
The magic armor part 1

The magic armor... according to Orsted my version of the future developed a battle armor following the concept of the armor of the god of fighting

With the help of Zanoba, Clifth and....Hitogami....my future version developed a super powerful armor to fight against Orsted..

According to Orsted, this armor put him on the ropes and made him spend a lot of his mana.

In short, the magic armor is the greatest weapon that my version of the future had against his enemies.

And there are currently 3 versions of this armor

And today...I'm going to train with version number 2

Or as my version of the future colloquially called it: "MK2"

This is the lesser powerful version of the armor but that doesn't mean that it's weak

This armor increases my strength and speed to points where I could compare myself to a sword saint and according to Orsted I used it to jump huge distances and with wind magic I cushioned my falls

In the palms of the hands the armor has magic absorption stones and inside the armor there are holy rank healing scrolls.

In short, even with this armor my power increases considerably.



I am currently on the outskirts of Sharia.

Alek and Orsted are with me and we are in front of a super thick stone box

This is the MK2 container box

With earth magic I undid the lid of the box which revealed an armor that reminded me of the medieval armor of the Middle Ages in my world.

The armor is a dark earth gray and at first glance you can see that it is very heavy.

According to Orsted, the first prototypes of armor consumed enormous amounts of mana the larger the armor was.

But after several decades that problem was solved and now the armors are functional and consume minuscule amounts of mana.



-So...this is the magic armor-I asked looking at the armor in front of me.

-Yes, but this is its light version, even so while you are carrying it your strength, resistance and speed will increase considerably- Orsted said dryly.

-Okay- I said as I put on the armor

Each part of this is very heavy, at least about About 20 kilos each piece

I finished putting on my armor and Orsted told me to pump mana into it until I was comfortable.

I did what he told me and poured mana into the armor and felt it getting lighter and lighter.

After adjusting the weight until it was no longer a nuisance Orsted spoke

-Rudeus, today we will train with this magic armor until you are used to it, after that your real training will begin, Yesterday was easy because you only learned new spells but now you will learn about melee combat and it won't be as nice-Orsted said

Oh shit here we go...

-Due to your natural lack of Touki, fencing would not be an option...but...this armor is something different than I've ever seen, at first it was like an artificial multiplier but you'll have realized That you feel stronger and lighter with her, right?- Orsted said as he pointed his gaze at my muscles.

It's true....Could it be possible?!...

-Your future version updated it to the point that this specific armor became an artificial Touki, But because he developed it to its maximum state at an advanced age he could not take full advantage of it., but now you are here, with this armor like you Touki, you will be able to learn Fencing to its full potential- said Orsted while looking me in the eyes

-Fencing?!.... Y-you mean swords?, fighting with swords?!.... I-i thought that would be i-impossible for me b-but.....-I managed to stutter with difficulty

I could see how Alek found my surprise funny so I forced myself to speak well.


-Mr. Orsted, is it really possible for me to learn sword fighting with this armor?- I asked anxiously And hopeful

-Have you become Deaf? I just told you yes, Alek and I will teach you- said Orsted dryly and with a frown.

Man, I was expecting a different reaction... but what did I expect? It's Orsted...

-Okay...so what do I need to learn first?- I asked.

-Like normal Touki, this one must be controlled and manipulated with precision, so that's what we'll do from now on to later train you in fencing, but...We will train today and tomorrow we will return to the chaos breaker to talk to Peragius again and for you to see Nanahoshi- said Orsted

-I see... Nanahoshi huh? I asked him how he would react when he saw me- I murmured.

-He'll probably think you're an impostor or faint on the spot hehe- said Alek

-Yes...yes hahaha probably..- I said anxiously



As I suspected, training your body and even more your Touki turned out to be too difficult...

Orsted spent the next three hours training me.The forms that Orsted taught me were those that the Dragon God Urupen had developed and left behind four hundred years ago. He was known more colloquially as one of the Three Godslayers, which also made him one of Perugius' comrades.

Among all the Dragon Gods in history, Urupen had the smallest mana reserve, at 

less according to Orsted. He was the weakest of all the candidates for the title of Dragon God of the era, and no one believed that he would achieve it. But it was Urupen who developed a style of Totally new and unique Dragon God. With this, he was not only able to claim the title for himself, but also played a fundamental role in the defeat of Laplace. Urupen continued being revered in modern times as the most outstanding genius in history.

The Dragon God of Urupen's style was to use the least amount of mana and power 

possible to corner an opponent. Orsted managed to locate the book of secrets he left 

back and successfully used it to teach himself the Urupen fighting style and technique. par excellence: "the Touki of the Sacred Dragon".

Although I obviously couldn't learn that technique, Orsted used Urupen's knowledge to help me train my own "Touki."

The part about not using mana wasn't very useful to me, but the idea of ​​immobilizing an opponent with minimal effort was something I could understand. Furthermore, his style of interweaving the arts martial arts with magic in close combat suited me and my Magic Armor.

Today's plan included mentally simulating coordinated attacks. The first was my 

Stone Canyon. With a direct hit, he was even capable of injuring Orsted. Its power was 

amazing, on the same level as the Sword of Light. That made it the natural axis of my 

coordinated attacks.

Next was Quagmire. I had used it so many times that it was my spell. 

repertoire that could be conjured more quickly. It was best to place it at the opponent's feet when he was advancing at full speed, where it served as a good launching point to go on the offensive.

Electric took a little longer to cast than Quagmire, but it was very effective, since 

could pierce through a person's battle aura and paralyze them. On many occasions, 

Electric worked against opponents unaffected by Quagmire. The best was 

combine them: use Electric first and then follow it with Quagmire. Once I had my 

immobilized enemy, i could use Deep Fog or Frost Nova to unbalance him.

Recapitulating, this was the main outline:

Quagmire → The enemy makes a move → I use magic to respond → They make 

another move → I respond to that with my magic again, immobilize them, and hit them with a Stone Canyon.

all thanks to Alek who was my training partner, and what better partner than one of the 7 world powers, right?

Yeah. Talking about it was easy enough. The main problem was that some swordsmen 

could cut through mana and magic alike, and there was no guarantee that it would give them I corner every time. It was very likely that any supplementary magic he tried. 

was ineffective. That made it difficult.

It's only been half the day and it's been incredibly productive, but we still have a lot to see...

give me stones and I will give you more chapter

equivalent exchange

Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts
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