
Extra 2

Fully completed story on:



Extra 2

*♪ Ding, ding, ding ♪

- Peter, would you mind? - Allen glanced at my bag with a question.

- No!' she replied irritably, almost attracting the attention of the Chemistry teacher.

While I was mixing reagents, Liz was taking notes. Since she didn't have much work to do, she spent most of her time eyeing me with a suspicious squint.

*♪ Zing, zing, zing ♪

- How many times, huh? - Distracting myself from the test tubes, I reached into my bag, where I muted my phone completely.

- And who's been texting you so insistently--

*♪ Brrr-brrrr ♪

Which didn't help much, for instead of a quiet ringtone the whole class was now hearing a vibrating noise.

- Peter, really, who--

*♪ Brrr-brrrr ♪

- Parker, turn off your vibrator!

- Nice one, Flash, that was a good one!

While I was distracted by the two moronic jocks, Allen grabbed my bag in annoyance and pulled out my phone. Unlocking the screen and opening the correspondence, the irritation on Liz's face was replaced by a blush and wide-open eyes.

- Is this the one...? - Moving over to me in my chair, Allen asked in a whisper.

Looking around, it was hard to tell if the whispering was working. For Mary Jane is glaring at me, Betty is giggling, having been misled about her correspondence with Allen, and Gwen is glancing indifferently at Liz and me from time to time.

- You're not sleeping with the heroine, are you, Peter? - pointed a finger at the correspondence with Lady Deadpool Allen.

- Haaaa...

I've never regretted sex as much as I do when I meet this nutcase. I thought there was a rule about not writing for three days, right? Well, in Lady Deadpool's mind, that rule lasts for three minutes. For she started writing to me before I was even down the lift in the house where we slept together.

It started with an erotic retelling of her body breaking down after our night together. After that it was time to talk about fantasies and fetishes. Then she started talking about her childhood and past, for that is where the legs of fetishes grow from. Then the story of personal drama began.... Chimichanga recipe, and then the nudes.

- That's not her, is it? - Liz opened one of those where Lady Deadpool was nude almost completely, except for her mask, in the shower.

In the less than twenty-four hours since we'd met, she'd sent me five hundred and seventeen messages of completely different content.

- No, not her... It's a crazy cosplayer... - put his palm to his forehead and lied almost to Allen's face.

- Peter, you don't sleep with crazy people. - With lowered eyebrows and a serious look, Liz said.

- I'm aware of that... - I think I'm about to run out of memory on my smartphone because of Lady Deadpool's messages...

- Um... Listen. - Tucking a golden strand behind her ear, Allen set my bag aside. - How many girls, besides me... Are you seeing?

- Why do you care? - I asked Liz indifferently about her completely meaningless question.

- Look, is it hard to answer?

Allen's pressure really made me think about her question. Besides her, I had six girls. Celine, the bloodthirsty vampire who'd almost taken my life and most likely wanted vengeance for last night's encounter. Bobbi, the blonde girl we'd had one single encounter with, after which she'd dropped off the radar. Blink is Celine's assistant, who's pretty self-explanatory. Pepper is a woman in love with Stark, who I was essentially working for as a prostitute. An Asian vampire woman I didn't know. And finally, a crazy message writer.

- ...It turns out I'm only seeing you. - I suddenly realised that my only constant partner is Allen. That's kind of freaky considering our relationship before the incident....

- Oh, is that so? - Liz suddenly brightened up. - Hey, you didn't say that just to make me happy, did you?

- Why would that even make you happy?

- Forget it! - playfully rather than seriously, Allen punched me in the shoulder.

Distracting myself from Allen, why are there such complicated expressions on the faces of my classmates? Someone else has also tweaked the level of flame in MJ's eyes. Betty now sits surprised and with her mouth open. And in the back rows.

- Hey, Flash, Parker seems to be turning you into a cuckold..... - the football players are dangerously close to the truth.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha! Parker?! He doesn't have the guts! - God bless the peculiarity of certain ones.

The only one not paying any attention to the conversation going on between me and Allen was Gwen, who just sat there looking away....


Turning my head towards my briefcase to once again try to reach Lady Deadpool's mind, my hand was stopped by Allen pointing towards the third floor window with shock.

- Coo-coo~! - Through which Lady Deadpool was looking at me and waving her hand, the other holding onto suction cups as if escaped from the cartoons of the noughties.

Putting a dick in a nutjob really was a mistake....

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