

The tension in the air was chocking. Father and son were locked in an epic staring contest while Jurg was watching everything from the side. He didn't know why producers spent millions paying actors and actresses to say their lines, this was an Oscar worthy performance that was playing out in front of him. This was the kind of things he would gladly squander his salary on.

"You don't mean what you said" Chris said after what seemed like an eternity of silence.

"I do" Omari replied. His gaze didn't waver in the slightest as they locked with his father's.

He had just disrespected and defied his father inside that hospital room but he didn't care. He'd do it again. He wouldn't allow anyone to get in the way of him and playing football. Football was ... The most important thing to him, for now at least. Would he regret doing what he just did? Probably. But he didn't care. He only cared about one thing at that moment.

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