
The Battle Of Gaia Part 4

POV Rio Mud Clone

I was flying the SDV through the Gate opened up. After I went through the Gate I began by sending the docking request.

Rio: "Are you positive this will work?"

Monika: "Definitely. Or at least 89% sure."

Rio: "Let's hope this plan works. Or else this will turn into a very costly battle."

Monika: "At current velocity 53 seconds to endpoint."

Rio: "Copy that."

Monika: "I know you won't transfer memories to Rio but good luck regardless."

I nod and pilot the SDV to the docking bay. I don't initiate docking procedures until I get the confirmation to begin.

'Come on just a little bit closer.'

I enter the bay and I start the countdown. Once the countdown ends a massive explosion goes off.

[Image Here]

(AN: Play JORGE DEATH SCENE - Halo Reach PC 4K 60FPS on YouTube at the 2:56 mark to see a visual of the explosion.)


I watch as Operation Uppercut succeeds, and the enemy becomes disorganized. The wreckage destroys 6 SDVs and damages the only ORS in the rear line.

Tex: "Suicide Fleet you are cleared to begin your attack."

Rio Clone: "Copy that. We are on our way."

B1: "FOB 3 has fallen!"

Tex: "That is sooner than calculated. Did our forces evacuate in time?"

B1: "Negative, the Spartans didn't make it. The dragons and most of our heavy hitters are exhausted and unable to continue battle."

Tex: "That is to be expected. They should be able to withstand what little remains of the Covenant's ground forces. Our starfighters should have cleared out the enemy in the next 30 minutes. Are the Lanterns in place?"

B1: "Yes sir. They are currently working together to destroy the enemy's rear line ORS."

Tex: "Understood. Focus our fire on the last ORS in the forward line."

30 Minutes Later...

POV Shadow Clone Rio (Suicide Fleet)

Rio: "All crew abandon ship. Set the guns to continue firing on the enemy's last ship."

Crew: "Roger Roger."

I rush to the hangar. Once I arrive I deploy the Belbullab-22 Starfighter and quickly enter it. I manage to escape the hangar just as it explodes and the ship falls apart.

'That was too close.'

I fly my starfighter to attack the enemy SDV. It is the last ship the Covenant has in the rear line. I see Lex and Padme attacking the vessel. Our combined attacks destroy the SDV quickly.

Rio: "Thanks for the assistance."

Lex: "No problem. Sorry, we couldn't help sooner but we had to finish off another SDV."

Rio: "I understand. Now we should begin getting ready to stop those wishing to flee."

Lex: "Hopefully we will have enough energy left to stop them."

Rio: "I have 12 Proton Torpedoes on this ship. I should be able to disable their engines at least."

POV Snake

I was coordinating the defense of FOB 4 when we got the alert that the enemy rear line had been destroyed.

'Hopefully, this means some will surrender but I doubt that.'

Snake: "We need to destroy the last 4 Scarab Tanks. If they get in the shield they will cause a lot of damage."

Carter-A259: "We can't deal with them unless they get in range. And to get them in range we would have to leave the shield."

Neji: "Not necessarily. The enemy numbers are only half a million. we could rush the enemy positions with the Undead and then sneak Armstong near the tanks. His Waybig transformation can distract the enemy armor long enough for our Tridroids to bring them down."

Carter: "If we do that the enemy will likely choose to use orbital bombard our positions even if it costs them ships."

Snake: "Losing the Tridorids and undead would be acceptable as Rio can always make more. Lastly, Armstrong can transform into Amfibian to survive the bombardment."

Carter: "Fine, let's use your strategy."

We all agree to use Neji's strategy which starts with flooding the enemy with Undead. Serana casts an invisibility spell on Armstrong to allow him to get close to the enemy tanks. Once he arrives he transforms into Waybig.

Armstrong: "Waybig!"

'I wonder if everyone has to yell the name of the transformation or is it just something he does for fun?'

I look through the Macrobinoculars to the enemy positions. I see the undead are losing numbers quickly. Thankfully the Tridroids choose this time to appear and begin attacking the enemy armor. I have to look away as I see the enemy deploying forces on our left flank.

Snake: "Noble Team you will have visitors soon. Looks like the enemy is deploying the remaining forces they have."

Alerts go off and I have to alert Armstrong quickly.

Snake: "Armstrong transform now!"

I see Waybig vanish just as a massive bombardment begins of the entire area.

'It seems the enemy is really desperate they are bombarding the entire area surrounding the base except for the East entrance.'

After the incredible light show ends I look back out to the field and see that only the East side is not glassed. I take stock of our losses.

'All Tridorids, Cherubims, Undead, and Crab Droids destroyed. Spider Droids are repositioned and the B2's are also ready to stop the enemy. We lost some MTTs and AATs but we still have enough left to cause a lot of damage.'

I make sure all our forces are ready to stop the invaders.

'They won't take this FOB!'

POV Rio Blue Leader

I had just destroyed what my sensors detected as the last enemy starfighter.

Rio: "Tex, my sensors are showing no more enemy starfighters. Do your sensors say the same?"

Tex: "Affirmative. All enemy starfighters have been eliminated. Enemy capital ships have been reduced to 17 CCSs and 41 SDVs. My readings show only 130 Trifighters have enough fuel and ammo to continue the fight. Lead the combat-worthy starfighters to run interference while the bombers begin their runs."

Rio: "Copy that."

I look to Green Leader who is now flying in a T-65 X-Wing and we nod at each other. I lead half while he leads the other half. I fly towards the nearest CCS. It doesn't take long for 24 new contacts to appear on my sensors.

Rio: "All wings focus fire on the Point Defense cannons."

Droids: "Roger Roger."

We disable the cannons and I watch the Hyena's drop their payload.


We repeat the cycle until the Hyenas run out of bombs and have to retreat. By the time they ran out, we had destroyed 16 out of 17 of the CCSs.

Tex: "Blue Leader fighter swap out will begin shortly."


I see another Munificent explode.

Rio: "We won't last much longer. We need to call in the clones."

Tex: "I was told only to send them in if we have no other options."

Rio: "Our fleet has been almost completely destroyed. We have 3 Munificents left and the Providences. We can't afford to lose any more ships."

Tex: "Very well I will send in the request."

POV Clone Pilot Gold Leader (Clipper)

Beep Beep

Clipper: "All right boys. The clanker has sent in the order to attack the enemy. All groups assume attack coordinates."

Pilots: "Copy that."

Clipper: "All craft prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark."

Pilots: "All right standby."

(AN: play The Battle Of Endor Theme ( Star Wars ) on YouTube for the music of this particular section.)

We jump into the system and I see the condition of our fleet.

Clipper: "All wings accelerate to attack speed. Choose your targets. Once your payload has been delivered retreat to the rendezvous point."

Shadow Leader: "Copy that Gold Leader."

I maneuver the bomber to target the rearmost SDV. I have to dodge numerous plasma fires but I manage to get close enough to drop my payload.


'One down a few more to go.'

Gold 13: "I am reading unknown contacts coming from FOB 4. Do we have any idea who they are?"

Gold Leader: "Blue Leader we have possible contacts moving to intercept us. We need you to cover us."

Blue Leader: "Understood, I am moving to intercept now."

I see the Arwing speed up rapidly and move to intercept the unknown contacts. I manage to drop the rest of my munitions and prepare to jump into hyperspace.

Gold Leader: "This is Gold Leader I have dropped my munitions and I am heading to the rendezvous point."

Shadow Leader: "Understood Gold Leader, I will take command from here."

I jump into hyperspace and leave behind the battlefield.


B1: "The last of the Clones has dropped their bombs and has successfully retreated. No causalities were reported."

Tex: "Excellent. I want all ships to maximize fire into the last enemy ship."

B1: "Roger Roger."

With the remaining ships all focusing their firepower on the last SDV, we finish it off quickly. Once it had been destroyed and I could confirm the last of the enemy navy had been destroyed I started to collect data on our losses.

'We lost 199 Dreadnought Heavy Cruisers, 23 Munificents, 8397 Vulture Droids, 121 Trifighters, 3 FOBs, and 2 Providneces have taken moderate damage. The surviving Munificents and Dreadnought will take extensive repairs but can be put back into service. No clone causalities'


Authors Note:

That battle is over and now we move into the aftermath of the battle. This is also the end of the first Arc. Also after the next chapter will be Gacha. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until Next Time Ciao.

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