered fires burned. "You have some amazing control over your Quirk. Still, you should have let everything you had loose."

[+15 SP]

"What are you talking about-"

Exploding from underneath the large piles of rubble, a quickly healing Nomu rose to its full height. Bone, flesh, and skin regrew back as its newly regenerated wings flapped. Once its head was back in place, the Nomu threw its head back and released an ear-splitting roar.

"It can't be!" Endeavor muttered in shock as the Nomu turned its attention to him. "Nothing could have survived that attack!"

Landing in front of the spent hero, I slid my hands into my pocket and motioned to the bio-engineered beast. "That thing did." Raising my mask above my mouth, small tattoos appeared at the sides of my mouth. "Don't move!"

Inumaki Toge's cursed technique, Cursed Speech, allows its user to reinforce their words using cursed energy at their opponent. Whatever the user says will compel their target to act or be acted upon based on those words spoken.

A rather simple technique but extremely powerful under the right user.

However, like most cursed techniques, overusing Cursed Speech takes a physical toll on the user's body. The stronger the words used, the worse the side effects are. In the worst-case scenario, cursed speech could backfire on the user and result in sore throats, coughing up blood, and/or losing the ability to speak.

But thanks to RCT, those drawbacks are reduced to a minor inconvenience.

Another drawback of using Cursed Speech in a world lacking in CE is that I have to use double the amount of CE in order for the technique to work. However, thanks to my very large reserves, that issue has been rendered a minor hindrance.

Immediately, the Nomu before me came to a complete stop. Its limbs were seemingly frozen as it remained rooted in place. From behind me, Endeavor's eyes grew wide as he also froze from hearing me speak. After healing my injured throat with RCT, I slid my mask back down and turned to Endeavor.

"Watch, Endeavor. I'll show you what true firepower looks like." Walking forward slightly, I stared at the Nomu and grinned. "Open."

Reaching out, I opened my palm and watched as a long stream of flames danced in front of me.

[+50 SP]

"…flames?" Endeavor managed to whisper through his slightly open mouth.

Holding my arms forward, I brought my hands together and concentrated on igniting my flames. As I spread my arms apart, a thick stream of fire began to dance between my palms. Then, bringing them back together swiftly, I grabbed one end of the flames with my right hand and pulled.

"This was fun, but I've grown bored of you," I said to the Nomu as I held my Divine Arrow beside me. "Now… begone."


Letting go, I watched my arrow strike true and detonate once it reached the Nomu. An immense blast of heat exploded from the Nomu as my attack caused a bright orange light to bathe the city in its glow.

Once the light died down, the Nomu kneeled over. Its burning body slowly began to disintegrate into charred pieces of rock and dust. The only proof of the beast's existence was the large pile of burning black powder where it once stood.

Turning to a shocked, unmoving Endeavor, I walked toward him and stood over him with my hands in my pockets.

[+150 SP]

"Now then, what should I do with you?"

x x x

[General POV]

Standing on an isolated rooftop a few kilometers away from where Sukuna and Endeavor were, a tall man dressed in a suit and wearing a black mechanical mask observed the King of Curses as he stood over Endeavor with a pleased grin.

"Excellent. You've exceeded my expectations, Sukuna! While the loss of the Nomu is regrettable, the information I gained from watching over you is invaluable." All For One said as his head turned to watch several incoming figures approaching Sukuna's position. "Interesting. How will you handle this development?"

All For One turned to a young man with messy, grayish-blue hair of varying lengths. He wore black pants and a long-sleeved black shirt paired with red shoes. The most notable feature of the young man was a disembodied hand covering his face, obscuring most of his features except for his red eyes.

"Be sure to watch and learn, Tomura. This person may one day be a useful ally to your cause."

"…yes, Sensei."

x x x

[Shimizu Souta POV]

"Get away from him!"

I watched as several strands of fiber wrapped around me. With a sudden pull, my body was lifted into the air, leaving me suspended. Quickly, dozens more strands began to encircle my limbs, effectively trapping me in place.

Hoh? What do we have here?

I looked over to my right and watched as Best Jeanist held his hand up. In his grasp were dozens of fiber strands. Behind him, Edgeshot and Crust watched me closely and carefully.

"Sukuna." Best Jeanist said with a tone of finality. "Your reign of evil stops tonight."

"Is that so?" I muttered as I tried to escape. Or at least, I made a show of trying. "These are some mighty strong fibers. It seems I've been caught."

[+15 SP]

Rushing beside Endeavor, Ingenium came to a stop and checked over the Number Two hero. "Endeavor! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!"

Growling in irritation, Endeavor felt control over his body return to him. With a grunt of exertion, he slowly stood up. He looked over to the rooftops and saw no sign of his Sidekicks. "What of my sidekicks?" He said as he quickly turned to me, his eyes full of caution despite my apparent capture.

"Midnight is currently checking them over. Thankfully, it seems that they're all alive. Just knocked out." Ingenium said as he turned to me. "…so that's Sukuna. I didn't think it would have been this easy to capture him."

"Capture me?" I said mockingly. Slowly, I began to laugh in amusement, gaining confused and suspicious looks from the heroes. Hearing my laugh, Endeavor gritted his teeth and forced his flames back on. "How amusing! Do you think this is enough to stop me?!

In a split second, all the fibers holding me in place were ripped to shreds. Landing on the ground, I swiped my hand through the air and watched as an extended, shallow cut appeared over Best Jeanist's chest. The cut was not shallow due to Jeanist's durability; it was shallow due to the fact that I had held back on that attack. Shocking everyone but Endeavor.

[+15 SP]

[+35 SP]

[+40 SP]

[+25 SP]

[+25 SP]

"Jeanist!!" Crust, Ingenium, and Edgeshot yelled in concern as they watched Best Jeanist stumble back and grab his bleeding wound.

"Come on heroes. Show me what you can do." I said as I motioned them to attack me with a grin. "Come at me!"



Quick question that's not related to my story, do any of you have any good story recommendations? I've been looking for some but they're all rather lackluster. Also if any of you know any good Manhwas, leave me their titles.

Other than that, I'll see you all next time!

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