
Do not be alarmed

"When are we going in?" Alice asked, squatting with her hands supporting both her cheeks while Micheal stood next to her, leaning on the wall. "You said it was a good idea to wait here."

"Because it's a good idea." He said.

She glanced up at him and gave out an exhausted sigh. She was tired. She wanted to get some sleep already. These were her last few days of sleeping however she wanted.

Weekends were precious.

So, she had to hurry up and be done here, so she could get back home. Gosh, she had so many things to do on her to-do list, and one of them was not to waste more than two hours busting up asses that were distributing demon blood.

But how was she even going to bust asses if she couldn't get in? Sigh.

Micheal observed her keenly. She looked like she would pass out of exhaustion. Well, it couldn't be helped.

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