

Three months had passed, and tensions in the shinobi world had reached a breaking point. The smaller nations, long subjected to the influence of larger villages, were rebelling, sparking skirmishes along borders like dry grass catching fire. Everyone could feel it—war was on the horizon.

In the Hidden Leaf Village, the signs were clear. Genin were graduating early, Academy classes were swelling, and the village was quietly mobilizing for full-scale conflict. Haruto's class had already graduated, and they were being sent on mission after mission, each one feeling more like training for the inevitable battles ahead.

Haruto understood what was coming. Historically, it would be the Hidden Stone and Hidden Leaf clashing directly, while other villages lurked on the sidelines, waiting for their chance to strike. War was coming, and everyone seemed to know it.

Today, Haruto was leading a high-value caravan to an outpost near the border of the Land of Wind. On paper, it was a straightforward escort mission—protect the caravan from any threats and get it to the outpost safely. But his instincts, honed over months of high-stakes missions, told him to expect complications.

They were making their way through the rough terrain when Haruto sensed it—five chakra signatures off to the west. Thanks to his Tier 2 Chakra Sensitivity, he could sense them with startling clarity. He focused, and the chakra patterns told their story. Four of them felt like standard chunin-level—strong but manageable. But the fifth was different: stronger, deeper, and restrained, as though the user was masking some of their strength. He felt the distinct edge of their killing intent, confirming his suspicion—they were being watched.

Keeping his expression calm, he clicked his tongue softly, signaling his team. His hands moved in precise gestures, relaying what he sensed. Katsume, ever alert, nodded and scanned the terrain, preparing for the ambush that was now imminent.

They formulated a plan with practiced efficiency. Haruto would initiate with a genjutsu to disorient the enemy. Daichi would move in with four shadow clones, each loaded with directional explosive tags—a hefty investment of resources, but since Haruto had supplied the tags, they had some to spare.

As soon as the tags detonated, Daichi's fifth clone would cast the Hidden Mist Jutsu, shrouding the battlefield in thick fog. The explosions would cause initial chaos, and the mist would keep the enemy off balance, allowing Haruto to strike precisely within the confusion.

With a steadying breath, Haruto activated his genjutsu, targeting the enemy shinobi. Through his Tier 2 Chakra Sensitivity, he could sense the subtle shifts in their chakra as the illusion took hold. Three of the enemy were caught fully, their movements slowing as they fell into the illusion. But two—one chunin and the stronger chakra signature—managed to resist, their senses still sharp and aware.

Before they could react, Daichi's clones had already closed in, moving with swift precision. The unaffected shinobi turned, preparing to engage, but it was too late.


The explosive tags detonated with a thunderous roar, shaking the ground as shockwaves tore through the area. One of the genjutsu-ensnared shinobi took a blast directly to the chest, the force crushing his ribcage as he crumpled to the ground. Another, caught by the blast from the side, took the explosion to his face. His jaw shattered instantly, his eyes dulling as he lay twitching on the ground, barely clinging to life.

Almost immediately, the Hidden Mist Jutsu rolled in, filling the area with a dense, disorienting fog. Within seconds, visibility dropped to zero, leaving only faint chakra signatures as guideposts in the haze. The strongest of the enemy shinobi, sensing danger, turned and attempted to flee the mist. But Katsume was waiting, her sword at the ready. With a swift, deadly motion, she executed her Wind-Style Quick Draw, sending a razor-sharp arc of wind slicing through the air. The fleeing shinobi didn't even see it coming. His head fell to the ground, his body crumpling behind it.

Inside the mist, Haruto moved with quiet precision. His Tier 2 Chakra Sensitivity guided him, each chakra signature a bright beacon in the otherwise impenetrable fog. His fingers twitched as he unleashed a spread of shuriken, each one launched with careful aim. One of the remaining shinobi dodged, but Haruto was already there, his steps silent.

Lightning chakra surged to his hand, forming the deadly Thunder Scalpel. His hand became a weapon, pulsing with electric energy as he closed in on his first target. With a quick, precise slash, Haruto cut across the shinobi's neck, the Thunder Scalpel tearing through flesh with ease. The enemy fell, his hands clutching his throat as blood poured between his fingers, his breath coming in gurgling gasps until silence claimed him.

Moving seamlessly through the mist, Haruto found his last target, who was already panicking, his chakra flaring with erratic fear. Haruto struck, the Thunder Scalpel cutting through the artery beneath the shinobi's arm. The enemy staggered, gripping his wound, but Haruto was relentless. He pivoted, his hand slicing downward to sever the tendons in the man's leg, cutting off any chance of escape.

The shinobi fell to the ground, writhing in pain, his chakra signature flickering as he struggled to hold onto life. Haruto stood back, watching with a calm detachment as the man's chakra slowly faded, his last moments marked by desperate, gasping breaths. Haruto had seen death before; he knew that look. He wondered, for a moment, if his own final thoughts in his previous life had been anything like those of the shinobi he had just defeated.

But he pushed the thought aside as he heard his teammates approaching.

The mist began to clear, revealing the carnage left behind. Katsume stepped forward, her blade still drawn, her expression calm and unreadable. "All clear," she said, her voice cold and efficient.

Daichi emerged from the thinning fog, brushing dust from his clothes. "That went smoother than expected," he muttered, though his tone was somber. The battle had been easy, but the reality of impending war weighed heavily on all of them.

Haruto nodded, letting his thoughts fade as he focused on the mission. They still needed to reach the outpost, and there was a long road ahead. As they regrouped and began moving once more, Haruto couldn't shake the feeling that this skirmish was just a taste of what was to come.

The war wasn't here yet, but it was close. And when it finally arrived, the violence they'd unleashed today would feel like nothing compared to the battles that lay ahead.

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