
Bye Bye Primordials

I open a Gate and Marceline walks through. I decided to make her more powerful while also getting rid of the Primordials.

Marceline: "Sup."

Rio: "Are you ready to absorb the Primordial's essence?"

Marceline: "Yeah I should have no problem doing it. You will have to kill them first as from what you described their strength as I can't beat them on my own."

Rio: "From what I have learned I have already killed the numbers 1, 2, and 4 in terms of strength. So the only one I need to be cautious of is the 3rd and maybe the 5th. Beyond that, I doubt the others will be much of an issue. 7, 8, 9, and 10 are only technically Primordials. You could probably take any single one at a time."

Marceline: "Really? I thought they were supposed to be the most powerful of the Vampires."

Rio: "That was what I thought originally but the Bestiary and the memories I received make it clear that the Primordials are actually just the oldest and technically the original Vampires. I killed the 1st Vampire before he even had a chance to resist. I now know I was extremely lucky. If he had been awake I most definitely would have never been able to defeat him. He was leagues beyond any other Vampire in existence. He was at least 5 times stronger than the 2nd and dozens of times stronger than the 4th. The top 5 are all very strong. The lower 5 not so much. The lower 5 were given Vampirism by a demon or some other outside source but they were given weaker strains of it. The Ancient One and many Sorcerers have slain the oldest Vampires during the beginning era. So technically the lower 5 are only there by default. They are not that strong but they have survived this long."

Marceline: "Wait the Ancient One has slain many of the oldest Vampires? Why didn't she kill all of them?"

Rio: "Yes an Ancient One killed many of the original Vampires but it was a past Ancient One. The Ancient One is more of a title than a single being. The title is usually held by every Sorcerer Supreme. As for why the Ancient One of the time didn't kill all of them, it was because they couldn't find all of them and the 1st Vampire had killed a previous Ancient One and struck a deal with future Sorcerer Supremes. They can hunt Vampires but not the Primordials. In exchange, he wouldn't get involved with the Sorcerer's business and would stay out of mortal affairs."

Marceline: "With the 1st dead does that mean the Ancient One will get involved?"

Rio: "Unlikely, she would have to learn the 1st is dead and further gather up a group to go kill the Vampires. She is strong, but not strong enough to kill the top 5 by herself even without the 1st. They would overwhelm her. So many Sorcerers would die and Earth would be weak to dimensional invasions. The Ancient One's first and primary goal is defending Earth from foreign threats. Vampires have never been a massive threat as their numbers never got too large. The highest number they ever had was just under 100k. The Dimensional Lords have armies in the Millions to Billions. Thus the logical choice is to let normal humans deal with the Vampires while she deals with bigger threats. Though she occasionally sends a Sorcerer to kill Vampires."

Marceline: "That seems like a bad situation but I can't blame them for not dealing with them given the circumstances. Humans can't defeat anything above a Higher Vampire right?"

Rio: "Yes, that is the exact problem with their plan. Humans are not strong enough to kill Elders and above. Even Captain America would lose against an Elder Vampire. So in other words the plan would have never succeeded."

Marceline: "Did anyone else help kill the Vampires?"

Rio: "Yeah there is an Angel Dimension and they would occasionally invade the Hell Dimension or attack the Vampires. They had just finished an invasion of Hell a few years ago so their numbers are very low. They have to take good karma souls to 'Heaven' to be reincarnated as an Angel to replenish their numbers."

Marceline: "Are they friendly?"

Rio: "Yeah, you could technically say they are. They are a bit too arrogant for their own good and they don't like getting involved in mortal affairs but from the memories I have they attack the Vampires whenever they gather in big groups or their numbers surpass 50k. That's why the 1st was at the summit. The 1st knew that if he was there the Angels would never attack the summit. Like I said earlier he was insanely powerful. The Ancient One with the Time Stone wouldn't be able to kill him or even defeat him."

Marceline: "So what are you going to have me do?"

Rio: "I will send you to the location of the 10th with a Shadow Clone. Kill him and absorb his essence then the Clone will send you to the locations of the 9th up to the 6th. Once you have killed them and got stronger I should be done with the 3rd and 5th."

Marceline: "Seems easy enough. What powers do the lower 5 have?"

Rio: "Here, this book contains all you will need to know about them."

Marceline takes the book and after reading up on the 10th gives me a thumbs up. I send her with a clone to the hiding place of the 10th. After that, I used Gate to get to the location of the 5th and 3rd as they are currently in the same place. My disguise this time is Sephiroth. I make sure to appear not right in front of them but instead outside their hiding place where I can stealthily kill the lower Vampires they have serving them. It takes less than an hour to slay all the servant Vampires and reach the chambers where the 3rd and 5th are waiting for me. I open the door and see both of them staring at me.

3rd: "Hmm, so you are the intruder. I have never seen an Angel like you before. What foolishness made you think you could kill us?"

Rio: "You 2 are alone here with minimal Vampires. The 1st and 2nd aren't here meaning I can kill you."

5th: "Please, we may not be as strong as the 1st or 2nd but we are still 2 of the strongest Vampires in existence. Your arrogance will be your undoing."

Rio: "Is that so? Well, I suppose you can fight my Angel friends while I deal with the 3rd."

5th: "Angel friends. I don't sense anyone other than you here."

I move my hands and 4 Cherubims and 40 Principalities appear and attack the 5th. The 5th has to start dodging and that gets him away as the 3rd begins to attack me. I dodge and lead her to the room nearby as I actually want this Vampire's memories as she and the 5th are fairly active in the mundane world. As I lead the 3rd to the trap I set I make sure to taunt her.

Rio: "I expected more speed or strength from the so-called 3rd strongest Vampire. If this is all you got I might not have needed the backup Angels."

3rd: "You stupid Pidgeon have no idea what you are dealing with."

I have to dodge many spikes of blood and projectiles of magic. As I dodge I realize that the 3rd is becoming more transparent.

'Perfect, she is finally using that skill of hers. Now just a bit further and...'

Rio: "Now!"

A massive magic barrier turns on and traps the 3rd while also doing substantial damage to her in her incorporeal form.

3rd: "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

I quickly use some spells to further damage and weaken her. Before she can break the barrier she collapses as the second effect is activated. I added a gravity spell to the array that increases gravity by a factor of 500. She is strong but the sudden change in gravity causes her to be smashed into the floor and I can use this opportunity to have my clone activate the custom sealing Jutsu. It makes it so the afflicted is put into a coma-like state. It would only work if she was weakened thus my trap. I then make sure she is disabled and use Drain Knowledge on her before killing her. I leave to see how the Angels are doing. I see all but 3 Cherubims are dead but the 5th has been disabled for the time being.

Rio: "Great job! Now let's finish this."

I pull a special coffin from my inventory. The coffin is filled with magic seals and Sealing Jutsus. It is also made of Vibranium. I designed it specifically to seal the 5th so I could kill them later. I had to kill the 3rd but I can keep the 5th alive for Marceline to kill.

Rio: "Okay that is it. He won't be able to escape that. Now begin scraping this place."

I begin meditating and processing the memories.

6 Hours Later...

A Gate opens and I look up to see Maceline walk through. She seems to be in a bit roughed up.

Rio: "How did your hunt go?"

Marceline: "I killed and absorbed 4 of them. The 9th was stronger than I expected and managed to nearly kill me by blowing up the town he was living in. That is why my clothes are pretty messed up. The others weren't as troublesome. The 9th was just very paranoid. Oh, and the clone you sent me with stayed behind to scrap everything he and Team Galactic could get."

Rio: "I am sorry to hear what happened. You are okay right?"

Marceline: "Yeah I am fine. I just want to take a bath now. I assume you have 2 more Vampires for me to absorb."

Rio: "Only one. The other needed to be killed. I am ready to use Drain Knowledge so we can kill the 5th real quick."

I grab the coffin and drain the 5th then let Marceline absorb his power before he dies.

Marceline: "Woah, that guy was super strong. I won't be able to absorb anything else for a while as I need to process what I have already. Can you open a Gate home?"

Rio: "Sure thing and thank you for the help with the remaining Vampires."

Marceline: "No problem and thanks for giving me the additional power."

Once Marceline leaves I check the progress of everyone. I see the Angels and clones have finished scrapping for the most part. I create another clone to start sending people to take the resources of the 3rd while I work on processing the memories of the 5th. I pause as I realize I haven't finished the quest Kindred Judgement.

'That's weird. Did I miss some Vampires? Maybe the 5th's memories might tell me of other survivors.'

5 Hours Later...

I make another clone to collect the 5th's resources while I go home and use the Palantir to find the last Vampire Coven.

'Hmm, this coven is strange. According to the memories I gained they live in a pocket dimension. The dimension was sealed by the previous Ancient One. Though no one seems to know why they were sealed. The 5th only knew that the 1st and 2nd helped the previous Ancient One seal these Vampires. I will have to go to the 1st's underground palace to learn more.'

I check what I gained from the killing of these remaining Vampires.


[Killed Vampire Thralls + 5425 XP]

[Killed Vampires + 3000 XP]

[Killed Higher Vampires + 5000 XP]

[Killed Elder Vampires + 4000 XP]

[Killed Primordial Vampires + 20000 XP]

[Drained Knowledge = + 17 Intelligence]

[Level Up]

[Level: 73]


'Not bad, I might have missed out on killing the other Primordials but I am willing to accept that loss since I doubt I would have got 20k for each of the lower 5. Now let's go to that palace.'


Authors Note:

Rio gave up the potential XP as Marceline can only absorb the essence of things that are still alive. When Rio kills something the system acknowledges it is completely dead. So no essence can be taken. Rio wants Marceline to become stronger so she can help in future endeavors. Also next chapter should be the second to the end of the Vampire threat. Until next time Ciao.

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