
Chapter 029:

Chapter 29: Ship Procurement Pt.1

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Planetside - outside 'Meerian Ionite Ventures'

While Jack and his group were busy inside the mines, outside things were going a bit differently, it seems that whoever remained of the pirates started to learn.

Outside the mines, the three pirate ships are standing on the ground. Because they did not have turrets underneath their ships, they could not assist in dealing with the Mandalorians attacking them.

All the ships had put a two-man team at their entrances, while outside, the crews had set up barricades made of boxes, crates, metal slaps, or broken trucks from the few vehicles still there after the initial bombardment by the Fang fighters to hide behind.

Outside one such ship was Butch and his group of Alpha who had difficulty getting onto one of the ships, the same for lazy-bones with Bravo and the groups of Deathwatchs at the last ship.

"No cover between us and them, snipers can you hit any of them at all?" Butch asked his marksman

"I can, but after the first maybe second shot they will get into cover so at that time you have to move, I will do what I can on anyone popping out their heads." Alpha 4 answered

"Then that is all we can do, once we're in range we use the rockets, then sprint towards them, kill all then regroup and enter the ship before they can leave." Butch said in a grim tone, clearly not happy with the open landscape and no cover

— — — — — 

Near the second ship where Bravo was stationed ready to move, things looked much better.

"Alright lads, listen up, we are mainly close combat oriented. Therefore we will crawl slowly towards them, our old dull-colored armor won't reflect the sunlight." Korar the lazy bones said

"As you can see I tagged a few dunes of sand that cropped up after the ships landed, we use them as cover get on top, and shoot anything down below, then we rush and jump their way with jet-packs and clean the rest up, we will be in our element when we board the ship." Korar stated

"Oh, and Lark… no fucking going off alone I will not tolerate any stupid actions in some sort of heroics… I rather kill you myself than give these trash the pleasure of knowing they killed your ass." Korar said making Lark go stiff and shake on his legs while being poked in his chest

"No worries sir, ain't going anywhere alone." Lark quickly stated

"Good get ready then, wait on the others getting in position before scaling the dunes… Move Out!" Korar said laying down, and started crawling with everyone doing the same quickly behind him

— — — — — 

Near the last remaining ship, the groups of Deathwatch were confused watching what the two groups of Alpha and Beta were doing.

One side started shooting before rushing forward, while the other crawled forward for a long time.

"What are they doing? They should just rush to the dunes instead and the other should crawl due to having no cover at all." a trooper said in a confused voice

"I know, I have no idea what they are doing, it is like their leaders are inexperienced… *oof*" another trooper said before shutting up after a hit on the back of his head

"Idiots, the one with no cover is usually in straight-up fighting, the other is known as a close combat group, but both leaders have more experience than most of you morons combined." the leader of these Deathwatch groups stated

"Butch and Alpha are a Heavy Assault group, so there out of their element, while the other group is led by a man who is feared by all 'Fast Thunder' is what he is called, and even the Hutts gave out a flee on sight order against him." the man said making all his troopers turn there heads his way in shock

"Wait you mean that old man is alive?" another asked in shock

"No fucking way, he could have been my grandfather for fucks sake!" another cursed in shock

"Enough, we have our own ship to deal with, we have both an open field and a few dunes to use." the leader began

"We focus on the dunes, then from there split up and cross the open field, we will be too close for them to do too much, so we use force to blow them apart and quickly enter the ship. After that we do what we do best and take the ship for ourselves." the leader stated moving in a slight jog to the closest dune

— — — — — 

With the pirates though, even though their leader learned and prepared, the men under him were rather lax and not watching the sand fields around them.

Just outside the first ship Butch and Alpha were moving towards, behind hastily made barricades a group of ten were talking, smoking, or just drinking and sitting on the ground.

"Ey, you think they will come here?" a green Rodian asked sitting on the ground and putting some water over his face to cool down

"Nah dude, with so many in the mines, those guys will ignore us, dude." a death stick-smoking Human stated eyes as red and almost popping out of his skull

"Hahaha! As if they would come here, our ships ain't important compared to the mines, so relax, no need for panic…" a green Twi'Lek stated laughingly when he fell silent watching a Zabrak drop to the floor who growled their way

"... Panic! there here! PANIC!" the same Twi'Lek started screaming and shooting into the field trying to find a target

The last nine joined the Twi'Lek quickly and the two in the doorway did as well but fell silent soon after.

— — — — — 

Near the dunes of the second ship Korar and his men were waiting when they heard shooting from their left flank where Alpha was.

"No more waiting! Lark will join us later, let's move!" Korar said getting up and scaling the dune followed by the rest of Bravo at his and another two dunes

"Fuck! there leaving me?" Lark mumbled watching around him and seeing Bravo move in perfect sync in scaling the dunes, before standing up and running to catch up

— — — — — 

The pirates near the second ship of Bravo were suddenly more alert after hearing the loud wail of the sniper shooting from Alpha.

"Alarm! we are under attack!" a brown Zabrak yelled making everyone perk up and man the barricades rifles on top or just around the corners of their makeshift barricades

"Dead ahead! Mandalorian!" a Human yelled and started shooting that way soon followed by the others, but due to the range not getting close to hitting unless they had a sniper

But soon after they started shooting with all eyes towards Lark, who had stood up, gaining all the enemy's eyes on him, fire came their way soon from the top of the dunes.

— — — — — 

Near the third ship, Deathwatch heard the shooting and got up, rushing forward, sprinting. Then, they used their jetpacks to jump up and their rockets to quickly clean the outside up.


"Finish the injured and let's move, engines are getting active!!" Deathwatch leader yelled out to his men, hearing the slow whine of engines warming up

His men quickly did as told moving past the bodies and quickly putting a shot in the bodies in passing.

— — — — — 

Both Alpha and Bravo, who heard the explosion, used their jet packs quickly and their own rockets in quick order.

Twice an explosion was heard before both groups also rushed into their respective ships.

With Alpha, they could be seen splitting into two groups as soon they got into the ship, with Butch and two men going left while the others went right.

At the second ship, Korar did the same just leaving one man at the door to deal with Lark who only now showed up close to the destroyed barricades.

— — — — — 

On the ship of Alpha which had split into two groups, Team Red went towards the bridge while Team Blue went towards the engines.

Butch's POV:

I never expected things to go this well, with a three-pronged attack on all the ships and even us moving across open land with no cover.

Guess from the death sticks we saw, near the barricades we should count ourselves lucky, but I guess it is par of the course of battle.

While I was thinking this I saw my boys shoot multiple enemies in the hallway while we moved quickly towards the bridge on this big chunk of metal.

[Keep an eye on the rooms, use grenades if you have to, we need that bridge.] I told my boys on the squad's channel

[Yes, Sir!] came the answer when I saw the two with me nod to one and other.

I saw one prep three grenades while the other waited at the door sensor, when the grenades were ready he pressed the sensor while the other threw the grenades inside to which the other closed the door quickly.


Three short explosions were heard and lots of screaming and cries of pain.

[Open it, finish them off so they can't stabilize and flank us.] I quickly ordered, watching the door open

We entered the room and saw many chunks of something lying about, an arm here a leg there a head with wide eyes, along with a lot of moving bodies who were in pain.

The three of us chose a lane in what I suppose was the mess hall and walked through shooting any that still moved.

[Check the kitchen, kill the cooks] I said watching 'Alpha 3' do just that and after a few shots I saw him return with a nod to us.

[Good, now let's move further.] I told them, guess this choice was the right one instead of rushing.

I counted at least fifteen bodies or more if I count the dead cooks, there can't be that many left.

After another few minutes, we came at a doorway, with some guards who walked out of cover and dropped their weapons.

"We surrender, please spare us." one of them asked, but all he got was blaster fire from us.

Maybe it is bad but they are criminals and we have no time to take prisoners if they where from the government but criminals get no quarter from me.

Soon enough the door opened and we went inside shooting the Rodian captain I guess, with no other crew on the bridge.

"Check the consoles, I'll check the captain's quarters, 'Alpha 2' watch the door." I ordered watching them do just that

— — — — — 

With the other team of Alpha moving towards the engine room had a bit more trouble.

"... How many of them are here, like fucking hell." Alpha 4 said having to use two pistols instead of her sniper rifle

"No matter, the more the merrier… also that makes aight." 'Alpha 5' said

"... ten, eleven, twelve…" 'Alpha 4 counted out loud making Alpha 5's hand twitch

"Oh look at that I win again, no more enemies left, and with those outside that would make about fifteen or so." 'Alpha 4' said in a chipper voice

"Yea yea, whatever." 'Alpha 5' grumbled

[Engine room secure. Oh and I won this time sir.] he reported

[He did not! With those outside I got at least seven more than his puny aight.] she said

[Shut it, check the rest of the ship, already shut down all power so even if they retake the engine room they won't be able to start anything unless they power the ship from the bridge.] They heard Butch tell them.

[Yes, Sir] Both of them said doing just that.

"You had to say it, idiot!" she grumbled

"Oh, come on…" he tried to complain when she yelled contact and killed the pirate hiding inside a small room

"Now the count is thirteen on the ship." she said walking away with swaying hips to 'Alpha 5' annoyance

"You wait I will clear this ship and overtake you… in… count… fuck me." he said looking into the cargo holds

"No thanks, you're more a friend than a love interest, haha…ha" 'Alpha 4' said in a chipper voice laughing but cutting it off after seeing why her teammate became so shocked

[Sir! Cargo holds now! You have to see this!] 'Alpha 4' quickly reported

[On our way!] came the gruff voice from Butch

"This is not good… not good at all." 'Alpha 5' mumbled watching the large number of people in the cargo hold

It is early enough in the story to try something new, as you read I switched between the tree groups, I read a story that did something like this.

Ofcourse I'm still a rookie, I do wonder if I did this well or not, it would allow me to cut down all the POV's though.

Thanks for Reading and hope to see yall around :)

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts
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