
Festival Finale

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Shoko, without waiting for my attack, attacked me first, with a wave of ice larger than the previous one. This time, I didn't dodge it, hitting the ground with my light charged fist, shattering all the ice in an instant. The impact was further reinforced by gravitational pressure, which created a crevice in the concrete running from one edge of the arena to the other. Todoroki had to cover herself from the shockwave with a wall of ice, but even so, it didn't absorb the full impact, and Shoko was thrown to the very edge. At the last moment, she managed to freeze more ice behind her back to slow her down.

- Todoroki, you can't beat me at this pace. Your ice is only good for defence and immobilisation, not attack. If you want to defeat me, use fire. - I said that, but it only made her angrier.

- I will not use my fucking father's fancy! - she exclaimed, rising to her feet and attacking again, with the ice side of her quirk, but this attack was much more powerful than the last one, it created a wall of ice, as big as the one Sero was chained in.

I fired a plasma beam from my chest, it looked like I copied Aoyama's quirk, but if he can only shoot laser from his bellybutton, I can shoot plasma from any part of my body at all.


The laser shattered the ice, shattering it into tiny snowflakes that crumbled around the stadium.

- If you won't fight seriously, I won't... - I decided to try something else from the arsenal of my classmates, for this I began to absorb sunlight, and then, to release the absorbed light, refracting it, making my body like a solar prism. In order for the trick to work, you have to absorb light and refract it without stopping, but I'm pretty experienced at absorbing energy, so I did it right the first time.

- A-A-A-A-A?! MIZURO DISSOLVED INTO THIN AIR! - Dazedly shouted Mick, his eyes searching for me around the arena, which the spectators were doing as well.

At the same second, Shoko was grabbed by the scruff of her neck and pulled backwards. Todoroki managed to react in time, surrounding herself with ice spears from the ground.

- You can't find me, can you? - The voice of one familiar, and brash individual was heard.

- Where did you go? - She looked around, additionally protecting herself with another circle of ice stakes.

- Fun fact, Hagakure's invisibility is the manipulation of photons, or rather the refraction of light, by her own body. Oh, it turns out I can do that too. - I said snidely...or rather my head, which I had stopped making invisible. The flying head looks funny and even a bit creepy from the side, by the way my clothes, unlike Tooru, become invisible with me, because they are impregnated with my energy.

Shoko's face was visibly rounded, and to say the whole stadium was in silence, which was interrupted first by Essence Mick.


- I told you to fight seriously Todoroki, this is a fight, not a sandbox brawl. You have to use everything you have to win. - I stopped letting light pass through me, reappearing in the middle of the arena.

I didn't get a response, but Shoko decided to change tactics, and touching the ground with her right hand, she spread ice across the arena to freeze my feet to the ground.

- It won't work. - I stomped my foot, through her, spreading a gravitational pulse across the arena, again breaking all the ice coming towards me and knocking Todoroki off her feet.

- Ha...' she stood up and exhaled steam from behind her mouth at Shoko, whose skin, on the right side of her body, was gradually, with each use of the quirk, becoming covered in an icy crust. It seems that Shoko can't use only one ice hypostasis quirk all the time, she, like Mina, has a gradually decreasing resistance to the power of her own quirk.

- The strength of your ice weakens. If you're not going to use your fire side, you better give up, I don't want to cripple you.

- I can't...I don't want to become like him...' she replied, but she herself was well aware that without fire, she would definitely lose.

- I have no idea what it's like to be born only because of your father's obsession, and I can't understand the pain you feel. But I do know one thing. Shoko, you are not your father. And your power is yours and no one else's. - I called her name and repeated what I told her the other day.

I don't know what she was thinking at that moment, but my admonition worked, and at the same moment, the left side of Shoko's body caught fire, causing the ice on her left side to melt.

- Damn...you're not helping your opponent at all...' Shoko muttered.

- Shoko-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh! - You've finally accepted yourself! Well done! Now you're at the beginning of the path! You have my blood in you, you will surely surpass me and embrace my ambitions!

- The Prospector decided to support his daughter...in such a fatherly way. - remarked a discouraged commenter.

- Somebody shut him up already. - I said, irritated by the behaviour of the inadequate, fiery bearded man.

- I wouldn't mind if he shut up either. - Shoko, half engulfed in flames, supported my wish. - Mizuiro, thank you...

- You're welcome, and since you've stopped holding back, I shouldn't either. - I began to pass photonic and gravitational energy through me, stabilising this form with pseudo-matter from the domain. It was a considerable expense, but it was worth it, and now I looked like a humanoid completely engulfed in blue plasma.

I'm a bit of a liar here, even in my current form, I'm showing about forty per cent of my strength. If I were to increase my strength to full strength, it would be impossible to even stand next to me without turning into a gravitational mess or burning up from the plasma. I wasn't originally trying to defeat Shoko, but to shake her up, so to speak. It's just that she and I are a bit alike, if not in personality, then in our lack of a normal childhood.

- Prepare yourself, Todoroki, the next blow will be your last. - I warned her.

Shoko nodded, and prepared herself for the final clash as well.

Now that her body was in a normalised state, she easily created a colossal ice battering ram straight at me.

I, having accelerated, in flight, broke through the ram, splitting it into many ice shards, while in the air, I was surrounded by a dense gravitational field, covered with plasma, which made me look like a huge plasma ball, rushing at full speed forward.

The ice ram slowed me down a bit, which was basically what Todoroki wanted. The ram was a distraction, while she concentrated for one last attack. With her right hand, she cooled the surrounding air, and then, very quickly warmed it up by extending her left arm forward, producing a tremendous temperature blast.

Right, before I rushing at full speed, and Shoko's blast collided, the fight attempted to stop Cementos, creating several concrete slabs, between us...which immediately exploded, along with the centre of the arena.

I was in the centre of the attack, but the gravity field absorbed all the incoming damage, while Shoko was covered in ice at the last moment. However, that didn't stop me from ramming him, pushing Todoroki out of the arena.

From the stands, or any part of the arena for that matter, they didn't immediately notice my victory because of the smoke. Soon, Midnight announced the end of the match as the smoke cleared.

- Todoroki...outside the arena, Mizuiro moves on! - she announced, to a flurry of cheers from the audience.

- Look, it's like...I can see your breasts now. - I said to the girl whose left side of her outer garment had completely burned off, exposing half of her body.

- Oh. - she covered her left breast with her hand.

- Here. - I took out a jacket from the inventory, I always carry a couple of spare clothes in case mine gets torn or something.

- That's handy. - she took the jacket and put it on. - I didn't have a chance, did I? - she asked, her face unchanged, but there was a clear sadness behind it.

- Yeah, I told you, there's no one in Yuei who can beat me. But I was impressed by you, your last move, creating an explosion by warming up the cold air, was very good.

- Anyway, I lost.

- Todoroki, I won't tell you to forgive your father, or hate him all your life. A man decides what he wants out of his life, and I think you know what you want.

- I always wanted to be a hero. - she confessed. - Your words made me rethink a lot of things, and I'm grateful for that. - she thanked me, and she walked towards the exit.

As she walked towards the exit, I noticed the Prospector walking towards her. At first I wanted to follow her, but I changed my mind. She should talk to him and tell him what's on her mind...But the urge to go and punch him in the face didn't go away.


- You guys are so hot! - Sero exclaimed. - It was like watching an epic film!

- Hey, you can't copy someone else's quirk without a millet, it's not fair! - Hagakure stomped her feet.

- Still, my laser looks more flashy. - Aoyama turned up his nose.

- They haven't invented copyrights for fads yet, so it's fair. - I landed my heel in my seat.

- Ooh! - Toru puffed up...I guess she did, she's invisible after all.

- That was a very mesmerising fight. - Asui remarked

Before the next fight, there was a bit of a wait as there was a break due to the torn up arena that Cementos was rebuilding.

The next fight was between Iida and Ibara. The fight ended quickly, with Iida trivialising his speed advantage by pushing Ibara out of the arena.

The third fight, was between Tokoyi and Ashido. Fumikage, unlike Aoyama, was a weighty opponent for Mina, as his shadow could both defend its user and attack. Mina's acid, in this case, was unable to burn through the dark shadow, causing her to be eliminated in the second round.

- Uwaa, I lost! - Mina jumped into my arms, seeking comfort. I'm always happy to comfort a poor girl.

- Akira... - Ochako in a strange tone, said my name, looking at Mina purposefully.

- Yes-yes? - I answered her, stroking the succubus' head.

- ...Nothing. - She sighed, apparently deciding to ask another time.

- Ochako, take pity on me too. - Mina made a pitying face, and it worked, as Uraraka stroked the sly horned girl's head. She knows how to manipulate her pretty face.

The final battle, between Kirishima and Bakugou.

- Oh, the battle of the century. Talking Brick versus Bomb Bitch.

- Pfft. - Kyouka snickered, appreciating my witticism.

In the beginning, it seemed like the advantage was on Kirishima's side, with his fortification, he didn't care about Katsuki's attacks at all, but after a couple of minutes, he started to give up his position.

-Don't tell me you're tired of holding on to your armour, brick face! - she called Kirishima, and delivered a powerful blast to his side, causing Eijiro to shriek.

- Shit!' he grabbed his side, which was covered in cracks.

- Die! - She fired a series of quick blasts at the red-haired man, which his reinforcements couldn't handle, and as a result, he was carried away on a stretcher.

The second round had safely come to an end, revealing four winners: me, Iida, Tokoyami and Bakugou. Next would have to be the semi-final fight, between Iida and myself.

- Iida, don't despair, we all have bad luck sometimes. - Sero gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.

- So you don't believe I'll win at all!? - exclaimed the bespectacled man.

- Not a bit. - said Hanta.

- Gah, you'll see, I'll defeat Mizuiro! - said Iida with a challenge, it was obvious that he himself realises the difference between our forces.

- Let's go see what you're made of, goggles. - I accepted the challenge, and jumped into the arena, where my opponent followed.

As soon as they announced the start of the fight, Iida immediately used his trump card.

- Reverse acceleration! - As his turbines went into afterburner mode, Tenya immediately ran at me, intending to knock me out before I could do anything.

- Nice try. - In the second before, Iida could touch me, I went to the maximum available speed, and no one could even keep track as I pushed Iida outside the arena.

- Iida out of the arena, Mizuiro makes it to the finals!

Iida, realising his defeat, clenched his fists and walked away.

The second pre-final fight: Tokoyami vs Bakugougou.

Here, to Tokoyami's bad luck, he faced a very uncomfortable opponent. Raven's dark shadow is certainly a strong quirk, but it has a significant weakness to light. That's why his shadow, is weaker during the day, under the light of the sun, while at night, it is conversely stronger, but worse to control.

- I'm so sick of this shit! - Katsuki's shadow was hit by the blast.

- Savage! - Fumikage was the most accurate definition of Bakugou's personality.

- What are you doing Tokoyami! With us, you were not ceremonious! - shook her fists at the indignant Mina.

- I wonder why? - Momo put her finger to her mouth thoughtfully.

- Every quirk, one way or another, has some limitation or weakness. You, Mina, have a gradually decreasing resistance to acid, while Yaoyorozu's item creation is limited by the calories she spends to create items. My powers, depend on the amount of energy available, and unfortunately, even I can't use a quirk indefinitely. - I gave examples.

- So what does this have to do with the Tokoyami? - Asked Kirishima, who recovered rather quickly, after his fight, flashing a band-aid on his face.

- Tokoyami's weakness is light. He can't attack because of the light from the explosions. - answered for me, Uraraka. - That's his weakness.

Bakugou, pushing off with small explosions through the air, deftly swung behind the back of Fumikage, who was caught off guard.

- Lightning grenade! - She folded both hands in front of her, and a low-powered explosion, accompanied by a powerful light source, ripped from her hands. The blast disorientated Dark Shadow, leaving Tokoyami unprotected, which is what Bakugou had hoped for, tipping the birdoid to the ground and placing her hand on its beak, threatening to blow it up, forcing it to surrender.

- Man, that sucks. I was hoping to fight the Tokoyami in a final battle, like a showdown between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. Bakugou's a bummer. - I complained.

- Is that all you care about? - Kendo asked, looking like she was about to go into strict mommy mode again.

- What else? Consider, I've already got the victory, I don't have to worry.

- Head Girl, please...just once in a while, don't act like a child.

The final battle started ten minutes later, because Cimentos had to fix the arena again after Katsuki's explosions. During this time, nothing interesting happened, except that Iida got a phone call from someone, and judging by the fact that he left the festival before it was over, he was told something very important.


- I wonder how you're going to beat me? Your miracle sweat gloves are useless against me, and you don't have them. - I asked her with a sneer.

- You talk too much! - She jumped up, throwing herself additionally with the explosion, so that she was right above me. - Die!!! - Katsuki used, a flurry of incessant explosions.

- It's so scary, save me, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. - I comically wiggled, unharmed, covered on all sides by a barrier.

- You bitch! You think you're better than me!? - she yelled angrily, still attacking me.

- Look, if you've got some complexes in there, that's no reason to yell at the top of your lungs. - I put my finger in my ear.

- I'm gonna kill you! - She was finally furious, jumping a decent distance away, she threw herself into the air again, and rushed towards me on a pseudo-flight, additionally spinning herself with a lot of small explosions, thereby increasing the strength of the future attack. - Howitzer charge! - she unleashed the most powerful blast of her arsenal, engulfing the entire arena and blowing it to smithereens.

- Are you done? - As the blast dissipated, everyone saw me, safe and sound...unlike the arena, blown to smithereens. In terms of naked power, this bitch is superior to Todoroki, but in contrast, she lacks the defence techniques that Shoko has.

- Why can't it work! - Katsuki was indignant, not wanting to lose to anyone on principle. - Why can't I beat you!

- Now it's my turn. - I formed a ball of pseudo-matter in both hands, saturating them with photons and gravitons, and compressed them into the smallest possible shape. - Let's see how you like it, your own medicine. - I threw homemade bombs at the enemy, which detonated while still in flight, releasing unstable plasma.

Bakugou, of course, has resistance to explosions, but like any human, has its limit, and I without interruption, created and threw my bombs at her. Katsuki tried to counterattack with her blasts, but her last attack exhausted her, and my blasts were more powerful, and at some point she was exhausted, and paid for it by flying out of the arena, followed by a blue explosion.

- Bakugou out of the arena, Mizuiro wins!


The entire stadium is filled with shouts and applause in my honour...I don't need it. Ah, I don't care, I got what I wanted. Fought some interesting opponents, and even had a little fun.

But Bakugou...I thought she was going to get aggressive again, or maybe attack me like a vicious hyena...but Katsuki realised that she had taken second place, sniffed her nose, and wandered off, shuffling her feet.

To award the top three, they put up a pedestal with the numbering of the winning places. The highest was naturally me, the second Bakugou, and the third was Tokoyami.

In general, for the third place, there should have been one more match, between Tokoyami and Iida, but the latter left for personal reasons, which were not announced.

For some reason Katsuki didn't show up for the awarding...oh those blondes, you never know what's going on in their heads.

- It's time for the medals to be given out, and the person who will be giving them out is none other than... - Midnight spoke deliberately with a delay.

- Like me! - laughing loudly, in a leap, landed on the stadium Almighty. - And here I am, with medals!

- Our hero, the Almighty! - said Midnight at the same time, for which she immediately apologised, folding her hands in front of her.

The Almighty handed out Tokoyami's medal, said some admonishment, and hugged her...for some reason.

- And where, young Bakugougou? - He looked around, looking for the girl.

- I have no idea, and Almighty, I'd like a medal please, no hugging. - I snatched it from his hands and put it on myself.

- There you go, ha-ha-ha. - awkwardly, he laughed.

Afterwards, he also gave the students a message about how determined they were, and wished them to strive for the top, so that next year they would get to this very place.

When everyone was leaving, I deliberately went behind my back to a mature pervert who owed me something.

- Nemuri-sensei, did you remember what you promised? - I asked, drawing her attention to myself.

- Sweet baby, all right. You kept your word and won, Heroine Midnight, also always keeps her word, and will go out with you. - she smiled slightly, fixing a lock of hair.

- I promise you'll definitely enjoy it.

- I hope so. - She walked away, wiggling her ass from side to side.

- ...Mature Milf.

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