
Chapter 71: Encounter with the Police

The environment around the Inca temple was calm and undisturbed, with the natural landscape creating a picturesque backdrop. Ward and May were strategically positioned, alert for any sign of threat. Both were accustomed to missions in challenging terrain, and the dense vegetation seemed to hide more than just ancient mysteries.

As they kept watch, a series of distinct noises emerged from the forest, breaking the silence. Ward and May exchanged quick glances, both understanding what they needed to do. Without hesitation, they moved toward the sound, keeping their weapons ready and prepared for any eventuality.

The vegetation slowly parted, revealing the source of the noise. Ward and May found themselves face to face with a group of men who appeared to be in the middle of a skirmish. Weapons were drawn, and the situation seemed tense. The fight that was unfolding was not against rebels, but against a group of Peruvian police.

"Identify yourself!" — Ward shouted, trying to get the men's attention.

The officers, visibly surprised by Ward and May's presence, tried to react quickly. Ward moved with precision, skillfully neutralizing some of the men. May, at his side, demonstrated her own dexterity, efficiently disarming and immobilizing the officers.

Just as the confrontation was beginning to escalate, a new Peruvian police car arrived on the scene. From the door of the vehicle, a woman with a commanding posture and an air of authority stepped out, accompanied by her subordinates. The tension in the air increased, but it also brought the promise of clarification.

Ward, always attentive to changes on the battlefield, approached the radio and communicated to Coulson.

"Coulson, this is Ward. We have a situation with the Peruvian police here. There is a confrontation with some of the officers. We need instructions."

Coulson's response was quick, and the communication was clear. Coulson, with his usual efficiency, arrived at the scene in a short time, heading directly to where the officers were gathered.

Coulson, upon landing, began communicating in Spanish with the Peruvian police officers. His fluency and confidence helped to defuse the situation. Ward and May, who were watching from a safe distance, could see that Coulson's conversation was having a positive effect.

The woman in charge, identified by Coulson as Commander Camila Reyes, was surprised to see Coulson and said,

"Phillip?" Coulson quickly recognized her and the tension in the air began to ease, and the officers began to lower their weapons. Coulson's diplomatic approach seemed to be resolving the conflict.

After communicating and identifying the situation, Coulson paused to approach Ward and May, and the situation was now under control.

"Ward, May, I would like to introduce you to Commander Camila Reyes. She is in command of the Peruvian police unit responsible for this area," Coulson began, indicating the woman at his side.

Commander Reyes, with her firm and respectable posture, approached Ward and May, extending her hand in a gesture of greeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for resolving the situation so efficiently," Camila Reyes said, with an expression of respect and relief.

Ward shook her hand with a cordial smile.

"Commander Reyes, it's a pleasure. I'm sorry for the confusion, we were just securing the area around the temple."

May also extended her hand and greeted Reyes, with a friendly look.

"Yes, sorry for any misunderstanding. We are here to ensure the mission is safe and effective."

Reyes gave a brief smile and looked at Coulson, who continued to monitor the situation.

"I understand, Coulson. I appreciate your cooperation and the quick resolution of the problem. I will coordinate with my team to ensure the area remains secure," Reyes said, with a voice that conveyed a sense of control and authority.

Coulson nodded in acknowledgement.

— Thank you, Commander. The SHIELD team will continue to investigate the temple. If you need anything or have any further information, please contact us.

Reyes nodded, and Coulson turned to Ward and May.

— It appears we have managed to resolve the situation without any further complications. Let us return to the temple and continue our investigation.

Ward and May nodded, ready to resume their duties. The presence of the Peruvian police, now with the situation under control and clarified, provided a significant relief. They were once again focused on the mission at hand, with a clearer understanding of what was happening around the temple.

With the SHIELD team ready to move forward, Ward and May returned to the temple, where Coulson, Fitz, Simmons, and Skye were waiting. The temple still held many secrets, and the discovery of Object 0-8-4 remained a priority.

As they prepared to continue their mission, the atmosphere around them was marked by collaboration.

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