
Too Late for Regrets

A heavy sorrow settled over the Swift residence as each family member retired to their rooms, overwhelmed by grief. Abigail followed Aurora up the grand staircase, her heart aching as she watched her friend struggle to walk, eyes vacant, still reeling from the tragedy.

Silently, Abigail helped Aurora slip out of her blood-stained dress, guiding her into a warm bath scented with lavender. As Aurora closed her eyes, absorbing the water's comfort, Abigail knelt beside her, her voice soft and soothing. "Aurora… everything will be alright," she murmured, though she struggled to believe it.

Aurora managed a nod, though she felt anything but hopeful. When she finished, Abigail helped her into a plain silk pyjamas and tucked her under the duvet, watching as her breathing steadied.

After a pause, Abigail spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "Aurora… I know this might sound insensitive, but… could you tell me what happened if you feel like talking about it now?"

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