
Chapter 41: Embers 1

Waking up and doing my usual daily routine, I wanted to go to the orphanage as fast as possible. Polochko told me that the spy instantly left after he told him the situation. He knew the scheme and was about to notify us that night.

In his stead, Polochko disguised as him and stayed at the orphanage after he told me. I don't know how but he managed to look just like the spy, or so he said he looks like him. It's not his brother, is he? If they have some sort of human skin mask I would like to have one. It'd be fun to disguise myself as someone like those spy movies.

I arrived at the orphanage after breakfast. I greeted Mr. Schiel and did a few banters with him before going on my way to find Clervie or Peruere.

I thought of how we could talk to Clervie but it requires some risk. It would take a few days or weeks to do but it's better than nothing.

As I made my way to find them, a few of the younger bunch spotted me and rushed to my side asking for presents. It's a pity that I forgot to buy them stuff, but I had more important things to do so I told them that next time I'll bring them lots of toys to play with. 

I could see the disappointment painted on their faces as they said goodbye and continued their training.

I didn't pay attention and continued to search. After a few minutes of circling the place, I managed to find Peruere sweating buckets on the training grounds. 

This is perfect.

As I approached her, her eyes briefly met mine, a fleeting glance that carried an air of invitation... or perhaps a warning. Without a word, she turned and walked toward the bathrooms.

I followed her in the belief that she was leading me somewhere discreet. The hallways stretched before me, the building ambiance amplifying my anticipation. As I reached the bathrooms, my eyes glanced at the two signboards hanging on the ceiling.

Without hesitation, I entered the door on the left.

What greeted me was... unexpected.

A few collective gasps filled the room as I slammed the door open. Inside, are a few young naked rabbits, their clothes hanging on the stall doors.

My brain stopped working. Realization hit me like lightning. My heart raced in panic. This was definitely not the right place. 

The room was then filled with shouts and a barrage of clothes was thrown at me.


I instantly ran away, but the sight of those rabbits will forever be etched on my mind... like porn.

I looked around and saw multiple eyes on me, their gazes filled with disgust and mockery.

Dammit, dammit, dammit all!

A cold hand pulled me out of my embarrassment and I was pulled on the side.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Peruere lashed at me, clearly unamused.

"I thought you were telling me to follow!" I retorted/

"That was supposed to be a warning! How did you misinterpret?!" She said as she gritted her teeth, her voice low but angry.

"How am I supposed to know that?!" I told her.

Women will always be women!

A sudden voice from behind pulled us out of our banter.

"I heard some screams, what happened?" Clervie asked as she ran towards us.

With a sigh, Peruere released me from her grip. "It's nothing. Leo didn't read the signs and ended up in the women's bathroom."

"Huh?! Now it's my fault?!" 

Peruere's head tilted towards me as she gave a scary face. It was very effective.

"Y-yeah, my bad," 

Clervie gave a confused face as she said. "I see... next time read the signs, Leo." 

"Yes ma'am..."


We roamed around after Peruere and Clervie changed clothes. Peruere wore her usual outfit but Clervie was wearing a different one. I blue dress with frills on the end and a bracelet on her wrist. It gave her a young maiden vibe, that took the attention of the boys as we passed.

"Perrie, I've been worried about you, you've been overdoing it lately. It's not good for you." Clervie said.

In reply, Peruere nodded. But her eyes gave a sidelong glance and her forehead slightly warped.

Deciding to butt in, I asked Peruere the same thing I asked Clervie when we talked in her room. "Hey, I'm going to Liyue in a month or two, is there something you want me to buy you?"

"Wait, you said you'll go in a week?" Clervie asked. Her face smiling but I could see her hands were restless.

"Change of plans. I met someone I would like to work with here in Fontaine so I'm staying for a month." I said as an excuse.

"I-I see..." Clervie said as she avoided looking at my eyes.

"So, what do you want Peruere?"

"Anything's fine," She told me.

I made a blank face and stood in front of her as I said. "If you don't tell me what you want I'll buy the most expensive thing could find."

I observed her as I said it. I can't help but feel the awkward tension around these two. Especially Clervie, who has been avoiding eye contact with us since earlier. As for Peruere... She seems unfocused and distracted.

"So, what is it going to be?" 

She told me, her expression unchanging. "Just give me a pendant. That's enough for me."

"That's all? I feel like you and Clervie are holding back."

As I said it, they both became silent. A mist of awkwardness engulfs us.

This is getting bad. If this continues their relationship might get ruined.

"Ah! Right, I forgot something, I'll get it from the hotel, I'll be back later!" I said as a sorry excuse to escape this bad atmosphere.

"You'll be back?" Peruere asked.

"Yeah. I'm planning to sleep here for a few days since I never once slept here. I kinda wanna know what it feels like."

Peruere's brows furrowed. "You shouldn't do-"

In the middle of talking, she was cut off by Clervie. "That's fantastic, I'll prepare a room for you!"

"Y-yeah... thanks,"

The way she said that seems... forced.

"Then I'll be back later this afternoon!" I said as I ran passed them.

As I passed Peruere, I whispered. "Meet later."

My reasoning for doing this was simple. I need to get a proper read on things and Polochko is here so it's safer if I stay here. There's also the saying that influenced this decision. "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."

This would make it so that it's easier to talk with Peruere. Of course, there are still threats for doing this, but it's better than staying safe in the hotel and waiting for them to move.

And so, our not-so-little game of cat and mouse started.


Clervie was walking in the hallways leading to Crucabena's room. The eyes of different people lay on her. Some with expectations, some with contempt. 

As she reached the door. She stopped momentarily. She clutched her chest and closed her eyes as she knocked. "Mother, it's me Clervie. I have some... news."

Inside the door, a muffled voice spoke. "Oh, Clervie come in."

She opened the door and seated herself on the chair. Crucabena was smoking inside with a smoking pipe which made the room smell like cigars.

"What is it that you're about to tell me? You have my undivided attention. Is there perhaps a progress?" She asked.

Clervie replied. "N-no. He's treating me the same. But he's planning to sleep here for a few days! I-I think I can make something happen during this time."

The corners of Crucabena's lips raised."That's good to hear. However, I would prefer it if you use a more straightforward approach this time. The opportunity is laid in front of you, I think it would be foolish not to take it, don't you think?"

She sat beside Clervie and played with her hair, her voice carrying adoration. "I believe it would be simple for any man to fall for you. After all, you inherited these looks from me."

She said in disbelief. "Mother, are you saying I should..."

"Of course, I'm just suggesting what I think you should do. It's up to you to follow it or not. But if ever you fail or take too long to complete this mission, then I won't hesitate to exact the House's punishment for traitors, not to you but towards the others,"

Crucabena taps Clervie's neck with her sharp nails and whispered in her ear. "Especially, Peruere."

Clervie's body jerked. Sweat and tears exploded, and her body became cold as ice. At this moment she understood, that her Mother never once cared for her. All she wanted was pawns, all of her actions were to get what she wanted. 

"I'm not that Patient Clervie." Crucabena raised Clervie's face which was filled with tears. She smiled ferociously. "I only want the best for the House of the Hearth. Anything else comes last."


A\N: I should not be allowed in the kitchen...

Next chapters are a hard write for me. If I mess up... well there goes the build up XD

Is this jarring to read?

Cooking is hard. It always go overcook or under cook...

Vellkhancreators' thoughts
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